Another Visit to the Astral Plane


The next morning arrived way too early. Waking up with a lazy stretch, I freshened up and sat on the chair right beside my bed. Typing in my name, I was able to log into the Duet Academy Headquarters webpage available to their students and searched for valid information about the academy.

Beautiful buildings appeared on the screen, green pastures, and different breeds of trees with their badge on the front of the building.

A sword embedded into a mountain and a fiery-looking bird with its wings wide open above the sword, roaring towards the heavens.

All elements within the logo had their meaning. With a slight scroll downward, each of its meanings was revealed before me.

The sword signifies a powerful Duratos, Adam, the best sword user, a monument of his overwhelming power. A beacon of light to humanity at their dire moment, rising to challenge the multitude of vicious beasts craving for the souls of humans and their flesh.