Let's talk

Busy learning how to use powers? 

Pei Xingcheng scoffed at those words. He knew she was lying. She was avoiding him because of the kiss, and he knew that. "If you are not avoiding me, why are you not talking to me?" he questioned. 

"What are you? The king of this world? Or my master that I need to stay next to you 24x7 and talk to all the time?" she sneered, rolling her eyes. "Apart from hovering around you, I have other things to do, Xingcheng." 

Pei Xingcheng pursed his lips slowly, feeling slightly hurt. Why was she talking to him in this tone? Did she hate him because he kissed her? But when he kissed her, she didn't push him away. Infact, she kissed him back, which meant that she must have liked his kiss. 

He might not remember the past three years of his life, but he knew for a fact that he was a good kisser. Then what was the problem? Why was she avoiding him? 

"Miss Ghost, are you upset because I kis—"