Final Selection

The air was thick with tension as the hours slowly ticked by, each passing moment bringing the students closer to the end of the showcase. As the sun began to set outside, Mr. Piock's voice echoed through the halls, calling the students to gather in the main hall. Taizen, Ragra, and Mionara made their way there, hearts pounding with nervous anticipation.

When they arrived, they saw representatives from various organizations, all looking sharp and professional. Taizen recognized some of them from previous showcases, but he still couldn't shake the nerves that were knotting his stomach.

As the students took their seats, Mr. Piock addressed them all, his voice stern and serious. "This is it, students. The moment we've all been working towards. The organizations have been closely watching your performances and they will now select the students they wish to join them for the next three months."

Taizen's heart raced as he tried to read the expressions of the representatives. Were they impressed with his skills? Did they see potential in him? He couldn't tell, and the uncertainty only added to his anxiety.

As the tension in the air grew thick, Mr. Piock's voice boomed through the microphone, announcing each student's fate one by one. The crowd held their breaths as they waited for their names to be called out, hoping to be selected by their dream organization.

Suddenly, Mr. Piock's voice thundered through the hall, "Ragra Ironside, Assassin Organization!" The crowd erupted into cheers and applause as Ragra confidently made his way to the stage, grinning from ear to ear.

The excitement in the air grew even more palpable as Mr. Piock called out the next student, "Luna Forest, Berserker Organization!" Luna beamed with pride as she walked up to the stage, her transformation into a fearsome cat beast still fresh in everyone's minds.

The room fell silent as Mr. Piock's voice echoed through the hall once again, "Mionara Gutti, Beast Organization!" Mionara stepped forward with a calm confidence, looking determined to prove herself in the upcoming months.

Finally, Mr. Piock called out the last name on the list, "Taizen Silver, Beast Organization!" The crowd erupted into a frenzy of cheers and applause as Taizen stepped forward, a proud smile spreading across his face.

As the students dispersed to their respective organizations, Taizen couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and excitement. He knew that the next three months would be challenging, but he was ready to prove himself and come out even stronger on the other side.

Taizen was happy to hear that he and Mionara were going to the same organization, but he couldn't help feeling a little nervous about what was to come. He had heard that the Beast Organization was known for their brutal training and high expectations.

As the showcase ended, Taizen, Mionara Luna and Ragra congratulated each other on their successes and wished each other luck on their respective journeys.

"I can't believe we're actually leaving tomorrow. It feels like just yesterday we were starting our training together."

Luna nodded in agreement, "I know, it's going to be so weird not seeing you guys every day. But I'm excited to see what the Beserker organization has in store for me."

Ragra grinned, "Assassin organization, here I come. I can't wait to learn some new tricks."

Mionara smiled at Taizen, "At least we'll be together in the Beast organization, right?"

Taizen nodded, "Yeah, that's comforting. But I'm still nervous about what we'll be facing. I hope we're ready for it."

Taizen and Mionara spent the rest of the day preparing for their departure, packing their bags and making sure they had everything they needed.

Taizen, Mionara and the other four students who were selected to join the Beast organization had a quick meeting with the organization's representative before their training began the next day. The woman was in her 30s, no taller than 5'8, with white hair that seemed to be out of place. Her piercing stare sent chills down their spines as she congratulated them on their selection.

"Congratulations on being selected," the woman said with a chilling smile. "You all really impressed us today, hence why we picked you. We believe you will develop immensely within our organization."

But then, her tone and demeanor changed, turning dark and cold in an instant.

"However," she continued, "you may be happy to be selected, but this is where your life changes forever. You will see unimaginable things that you will never forget. It's about to get real, and your training is over. It's time to see the world for how it really is."

The woman's eyes narrowed as she spoke, and the students couldn't help but feel intimidated by her presence. "You will learn to fight for your life," she said, her voice dropping to a low growl. "You will face horrors that will make your blood run cold, and you will be pushed beyond your limits. You will learn to embrace the darkness within you and use it to survive."

Taizen and Mionara exchanged nervous glances, unsure if they were ready for what was to come. The woman's words echoed in their minds, making them feel small and insignificant in the face of the challenges ahead.

"Remember," the woman said, her voice rising to a crescendo, "you are no longer students. You are Beasts now. And beasts do not fear, they do not hesitate, and they do not back down. You will be tested, and you will prevail. Or you will die."

The students couldn't help but feel a shiver run down their spines as the woman's words hung in the air. They knew that this was only the beginning of their journey, and they had no idea what horrors awaited them. But they also knew that they had no choice but to face them head-on if they wanted to survive.

That night, Taizen couldn't sleep. He was anxious about what awaited him at the Beast Organization. He wondered if he was truly prepared for the challenges ahead. He tried to calm himself down by reminding himself of all the hard work he had put in during his training, but it didn't do much to ease his worries.

The students were escorted to the vehicle, which was heavily tinted and looked like it had been modified to ensure maximum security. As they got in, they couldn't help but notice the complete silence that filled the air. The beast organisation representative sat in the driver's seat and started the engine. The roar of the engine was deafening, and the students could feel the vibrations of the car shaking their entire bodies.

The representative turned to face them, and her face was now completely devoid of any expression. "I need you to understand something," she said in a cold and distant voice. "Once we arrive at Delria, you are no longer students. You are soldiers, and you will be treated as such. You will be pushed to your limits, and we will make sure that you become the best of the best. But let me be clear, the training you are about to undergo will not be easy. It will be brutal, it will be intense, and it will be unforgiving."

The students couldn't help but feel a shiver run down their spine. They had heard about the Beast Organisation's reputation for being the toughest organisation in the world, but they never thought it would be this terrifying. "We will strip you of your weaknesses, and make sure that you become a well-oiled machine," the representative continued. "You will learn to survive in the harshest of conditions, fight with every ounce of your being, and never give up, even if it means sacrificing yourself for the mission. You will learn to embrace the darkness within you, and use it to your advantage. You will become beasts, and you will be feared by your enemies."

The students couldn't help but feel a mixture of fear and excitement. They knew that this was what they had signed up for, but they had never expected it to be this intense. As the vehicle took off, they looked out the window and watched as the school disappeared into the distance. They knew that they were leaving their old lives behind, and that they were about to embark on a journey that would change them forever.