
The students had been training for weeks, but the showcase was the culmination of their hard work. They knew that it was a make or break moment, and the pressure was immense. Each day brought them closer to the event, and their nerves grew more intense with every passing moment.

As the day of the showcase drew near, some students couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. The prospect of going to different organizations after the showcase was daunting, and they couldn't shake off the fear of the unknown. However, others remained optimistic, excited about the possibilities that lay ahead.

The showcase was split into three main events. The first event was a fight against five robots in a 5 v 1 situation. The students knew that this would be their chance to showcase their combat skills and how they could handle themselves in a battle. The robots were specially designed to simulate real-life combat scenarios, and the students had to use all of their training to come out on top.

The second event was a run, which tested the students' endurance and stamina. They had to run as far as they could without stopping, and the distance covered would determine their ranking in this event. This was a test of mental and physical strength, and the students knew they had to push themselves to their limits to succeed.

The final event was the most anticipated one - showing off their inner in front of the organizations. This was the moment where they would showcase their unique abilities, and it was a chance to impress and gain recognition from the organizations. The students knew that this event was critical, and they had to put on their best performance to stand out from the rest.

The day of the showcase had finally arrived, and the students were all lined up and ready to go. They were filled with a mix of nerves and excitement as they prepared to demonstrate their skills and abilities to the various organizations in attendance.

As Taizen entered the arena, he couldn't help but feel a surge of adrenaline rush through his veins. The crowd cheered as the five robots were released from their chambers, and he knew that he had to be quick on his feet if he wanted to come out of this alive.

The first robot charged at him, its metal claws glinting in the bright lights. Taizen swiftly dodged its attack and sliced off one of its arms with his katana. But he knew that he couldn't celebrate his victory just yet, as the other four robots were already on the move.

As he turned to face them, the second robot lunged at him with its razor-sharp tail. Taizen jumped back just in time, but the third robot managed to catch him off guard and landed a punch that sent him flying across the arena.

Pain shot through his body as he landed on the hard floor, but Taizen refused to give up. He quickly got up and dashed towards the fourth robot, his katana at the ready. This robot was taller and heavier than the others, and its armor was thicker.

Taizen knew that he had to strike at the weak points, so he aimed for the joints and managed to dismantle one of its legs. But the robot was still functioning, and it swung its massive arm at him. Taizen managed to duck just in time, but he could feel the wind of the attack brushing past his hair.

The fifth and final robot was the most dangerous of them all. It was smaller and more agile, and it had razor-sharp blades for hands. Taizen knew that he had to be careful, so he waited for the robot to make the first move.

It lunged at him with incredible speed, and Taizen barely managed to block its attack with his katana. The robot spun around and attacked again, but Taizen was ready this time. He sidestepped the attack and delivered a powerful blow to the robot's head, knocking it out.

The crowd erupted into cheers as Taizen stood victorious in the center of the arena, his katana held high. He knew that this was just the first part of the showcase, and he had to continue to prove himself in the other events. But for now, he allowed himself to bask in the glory of his hard-earned victory.

As the endurance run began, the students set off at a steady pace, with Taizen leading the way. The route took them through a winding forest trail, with steep inclines and rocky terrain. The air was thick with humidity, making it hard for the students to catch their breath.

But the challenges didn't end there. Suddenly, the sound of mechanical whirring filled the air, and the students were confronted with a swarm of small, agile robots blocking their path. These robots were equipped with sharp blades and lasers, making them a formidable obstacle to overcome.

Taizen quickly assessed the situation and sprang into action. He drew his katana and began slicing through the robots with lightning speed and precision. His friends followed his lead, using their own weapons to take down the robots and clear the way forward.

As they continued running, the robots kept coming. They were relentless, determined to stop the students from completing the endurance run. But Taizen refused to give up. With each step, he grew stronger and more determined, driving himself to push through the pain and exhaustion.

Hours passed, and the sun began to set, casting an orange glow over the forest. Most of the students had dropped out by now, unable to keep up with the grueling pace and the onslaught of robots. But Taizen remained, his eyes fixed on the finish line.

Finally, after six long hours of running and fighting, Taizen crossed the finish line, breathless but triumphant. His friends followed soon after, all of them exhausted but exhilarated by the challenge they had just overcome.

Despite not having access to inner, Taizen had proven himself to be a force to be reckoned with. His endurance and fighting skills were unmatched, and he had earned the respect and admiration of his peers and trainers alike.

As the final event approached, Taizen knew he couldn't participate in showcasing his inner. But that didn't stop him from wanting to prove himself. He decided to take on ten robots by himself, determined to show off his skills.

The crowd erupted with excitement as the robots entered the arena. They were bigger and faster than any robot Taizen had ever faced before. But he stood his ground and prepared for battle.

The robots charged towards Taizen, but he was quick on his feet, dodging and weaving to avoid their attacks. With swift and precise movements, he took out the first robot with a swing of his katana. The other robots circled him, analyzing his movements and waiting for the right moment to strike.

Taizen remained calm and focused, analyzing the robots' movements and looking for any weaknesses. He spotted an opening and charged towards a group of robots, his daggers flashing in the light. He spun and kicked, knocking two robots down, before leaping into the air and slicing through another.

The crowd was on their feet, cheering and shouting as Taizen continued his onslaught. He took on the robots with a fierce determination, showing off his strength and skill. With every robot he defeated, the crowd grew more and more excited.

As the last robot fell, Taizen stood tall and proud, his weapons at his side. The crowd roared, clapping and cheering as Taizen basked in the adulation. The other students congratulated him on his impressive performance, acknowledging him as one of the strongest fighters in the school.

Despite not being able to showcase his inner, Taizen had proven himself in the most spectacular way possible. And as the showcase came to a close, he knew that he had made his mark on the school and on the world of Hitmen.

As Taizen watched the other students showcase their inner, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy. He had seen how much stronger and more powerful inner had made them, and he couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to have access to such abilities.

After the event, Taizen approached his friends Luna, Ragra, and Mionara, who had all showcased their inner. "Wow, you guys were incredible out there," Taizen said, impressed by what he had just witnessed. "I can't believe how much stronger inner makes you."

Luna, who had transformed into a fierce-looking cat beast during the event, smiled at Taizen. "It's amazing what we can do with inner," she said. "But don't worry, Taizen. You're still one of the strongest fighters here, even without inner."

Ragra nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you took on those robots like it was nothing," she said. "And the way you handled those weapons during the training sessions was impressive."

Mionara chimed in, "Besides, inner isn't everything. It's just one part of being a skilled fighter. You've got your own unique strengths, Taizen."

Taizen felt a surge of gratitude and pride hearing his friends' words. He knew they were right - he may not have access to inner, but he had other skills that made him a strong fighter. "Thanks, guys," he said, smiling. "I really appreciate it. And who knows, maybe one day I'll find my own inner."