Kill or be Killed

The squad did not have any time to react to ricos death, as there was only 6 of them remaining and they still had to defeat 17 enemies including Jag who was most definitely lurking about in the shadows.

The sound of swords clashing filled the cave as the remaining agents fought against the enemy. The air was thick with tension and fear, as each second brought them closer to death.

Mionara was in the middle of his own battle, facing off against a group of enemies. His fire katanas were a blur as he sliced through the air, leaving a trail of flames behind. The enemies were powerful, but Mionara was determined to protect his comrades at all costs

One of the enemies lunged at him with a sword, but Mionara was too fast for them. He sidestepped the attack and slashed his katana across their chest, leaving a deep and gory wound. The enemy fell to the ground, writhing in pain.

Meanwhile, Taizen was locked in a fierce battle with a massive enemy. They exchanged blows, their swords clanging together with each strike. Taizen's movements were fluid and graceful, as he dodged and weaved around the enemy's attacks.

The enemy taunted Taizen, saying he was impressed with his potential, but it was all for naught. Taizen's eyes blazed with anger as he lunged forward with lightning-fast speed, slicing the enemy's head clean off. Blood sprayed everywhere as the body collapsed to the ground.

Mionara looked over at Taizen, amazed at the intensity and power he displayed. He had never seen Taizen so focused and ruthless before, and it made him wonder what else his comrade was capable of.

The fight continued, the remaining enemies still standing strong against the agents. But the fire in their hearts burned brighter than ever, and they fought with everything they had to avenge their fallen comrades and bring down the terrorist organization once and for all.

As Fiona and Riona joined the fray, they immediately spotted two enemies who looked quite fast and strong, but not superhuman. The twins moved with lightning speed, their claws gleaming in the dimly lit cave. One of the enemies lunged at Fiona, but she swiftly dodged the attack and retaliated with a flurry of quick slashes from her claws.

Riona had her hands full with her own opponent, who was a little more skilled than the other. He managed to dodge a few of her attacks before delivering a swift kick to her stomach, causing her to stagger backwards. But Riona wasn't one to give up easily. She quickly regained her balance and used her agility to dart around the enemy, slicing at him from every angle with her claws.

As they continued to fight, the enemies gradually began to tire, their attacks growing more sluggish. Fiona and Riona, on the other hand, seemed to be getting stronger with every passing moment. Their movements became more fluid, their strikes more precise, and soon enough they had dispatched their enemies with a few swift blows.

Panting heavily, Fiona and Riona regrouped with the rest of the squad, who were already in the midst of a fierce battle against the remaining enemies. The twins were determined to help their comrades bring down Jag and put an end to his reign of terror once and for all.

As the twins continued to battle their opponents with their claws, Taizen and Mionara were now facing a group of enemies together. The enemies were using their agility and speed to avoid the duo's attacks. One enemy even managed to land a hit on Taizen's arm, causing him to wince in pain.

Mionara quickly stepped in, using his fire katanas to block the enemy's next attack. Taizen seized the opportunity and sliced through the enemy with his katana. The two agents moved in perfect unison, taking down their opponents one by one.

However, as they were fighting, they heard a loud rumbling noise coming from deeper in the cave. It sounded like a stampede of some sort. Suddenly, Jag emerged from the darkness, leading a group of even stronger enemies towards them.

Taizen and Mionara stood their ground, ready to take on the challenge. They knew they had to end this once and for all. Jag charged at Taizen with tremendous force, but Taizen was ready. He dodged the attack and countered with a swift slice of his katana, grazing Jag's arm.

Mionara used his fire katanas to create a wall of flames, separating the rest of the enemies from Taizen and Jag. He then lunged at Jag, his flames igniting even brighter as he did so. Jag dodged and countered with a powerful punch, but Mionara was too fast. He moved out of the way and delivered a fiery strike to Jag's stomach, sending him flying backwards.

Taizen took advantage of the moment and charged at Jag, his katana poised for the final blow. But just as he was about to strike, Jag's eyes turned black and he let out an ear-piercing scream.

As Taizen and Mionara fought off the last remaining enemies, Jag suddenly appeared from the shadows. He was stronger and faster than ever before, his eyes glowing with an intense power.

Taizen and Mionara both tensed up, ready for the fight of their lives. They knew that they had to work together to stand a chance against Jag.

Jag charged towards them with incredible speed, his fists ablaze with a dark energy. Taizen and Mionara dodged his attacks and counterattacked with their swords, but Jag was too fast for them.

Fiona and Riona, who had just finished off their opponents, joined in the fight against Jag. They used their claws to slash at him, but he easily evaded their attacks.

Jag laughed, enjoying the thrill of the battle. He said, "You fools think you can defeat me? I am the strongest of them all, the master of darkness!"

Taizen and Mionara continued to fight with all their might, their swords clashing against Jag's fists. Fiona and Riona also kept attacking, their claws leaving deep gashes on Jag's body.

But Jag was too powerful, and he managed to knock all four of them down with a single blow. They struggled to get back up, their bodies aching from the fight.