A Trial


Anxiously waiting for the man who had escorted them here to continue his words.

Which he didn't.

To the man, he was done talking, having already shared what they should know about what goes on inside the door. But for the student, that limited information wasn't enough.

Watching as the man hung his head low, indirectly indicating that he was done talking. 

With a sigh from the lips of the student, another student summoned the courage to enter inside.

A student of a similar size to Cain decided to enter. Dressed in a tank top and military boots, with dirty green hair and eyes hidden completely by his fat and chubby face.

'He's fat while I am filled with energy... there is a clear difference, okay,' Cain reprimanded.

Performing a similar movement as the blonde-haired student, the door appeared, which he entered after calming his racing heart.

Several seconds later, the door swung right open again...