Chapter 68: Death (2)


The young man pushed the crowd forward as he tried to get out of the building. Screams and explosions were the prominent sounds in his ears. But occasionally, the youn man could hear some bestial roars.

Strickened by fear and shock, the young man didn't have the time or interest to ponder on these sounds. His main goal was to get out of the building he had found himself in.

Luckily, achieving the goal was not that hard. The young man soon found himself outside the building with dozens of other people. But the scene that greeted the young man and the people was horrifying.

Nearby, a building was currently burning while another was toppled over. The sky was filled with all kinds of monsters other than the flying centipedes. But it wasn't just the sky that was filled with these foreign creatures. The land, too, was now crawling with all kinds of beats.

Short and muscular green men holding axes, large and terrifying wolves, and even a giant blue snake could be seen spewing fire from its mouth.

"What's going? Why is this happening?" was all the young man asked himself before...


One of the flying centipedes attacked the building they were previously in. Causing an explosion that strokes fear into everyone's hearts. Cries and screams were dulled by the sound of the explosion.

The young man closed his eyes for a second as he ducked down. Amidst the loud bang and the cries for help, the young man forced himself to open his eyes. But he did not like what he saw.

Right in front of him, a large piece of a building fell onto a group of people. Instantly, these people were turned to pieces, while the ones who were unlucky enough to survive screamed in pain.

The young man then looked up and saw one of the centipedes preparing another attack on the building. Seeing what had just happened to the people in front of him, the young man forced himself to get up and start running.

That was the only thing he could do for himself. As staying in one place would likely just get him killed faster. It seems he was not the only one with such a thought. As most of the left-over people got up and ran away. The group ran through the chaotic streets as fast as their legs could allow.

"Ha ha ha!"

Suddenly, the young man heard a shrill voice from behind the group.


A woman's scream was heard from the back, prompting the young man to look back at what had made her scream like that.

What he saw was terrifying. Holding a screaming woman by her neck, a muscular, green-skinned creature raised a club into the air. And with aforceful pop,' the woman's screams were seized forever.

"Ahh.' This time, the scream originated from the left, where the young man saw a man struggling to get a green-skinned monster off his head.

But in the end, he fell to the ground and was besieged by the monsters. Other than the screams of the still-living, the cracking laughter of a few goblins was also heard.

Causing the already tense people to steel their nerves. But their human bodies could not react to such predators. As suddenly, out of nowhere, a Silver wolf jumped out and attacked the group of people. With the wolf's size, it was likely that more than three people ha fallen below its claws and sharp teeth.

Luckily, the young man was not one of those three people. So with the remaining fewa round him, the young man continued forward.


From the corner of his vision, the young man saw a tall building tapping down a nearby street. Chaos was everywhere as the millions of people that inhabited the city tried to run away.

The tall buildings these humans used to work tirelessly just to get into and even pride themselves in building were now a danger that took thousands of them down by just falling. So the young man headed for the closest place where no tall buildings were erected.

He park.

Coming at an intersection, many scathered to their own way. After all, their current situation calls for them to hide, not run. So in the end, only one person went in the park with the young man. The rest died or took another route they found to be safer.

Now surrounded by a few trees and the short grass, the young man found solace in the fact that he could at least see what was within a hundred meters of him. Unlike the crowded city streets covered by cars or building debris,

But although the wide area has given him ahigher chance of seeing any coming danger, it does have its own disadvantage. For one, with such a wide area, there was little to no place where he could hide. Plus, just because he could see the coming danger did not mean the danger would not reach him.



Out of nowhere, an arrow flew and nailed itself right into the other man's neck. Opening up a large hole that spewed blood in large quantities.


The young man was terrified. With the arrow coming out of nowhere to kill the man, he feared that the same would happen to him. So he looked around in hopes of seeing the cause of such an incident.

As the perpetrators were not trying to hide at all, the young man saw them almost instantly. A group of green-skinned men watched him from afar. In their hands were bows, while behind their backs were quivers of arrows.

One of them raised their bows with an arrow knocked in. It didn't take a genius to know who was the target of said arrow. So the young man immediately turned to run away.


An arrow accurately stabbed him right where he was less than a second ago. Striking terror right into the young man's heart. His feet hurt, and his body was aching all over. But these little pains were completely ignored by his mind. These were not as terrifying as the concurrent sound of arrows stabbing into the ground close to him.

Without knowing where the next arrow would arrive, the young man could only rush forward and hope he would be lucky.

But alas, Lady Luck can often be disappointing.



An arrow stabbed right into his shoulder. The young man screamed in pain as he felt the sudden intrusion from the wooden arrow. Blood covered his right hand as he tried to cover his wounded shoulder. Falling to his knees, the young man wanted to stop right there and then.


But the arrow that narrowly missed him prompted him to keep on going. So he went up and ran forward.

As he kept running, his vision grew blurry and his steps shortened. Had his mind been clear, he would have noticed that he was poisoned.

He did not know for how long he ran, but in the end, the young man took the wrong step and fell.


The young man fell into a pool of water. His spectacles fell into the water, and his clothes were drenched. The only good thing was that his arrow wound was not badly affected. So he got up from the pool.

But the moment he got up, the exhaustion that had accumulated due to a long time spent without rest kicked in. He could not get up. So there, with a bleeding wound, he could only look at himself in the reflection of the water.


He asked in a low tone. It was unknown whether the liquid that trickled down his face was water or something else.

"Why me?"

The young man asked himself It was a question similar to one he had asked in the past week. Only this time, his head did not hurt as much as it had at that time.

His eyes instead widened, as if he had found the answer.
