Chapter 92 It's actually him!_1

Ring, ring, ring!

A series of urgent telephone rings yanked Zhou Ning from his autopsy training. The hangover made his head swim, and after a brief struggle, he grabbed the cellphone. Seeing Xu Da's name, even the yawn he was in the middle of was scared away.

"Xu Da!"

"You haven't gotten up yet?"

"If the leader has an order, just say it directly, scaring someone like that."

"Hehe, you've had quite a bit to drink, haven't you? It's past ten o'clock. Hurry up and get over to the team. Do you not remember the task you assigned me last night?"

Zhou Ning froze, racked his brain for a while, and instantly remembered. After separating from He Shancun, it seemed he had called Xu Dayuan. As for the content, it was completely forgotten at the moment, seeing as that part was somewhat fragmented. He quickly asked tentatively.

"Xu Da, I'm on my way now, but what did I tell you?"

"Zhou Xiaozhou, are you playing with me?"

Zhou Ning was scared out of his wits.