A trip to the village

The last moments of daylight bathed the sky in a mesmerizing display of orange and purple, casting elongated shadows across the deserted and neglected lawn. Adjusting the cap on his head, Pei Xingcheng walked out of the mansion and approached his car. 

Today, they were going on a journey to fulfill Shi Leyun's final wish by visiting her relatives who currently lived in a remote village a three-hour drive from the city. Hence, as soon as his shoot was finished for the day, he asked Miss Ghost and Shi Leyun to prepare themselves for the trip. 

Initially, he felt anxious about explaining his whereabouts to his manager, Tang Qin. He was also constantly accompanied by bodyguards, making it challenging to navigate the situation. Because he was acting on behalf of Shi Leyun and going to the village for her purpose, he couldn't bring his bodyguard along.