
The World Tree was a mythical existence that was directly connected with all the greenery in the continent it was located in.

This special connection was just as sacred as a connection between a mother and her children.

The World Tree would under no circumstances share this connection with others. Celestia was the only exception, that too when the matter concerned her lord.

If she tried to so much as observe elsewhere from her lord, the connection would be cut off immediately.

The World Tree was strict in that regard. It never allowed Celestia to spy on others.

She was only allowed to spy on Raymond on the pretext of getting to know him better so that she could be ready when he came knocking on her door.

And just when he was a step away from reaching her, Ronan had stopped her from rushing to his side.

Her old teacher was not willing to believe her claims about Raymond being their hope.

He wanted to observe him for a while and see if he was what Celestia made him out to be.

The future of their entire tribe was at stake here, the least she could do was let her teacher and closest advisor take a look at her lord.

She first sent him to the Capital City of the FireBorn empire disguised as a fortune teller. It was there when Ronan first met Raymond.

The oppressive aura Raymond had let out during that time was enough for Ronan to verify his strength.

After that, Ronan quickly came back to the WhisperMoon forest and reported to her everything that transpired in the Capital at that time.

From that point on, Celestia was even more sure that Raymond was her lord. The one who appeared in her dreams ever since she was a child.

Even before Raymond was born, Celestia was devoted to him.

This was precisely why she was pissed off now. How dare Vivian make a move on him while Celestia was yet to meet him in person!

This was extremely damaging for her to see. Especially because she used to consider Vivian as a rival in the past.

They were both candidates vying for the position of High Priestess. In the end, Celestia was chosen by the World Tree because of her special ability.

Celestia was very happy at having defeated her rival. But now everything was coming back in circles.


Celestia couldn't let it happen.

Her brows furrowed in worry as Celestia focused on Raymond who was letting Vivian wash his back.

Her mind clocked into overdrive as she thought of how to stop them from getting closer. The World Tree was like a mother to her and a mother couldn't stay angry at her daughter for too long, right?


Celestia snickered, a grin tugging at her lips. Her face brightened up as her worries ceased.

She got up from her cushion and walked back to the wall of the Sacred Chamber, that is, the trunk of the World Tree.

Pressing her palms against the walls, she closed her eyes, and her consciousness fully connected with that of the World Tree's consciousness.

It was the most amazing feeling for Celestia. She could see everywhere at once. As long as there was a plant, she could observe any place on the Continent.

Staying inside the Sacred Chamber was only enough to spy on Raymond. But now she was going to do something more than just spying.

She was going to intervene physically to stop Vivian from getting closer to her lord before her.

For that, she needed a complete connection with the World Tree.

Only when she was one with the World Tree, could she control the flora inside the forest.

'Hehe, I am sorry Vivi but I won't compromise when it comes to My Lord.'

Celestia laughed wickedly and looked for the tree based magical beasts near the pond where Raymond and Vivian were currently.

Making use of the special connection, she quickly caught onto the few Treefolks that were hiding in between the normal trees and took control of their actions.

Treefolks were the oldest habitants of the forest but were low in number. When they were idle, they could become still as a tree and completely hide from the prying eyes as a normal tree.

When they were out to hunt, their true nature would show up. An ugly, wrinkled face of an old man would appear at the top of the trunk and their roots would turn into legs while their branches acted as clubs to beat down anyone in their way.

Not only that. What made them truly dangerous was their ability to animate other trees in the vicinity to act as their minions.

A fully grown adult Treefolk could animate up to four trees in a radius of hundred metres to do their bidding.

It was possible to form an army of walking trees with only a few hundred Treefolks. That's why they were killed whenever they were spotted in the forest which led to their numbers dwindling.

They were still pretty impressive to have lived till now even though they were hunted down actively.

However, Celestia was unconcerned about the dangers. He was there.

There was nothing to worry about. Vivian would be safe no matter how many Treefolks were sent her way.

Celestia decided to go all in and called for other Treefolks from the surrounding forest as well.

'Ahh, mother? Just wait for a little while.'

Celestia could feel the tremor below her feet as the World Tree shook in anger. It was only a moment before their connection would be severed forcefully and she would be kicked out of the Sacred Chamber indefinitely.

"Please my lord, turn around one last time." Celestia prayed. If she was going to be stopped from spying for a while, she had to take in his figure as much as possible.

As if listening to her prayers, Raymond turned towards Vivian and Celestia caught a glimpse of his face and bare chest one last time before the connection was cut off.

A trail of blood trickled down her nose as the connection was cut off. It was not because of seeing Raymond half naked.

Definitely not!

At the same time, a branch appeared inside the Sacred Chamber and quickly snaked around Celestia's body and held her tightly.

"Ahhh!" Celestia gasped as she was thrown out of the Sacred Chamber.

"Phew! No one is nearby."

She heaved a sigh of relief after looking around to make sure there was no one near her.

"Fufu~ how silly of me!"

Celestia chuckled, thinking about how she had interrupted Vivian from getting closer to Raymond.

With her ass kicked out of the World Tree, she had no choice but to head back to her tree house which was only a few steps away.

It was a house built on top of the second largest tree in the forest. But still, the tree looked like a sapling compared to the World Tree.

Finally, Celestia was in a good mood. It was worth getting kicked out if she could be the one to mingle with her lord first before Vivian.

As long as she was before Vivian, everything was fine.

A series of wooden steps were embedded into the tree trunk that went all the way up to the tree top in a spiral shape.

Celestia climbed the stairs practically jumping in joy.

Now, all she had to do was warn the old man Ronan to keep his granddaughter in check.

But that could wait.

She had just seen her lord shirtless, she had to head inside her bedroom and close her eyes to commit everything she had seen to her memories.

"Greetings, First Lady!" One of the guards who was stationed outside her house bowed her head in respect.

"Thalia, you can go back to your house. I will be spending a few days here." Celestia put on her dignified mask of an elven leader and spoke to her guard.

"Yes, My Lady. Please let me know if you need anything," Thalia bowed once again and took to the stairs.

"May the blessing of Nature be with you," Celestia smiled faintly and waved off her home guard.


The door to her house was pushed open and Celestia stepped inside. Wooden planks creaked beneath her feet as she made her way towards her bedroom.

Her house was lacking in necessities such as chairs and furniture since she lived alone and didn't let anyone else enter inside.

Walking across the empty hall, she opened her bedroom door. If anyone else saw what was inside, they would be creeped out for the rest of their life.

It was full of plush dolls made of different varieties of fabrics. It was hard to tell that just by looking since every doll was exactly the same except for their size.

Some were as short as her hand and the biggest one was half of her size which was placed on her queen sized bed in the middle.

Every doll had the same black hair and black buttons for eyes. If Jasmine was here, there was no doubt she would instantly recognise who it resembled.

Celestia jumped on her bed and buried her face in the biggest doll and rolled around in her bed.

"It will be soon, my lord. We will meet."


A/N: Again, I forgot to mention Vivian and Celestia's heights. Urgh, sorry about that.

Vivian is 5.8 ft.

Celestia is 5.11 ft.