Chapter 69: truth

A green-skinned man touched the ground. Between his fingers was a red residue of blood.

These two creatures were the ones that had shot the young man earlier. Because it brought them pleasure to see the wounded young man as he tried to escape, the two had let him run away. In the end, wouldn't it be fun to catch him again?

Going inside the lake, one of the creatures fished out a pair of glasses. The creature raised them, and showed it to the other.

The two smiled at the sight. Which was proof enough that their prey was close. Following the blood trail, the two creatures didnt take long to find their prey.

But when they tried approaching him, they were surprised.

"Hello there." The young man greeted amusingly.

In front of the two, the prey that they had been expecting to be running like crazy or dead from poisoning was instead sitting on a bench. The arrow was still stuck on his shoulder, with blood oozing slowly. Because of this, his wet clothes were dyed red.

Yet sitting on the bench, the young man seemed like he didn't care for it. He looked at the two as though they were random passersby in the lovely park.

The two were gobsmacked and looked at him in confusion.

Seemingly unaffected by their looks, he looked at the towering city from afar, where giant flying centipedes could be seen. Every once in a while, one of the centipedes would bombard the city. The towering buildings collapsed one after another as the flames of destruction licked every corner of the city.

It was cataclysmic and even catastrophic event. Yet as he stood there, the young man found it poetic. Too bad he was no poet; otherwise, he could drop a bomber line right there and then.

"A week ago, I sat on this very bench. Looking at the city, the park, and the many students who came here to relax I too was here to relax. Thinking about the meaning of my life and future.

"Seeing such a scene, I thought this world would go on forever. Sure, I could die, but the earth would still stand. I wondered what lay ahead in death, but I never believed it would come so soon. As I watched the little girl die, I thought my end would also arrive, but I never believed it, did I?

"But in just a few minutes..."


One of the tallest buildings in the city was bombarded by two centipedes. In the end, it fell to the ground as though it were a mere sand castle.

"Life is short, isn't it? like a flickering flame admits a windy day. No one knows when the next gust will blow it off. I guess maybe..."


An arrow stabbed into the young man's stomach. Silencing the words that were about to come out of his mouth

But unlike what the two green-skinned men had expected, the young man did not slump down to his death; he instead looked at the two and said, "That's rude."

"I was still monologing about life. And that hurt, you know."

Freaked out by such an incident, the two stepped back. Of course, they were only scared for a little while. As warriors like them have seemed much more inexplicable things. So an enemy that was harder to kill wasn't so surprising.

"I was getting to the good part too. Couldn't you have just waited one more minute before you could ruin the moment? I would~Ahh!"

While still talking, another arrow was launched into the young man's heart. Thinking that it could be his weakness, the two aimed for his heart.

"I think I suddenly realized why your species is always treated as cannon fodder in every story or world. Here I am exuding main character and you think..."


Once again, the young man was interrupted by an arrow to the head. Only this time, the young man slumped his head and stopped. Blood dripped from his head as all motions stopped on his body.

Seeing the motionless young man, the two finally breathed a sigh of relief.


But the young man suddenly jumped.


The two screamed in unison as they raised their bows. Two arrows flew from their bows and headed for the young man. But before the arrows could come close, they paused midair. The young man's hand was raised as he looked at the two. The two were surprised at what was happening; they attempted to pull out more arrows from their quivers when the young man waved his hand at them.

As he did, the two seemingly exploded and turned into dust. These little stars floated towards the young man's hands and disappeared into them.

The young man breathed out. He looked at the city once more before heading for it. His footsteps weren't fast, and his pace wasn't hurried, yet the young man somehow reached the city in a record time unachievable by normal human standards.

So in almost no time, the young man once again walked the streets of the city. Only this time, his attitude and the face of the city have changed.

Strolling down the divided streets, the young man looked around with interest. The broken cars, the burning building, and the dead bodies All were laid out in front of the young man. Looking at it all, the young man felt his heart beat in sorrow.

But to the young man, such a sorrow was only the production of his body's fluids and the lingering logic his human self had fostered. As a human, he loved his kind and even wished for humanity to thrive.

Such thoughts and beliefs that have been nurtured within him from birth by society. The people he has met, the movies he has seen, and the emotions he has felt All of these have contributed to this thought. So to see his precious race fall so simply in front of him, the young man felt his emotions tug.

But as a dungeon, such a scene was merely the result of an inability to adapt to the situation. The humans have died and called because they have spent too long pampered by peace. Their goals were misplaced, and the way forward was lost in menial disputes. But he could not only blame humans for their loss. At the end of the day, No one can prepare for the unexpected.

"It does not matter, now does It? Since this is all but a dream."

But there was one thing that did matter, and it couldn't help but echo in his head. Standing there at the ruins of humanity and their crumbling race, the child wondered.

"What am I now? A human or a Dunegon?"
