An Expected Twist


Deep within a soft misty dungeon, a figure can be seen running towards three purple beasts, the beast doing the same with the eyes blazing with nothing but devour in the minds.

Several meters behind this figure, lies the dead bodies of these purple beasts, six in total of these beasts dead.

With a joyful smile, this figure races toward this beast with a smile, a contradicting emotion compared to what the three beasts reciprocated.

Standing at the height of 6'1 feet tall, a standard height for a human facing the neck breaking height of 20 feet tall breast.

This figure shows no fear.

With a 2 meter fully expended horns, sharp red mysterious sword on his right hand pulsing with the excited heart of his owner, and at his other hand, a hand shield was held. The scale from the shed of a Lord beast.

And large phantom looking egg behind his back.

How fascinating 

