In the enigmatic realm of Alvard, the age-old art of Daemon summoning has always held a sacred and formidable allure. Daemons, mystical beings of diverse forms - humanoids, beasts, and even objects - are called upon to serve as guardians, defending cities and forming unbreakable bonds with their chosen hosts known as Ewers. Each battle strengthens this connection, forging them into an unyielding force.
Amidst this mystical tapestry, a young and gifted Ewer named Cain harbors an insatiable ambition. His dreams reach for the pinnacle of Daemon mastery, the title of "The Dunatos," reserved for Alvard's mightiest summoners.
One fateful night, destiny leads him down a shadowy alley where he encounters an enigmatic and injured woman. She entrusts him with a cryptic artifact: the Omnific Tesseract. As its ethereal glow bathes him, a newfound surge of power courses through his veins. The cube's secrets unveil a hitherto unknown realm of Daemon summoning - one that empowers him to command a legion of Daemons, melding them into unholy unions, and granting birth to formidable hybrid Daemons in their ultimate forms.
Guided by Eve, an enigmatic A.I. entity dwelling within the Omnific Tesseract, Cain embarks on a journey to claim the coveted mantle of the mightiest Ewer in all of Alvard. Together, they assemble an awe-inspiring army of Daemons, each more awe-inspiring and terrifying than the last. With flames that scorch the heavens and ice that freezes souls, with shadows that conceal the darkest of secrets and light that unveils the truth, they heed his beck and call, bound by the mystical power of the Tesseract.
Yet, as Cain treads this uncharted path, a haunting question lingers in the depths of his soul: What other enigmatic secrets lie dormant within this mystical artifact, waiting to be unearthed in the shadowy corners of his impending adventure?
My very first book.
If you are interested in summoning beings to fight battle and are not limited to any form in which they appear then you have met the right book.
And if you like my book please add them to your collection and vote with power stones ...
Yep, am the author, being shameless to review my book....i know. and yes I did give myself 5 stars... If you like summoning beasts, demons, elves, and other beings then this book is the right one for you
I just started reading this and immediately caught my attention. The world you created is so wonderful. Although all the new names and terms are kind of confusing, the story is very catchy. I am invested in Cain's changed life. Good work author.
The first chapter was enough to have me hooked up on this book. Very interesting read with scenes that will have you smiling and even feeling being transported into the story. Great job Author!
Its nice to see another author from Nigeria here nice novel BTW could you check out mine?
I should say that I do suggest this book. I truly appreciate how the world-building and literary vocabulary in this novel have developed. It has a great interesting notion, however I hope you would use more concise and insightful language. You describe the story in a lot of words. But it is a touching tale, especially for his mother. It would be humorous if he could fuse summon mara. For those who enjoy demon summoning like the SMT series, it's an excellent book to read.
First off, I do recommend this book. I really like the way this story has progressed with its World building, and writing vocabulary. It has a really cool concept, and I immediately thought of something like Pokemon. One small issue, that would really help your book, is to use Grammarly or any browser extension that goes over and fixes the little grammar mistakes that you make, and creates a fluid reading experience for the reader. Other than that, I would love to see how this story progresses.
Hello author, I really love the story. I hope you continue it ... can't wait to finish this novel... but I really wish you use more shorter and meaningful words .... u use alot of words to express the story ... But it's indeed a loving story ... especially his mum .... lolzzzzz
The idea behind the story is nice. The power system is interesting. The problem lies with the execution of the story. The Dialogues are written too poorly. It's obvious the author is an amateur. I suggest the author reads some real novels instead of comics and mangas so that he/she can become better. Basically, a nice story ruined by poor writing skills.
There's a problem with the title... You know other than being a 4D (instead of 2D or 3D) object, a Tesseract is one of the physical forms of Infinity? You can neither add to it nor take away from it, as it will always remain the same. So the Omni part seems kinda redundant without reading further. 😑
well honestly I Love the way the book is progressing it's just that some various places are poorly worded and the grammar is just messed up. Though, all in all this book is really good. So I recommend reading it and don't judge the author as English may not be their first language. I hope you all enjoy the book.
I'm getting shin megami tensei vibes with this, I wonder if he can fuse summon mara, that would be funny lol. It's a good read for people who like demon summoning like the SMT series.
Good novel... could use a bit of work, and editing would assist in its refinement. The language and sentence formation are a bit lacking, but the story itself is intriguing.
This is really good. I must say, it is a masterpiece in the making
You have many grammar mistakes but if you improve them you will be fine.The plot is interesting and I like the descriptions.Love the ML!