Now It's My Turn


With Cain's voice reaching his team mates ear, a cold sinister chill rolled down their back.

'Arcane collectors'

' Why do we have to face such a cruel, occultic group'

' Our chances of survival just went down by 30%.'

' Crap... crap.... crap... i can't die here. I am to young and beautiful to die here. Mama, Papa... save me!!!'

' Oh, those that mean they are strong. Will i get an interesting battle?'

Different thoughts roamed their minds once their opponent group name was mentioned.

Now they know what they are dealing with.

An occultic group that steals the daemons of other Ewers and merges them with theirs.

The more successful the merge, the stronger they will be.

But their forms will look conjoined together with different body part of different daemons joined together.

An eyesore to any normal Ewer.