Saving Bolt


After walking pass the bright tree, Hazy came up with the wisest decision ever made.

Which kind of tree shines bright in a poisonous places.

That's a completely red flag for Cain. Luckily enough their captain was enough to do so.

Even the egg Cain was carrying was having a serious reaction on back.

And the bright light was enough to some visuals in some area, giving some sight about where they were.

But any information of the tree was of no importance, we have to go safe one more person.

Holding Sam's shoulders and following them.

Several hours later, we finally found the person.

Cain wasn't able to see her because they already passed the bright area of the tree.

Hazy squats beside Rebel...

"Are you ok?" She asked with hidden sincerity and worried. 

Rebel slowly turned and replied softly.

"I I am *cough* *cough*" She stuttered as she replied without strength in her body.