Fried or Barbecued


After the meeting, Cain walked towards his dormitory in preparation of the mission to find their squad members.

Anxious and worried about two major things.

Anxious about the fact that he just arrive and he is already on a rescue mission, not that he minded anywhere.

Worried that he has no idea where he is.

And everything here seems unfriendly.

'What have I gotten myself into' Cain sighed in frustration.

But there is good news behind all this frustration.

During the meeting, Hazy addressed a few issues.

The first is the fact that there is an unnatural dungeon formed several miles away from the base.

A dungeon formed by the collision of two large entities.

Those entities were not fully addressed by their captain as saving their squad mates was of important issue.

With that in mind, Cain walked towards the blue crystal before him, slowly floating on his desk.