
The intense battle with Jag and the other enemies raged on. Jag was weakening by every hit they landed on him, and it was a 4 v 1 - Jag was not going to stand a chance. The remaining members of the beast squad were all quiet, focused on the task at hand, fighting for their lives, and they wanted to avenge their fallen comrades.

Taizen could notice that Jag was almost defeated, all the strength he once had was gone. "Let me finish him off," said Taizen with an ice-cold demeanor.

"Are you sure?" said Riona.

Taizen did not respond and lunged straight at Jag with lightning speed and went for the finish. In the blink of an eye, Jag's head was rolling across the floor. However, the battle was far from over. There were still 12 enemies left.

Each of the members decided to take on 2 each, as this was the only way to end it once and for all.

Nana, one of the remaining members, went straight into his battle. He was very quiet and didn't talk much, but his ability had always been competent, and he was in touch with his inner. Nana fought with two knuckle dusters. One of the enemies charged at him, Nana dodged it, and landed a punch that sent the enemy flying straight into the cave well, and the enemy lied there lifeless. Nana's inner allowed him to generate wind when he was striking, thus increasing the force of his attacks.

The second enemy dashed at Nana with his sword quickly before he was able to react. Nana got sliced across his arm and yelled out in pain. The look on his face changed, and it was evident he was about to run riot. Nana used his other hand to grab his opponent's arm, and with a swift twist, he dislocated it. The enemy screamed in agony as Nana punched him in the face with his other hand, knocking him out cold.

As the other members fought on, the enemies began to fall one by one. Fiona and Riona were holding their own, using their claws to fight with skill and precision. Taizen's attacks were quick and powerful, and he was taking down his enemies with ease.

The other surviving agent called Fee was also fighting fearlessly against the 2 enemies she was matched up against. Fee was a brave warrior from Delria originally, she had the ability to turn into a rhino man beast.Fee was fiercely determined to take down the two enemies she was pitted against. Her transformation into a rhino man beast granted her immense strength, speed and resilience. She charged at the first enemy with incredible force, using her tough rhino hide to absorb the enemy's attack before retaliating with a powerful blow from her massive horn. The enemy was thrown back with great force, tumbling to the ground and struggling to get back up.

As Fee moved onto her next opponent, she was caught off guard as the enemy took advantage of her momentary lapse in concentration and delivered a devastating attack, striking her hard on the flank with his sharp sword. Fee felt a searing pain shoot through her body, and her rhino form flickered for a moment, threatening to revert back to her human form. But Fee was not one to back down, even when faced with a life-threatening injury.

She let out a ferocious roar and charged at the second enemy, her horn lowered and ready to strike. The enemy, taken aback by Fee's sudden outburst, hesitated for a moment before retaliating with his own sword. But Fee was too fast and too strong, dodging the enemy's attack and using her massive horn to deliver a powerful blow, impaling the enemy in his chest.

As the enemy fell lifeless to the ground, Fee was not yet done. She turned back to the first enemy who had now recovered from her previous attack, and charged at him once again. This time, Fee was determined to end it quickly. She used her brute strength to pick up the enemy and slammed him onto the hard ground, his body breaking upon impact.

Fee fell to the ground, exhausted and bleeding from her wound, but she had emerged victorious. She breathed a deep sigh of relief and allowed herself a moment of rest, before getting back on her feet to rejoin her comrades in their ongoing battle.

After what felt like hours, the last enemy fell to the ground, defeated. The beast squad had emerged victorious, but the cost was high. They had lost many of their comrades, and the pain of their sacrifice would stay with them forever. However, they knew that they had avenged their fallen comrades and protected their land from danger.

After the enemies were defeated, the remaining members of the squad solemnly retrieved the bodies of their fallen comrades. Riona and Fiona led the way, carrying the bodies out of the cave with respect. The rest of the squad followed in silence, each lost in their own thoughts and memories of their fallen comrades.

As they emerged from the cave, Riona addressed the group. "This is just the beginning," she said firmly. "We will face more challenges like this in the future, and we must be prepared. Our mission is clear and we will not falter."

Fiona nodded in agreement. "We have lost some of our own, but we will continue to fulfill our tasks. We are professionals, and we will carry out our duties."

The rest of the squad listened in silence, knowing that there would be more difficult tasks to come. After finding a suitable place, the squad gathered to bury their fallen comrades. Each member paid their respects with a moment of silence.

"They are fighting for the Gods now," they said in unison as they laid their comrades to rest.

As they walked away from the graves, the squad knew that their journey was far from over. They were resolved to continue their mission and fulfill their duties as Hitmen.

The squad decided to take a much-needed break and rest before setting off on the run back. They were all physically and emotionally drained after the intense battle, and they needed some time to recover. The sun was starting to set, casting an orange and pink glow across the sky, as the squad set up a small campsite near the entrance of the cave.

Taizen sat down beside Mionara and sighed deeply. "That was a tough battle," he said, wiping sweat from his forehead. "I'm glad it's over."

Mionara nodded in agreement, still processing the events of the day. "It's never easy losing comrades," he said softly. "But we have to keep moving forward."

Taizen looked at her with a curious expression. "Do you ever feel a strange thrill when you're in battle?" he asked, his voice low.

Mionara looked at him quizzically. "What do you mean?" he asked.

"I mean, when you're fighting and taking down enemies, do you ever feel an adrenaline rush or something like that?" Taizen clarified.

Mionara thought for a moment before answering. "I guess so," she said slowly. "But it's not something I really think about. I just focus on the task at hand."

Taizen nodded, looking contemplative. "I don't know," he said, his voice thoughtful. "There's just something about taking down enemies that gives me a rush. It's like a strange thrill."

Mionara looked at him, a hint of concern in his eyes. "Be careful," she warned. "We're hitmen, not killers. There's a difference."

Taizen nodded, looking slightly embarrassed. "I know," he said. "I just...sometimes it's hard to separate the two."

Mionara put a hand on his shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I understand," she said sympathetically. "But we have to remember our mission. We're not here to kill for the sake of killing. We're here to complete our tasks and get out alive."

Taizen nodded again, looking slightly more reassured. "You're right," he said, a small smile appearing on his face. "Thanks for the advice, Mionara. I appreciate it."