Silent Gratitude


As the trio walked out of Captain Ironscale's office, a strategic plan in place, the night air was cool and crisp, adorned with the brilliance of a thousand stars overhead. Captain Ironscale, their escort under the darkened sky, bid them farewell before making his way back to the responsibilities that awaited him in his office.

"Rest well, Captain Hazy, Sam, Fiv. Tomorrow will be a pivotal day for Dradinite Province," Captain Ironscale expressed, his gaze briefly meeting the trio's before disappearing into the shadows of the night.

The trio acknowledged the Captain's words and made their way to the resting chambers provided for them. The halls of Dradinite Province were quiet, the dragon-themed decor casting intricate shadows on the walls. As they reached their chambers, exhaustion weighed on their shoulders, but a sense of purpose fueled their steps.