
"So, this is your so-called 'Palace'?" Raymond couldn't help but pass a snide comment.

It was because he was standing in front of a wooden cabin that looked to be on the verge of breaking down.

It was good to have a positive outlook on life but still, a person shouldn't become delusional in the process.

But looking at Vivian who was nodding enthusiastically, Raymond realised that she was beyond hope.

The poor girl was living in denial.

Raymond pitied her. According to what he knew, she was the granddaughter of that old man who was in the Elven Council.

'Couldn't he arrange for something better for his granddaughter? How stingy!'

Raymond felt like beating up that old man. Surely, he must have made a lot of money by hoodwinking people with his fortune telling business.

The least he could do was provide a safe home for his granddaughter. What was he going to do with all that money?

Raymond shook his head. It seems his stinginess was nothing compared to the withered old man.

Even when his foot was already in the grave, the old man was reluctant to spend money on his granddaughter.

"Don't tell me, the pond you mentioned is just a puddle!" Raymond had to ask. He couldn't trust her word for word.

"Hmph, What do you mean by that? Do you think I am playing a prank on you?" Vivian rebuked. She didn't like how he was eyeing her palace.

Vivian was slightly offended.

"Are you coming or not?" She asked curtly.

"Ah, yes. Lead the way." Raymond followed her around the wooden cabin and found a trail going inside the forest behind her home.

"Hey, I have been meaning to ask this, why don't you use mana to clean yourself? It would be so much easier."

Vivian asked the question that was nagging her head for a while now.

"Yeah and how about destroying half of the forest while I am at it?" Raymond mumbled.

He had seen Jasmine and Lyla cleaning their bodies with mana. The process involved releasing mana in a series of short bursts along the skin to thoroughly cleanse themself.

Raymond was not confident about the outcome if he did that.

He needed to be completely focused and slowly bring his mana out of his body. Even that had a devastating effect on his surroundings.

He could pretty much guess what would happen if he released it in quick, short bursts.

"I am sorry, what? Did you say something about destroying the forest?"

"No, you heard it wrong," Raymond changed the subject. "Are we there yet? How much longer do I have to walk? The stench is becoming unbearable."

"Uh, we are almost there." Vivian pointed towards the small pond ahead which had clean water pooled inside.

"This is a magical pond. No matter how much you muddle or dirty the water inside, it returns to normal clear water after a while!"

Vivian said proudly as if she had something to do with it.

"Is that so…that is strange!" Raymond peered into the pond hoping to uncover its mysteries.

But there was nothing out of the ordinary except for the exceptionally clear water that was see through. Even the ground inside the pond was completely visible.

"Alright then, thanks for the help." Raymond thanked Vivian who was looking at the pond and him alternatively.

"Ah, it's nothing! I should be the one thanking you for taking care of that monster."

Vivian bowed, her voice sounded relieved and sincere. She watched as Raymond started taking off his tunic.

"Err…Vivian, are you going to stay here and watch?" Raymond asked as he noticed her standing still without any intention to move away.

"Uhm, do‐do you want any help with washing your back? I can lend a hand if you want…" Vivian trailed off, too embarrassed to continue speaking.

"What? Why would you want to wash my back?" Raymond looked at her through his eyes narrowed in suspicion.

Was it an elven custom to offer a helping hand like that?

Or was it just Vivian being bold and making a move on him?

"It's just that I have been rude to you when you were just trying to help me with that monster. Consider it as an apology for doubting you."

Vivian's face and pointy ears flushed beet red as she said those lines.

Raymond blinked several times after hearing her words. "Are you serious?"

"Y-yeah, I am serious. I don't like owing a debt to anyone." Vivian clenched her fists and said with determination.

'What debt? I literally dragged you back to that monster.'

Raymond, even though felt like pointing out the obvious, held back from refusing her.

If she was willing to do it, who was he to refuse?

It was definitely better than washing himself with his hands. He would be a fool to say no to a free meal, ahem! free offer.

"Fine then, jump in." Raymond beckoned her to get inside the pond and turned his back towards her.


A splashing sound was heard as Vivian jumped into the pond and appeared behind Raymond.

Even though she was in a pond of cold water, her body was heating up in nervous excitement.

It was the first time she was with a half naked guy this close. In fact, this was also her first time doing something like this with anyone.

Growing up, she had a very sheltered upbringing and rarely met anyone from the opposite gender other than her grandfather.

Her heartbeat quickened as her dainty fingers brushed past his chiselled shoulders. His back was so firm and muscular, Vivian couldn't help but run her hands along his spine.

"Aren't you going to wash my back?" Raymond questioned. Vivian was too lost in admiring his muscles that she forgot to use water.

She was simply rubbing his back with her dry hands.

"Cough, I know what I am doing," Vivian scooped up the water and started washing his back.

She was so immersed in this task that she completely forgot to use her mana and finish the task within seconds.


Deep inside the Inner Sanctum…

A gigantic tree that was revered and worshipped by the elves stood proudly.

Inside the tree was a sacred chamber that was considered the most important place in the elven domain.

Only the High Priestess and those who had her permission were allowed inside this sacred chamber. Anyone trespassing would be beheaded on the spot as a punishment.

In a corner of the sacred chamber, a breathtaking beauty was meditating on a plush cushion.

She was none other than the High Priestess of the Elves. She was the equivalent of a Human Emperor.

Her name was Celestia Lunaris also known as 'Starlight Queen' due to her affinity with the Light element.


Her eyes shot open in urgency revealing her sparkling golden eyes that could hypnotise lesser men in an instant.

Her long black hair perfectly matched with her black gown and coupled with the darkness in the chamber, her eyes shone brilliantly like that of a predator.

"Damn you, Ronan!"

Contrary to her beauty, her voice was shrill as she cursed her subordinate.

"What is your granddaughter doing?" Beads of sweat trickled down her forehead as she closed her eyes and concentrated on the image playing in her mind.

The day was not at all going well for Celestia. Her lord was making progress with her rival too soon.

She did not expect Vivi to be this bold and make a move on her lord.

"I should've banished her from our territory!" Celestia gnashed her teeth in anger.

Vivian was too dumb and straightforward in her eyes. She dreaded to think what her lord would do if Vivian did something foolish.

She would forget that Vivi was her childhood friend if she wronged her lord in any way.

Soon the image in her mind started to become clear. Vivian was washing his back and stealing a few glances towards his front from time to time.


Her mana surged chaotically every time she saw her friend touching him but she still continued using her ability.

Unlike common people, she was born with a special ability that made her a seer. She could observe things that were hidden from the naked eye.

From a young age, she was given a wide berth wherever she went because of her special ability.

Her eyes could see through everyone's facade easily. No one was able to hide their intentions from her.

Over time she realised that her ability was turning her into an outcast, and as such she started to control herself from using her ability on people.

However, that didn't apply to her when it came to matters regarding her lord.

No, she would use any and all means to please her lord. He was the hope of her WindGod Tribe.

As such, she had used her connection with World Tree to the maximum and kept an eye on him ever since he had awakened on that mountain.