Chapter 91: Killing the Donkey After Grinding is Done_1

Twenty minutes later.

Two people sat at a barbecue stall opposite Hospital No. 8, with five bottles of beer, a bunch of lamb skewers, several lamb kidneys, and a few hairy eggs in front of each.

He Shancun glanced at the beer and various foods, then raised an eyebrow at Zhou Ning.

"Spill it, what exactly did you want to see me for?"

He Shancun knew too well what was going on; it was like when a high school classmate came to him for a household registration issue. Although they worked in the same institution, he was just a forensic doctor. He had no idea which way the door to the household registration department in the police stations opened—that was asking the impossible.

Zhou Ning didn't beat around the bush; he briefly recounted what had happened to Zhou Xiaoyu that day. Without waiting for a question from Zhou Ning, He Shancun raised an eyebrow and looked at him.

"That kid just left with a slap on the face?"

Zhou Ning nodded.