Not A Hero

As much as I was tempted to test out [Feast] I was more worried about the reaction of the people around me if I started shooting spells and showing superpowers before the time of the integration. I don't wanna get caught and experimented on, and that shit happened too many times last time for me to even bother with risking myself.

People are afraid of change and strange. And if they see it, they'll either run away or fight with all they have. And since I'm just one weak man, I'll be jumped on the moment I show something out of the ordinary.

So, might as well wait until I'm in an empty location at the darkest hours of the night.

I didn't realize that I had walked all the way to the university door when I looked up.

Oakland University was pretty huge, but since I was living near it I never bothered with signing up for campus life.

I majored in Biomedicine… now that I remember, I was pretty damn good at it. But I never managed to graduate, since hell broke loose soon and the world went into shambles in less than a few months.

As I was reminiscing the past, I walked up to the amphitheater areas, I was in a complete trance, because every building here was far too familiar for me, only it was run down, broken, and destroyed. Barely supported with beams. But now, it's clean, and perfectly standing.

The university had become one of Michigan's state's strongest bunkers for a time. Until it was assaulted by a wave of endless undead… now that I remember. The Zombie Apocalypse was pretty damn scary. Thankfully it'll only happen after the majority of the people would learn abilities and understand what the hell is going on.

Otherwise, I fear for the world and what might happen to it if they were suddenly thrown into a world-ending event from the get-go…

I should probably not raise any flags and give Mishaaa any ideas.

As I was walking through the halls, aimlessly and thinking about a million things that will happen in the near future. Someone grabbed my shoulder. My instinct, of twenty years of constant vigilance, kicked it, and it kicked in hard.

I grabbed whoever touched my shoulder, twisted their arms then slammed them against the nearest wall.

"I give I give!" spoke a very familiar voice.

Thankfully, I didn't kill him, as whoever it was that jumped me didn't seem to have any bad intentions.

"Will Franklin?" I said.

"What the fuck? Lucas!" Will replied.

I let go of the… kid, which is an awkward thing to say since I remember Will as an older man with more gray hair than black. And now, his younger version is looking me straight in the eyes.

Will was an African American man, with a very sturdy build and a slightly short stature. He was pretty damn sensitive about his height if I remember, but he was a good man and a very, very reliable friend.

"The heck is wrong with you man, you could have killed me there," Will said as he rubbed his shoulder.

"You shouldn't have jumped me," I said.

"If I wanted to jump you, you'd never see it coming, also where the fuck did you learn all that Bruce Lee shit. You've been away from uni for a long time and you're back with a black ass belt or something?" Will said as he readjusted his backpack and gestured for me to move forward.

I smiled at will and said, "I was busy with saving the world." I said to him.

"You white people are crazy you know that," he said and headed first to the amphitheater where we will have our exam.

Will was one of my fewest friends, he died due to something in the very room we were walking towards.

I wasn't gonna let that happen again.

"Will. I think I can agree with the crazy part. Because what I'll tell you might sound pretty damn crazy."

"What are you talking about man? You've been away for a couple of weeks but now you're acting pretty strange. You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm damn fine," I said as I looked up and saw a redhead looking at us for a few moments before she turned her face away.

"And I'll have to advise you to not get friendlier with that bitch anymore," I said.

"You must be tripping, why the heck would I do that, took me three days to finally get her to come over, and now you telling me to stop, you must be mad bro, I'm serious you must have hit your head or something," Will said.

"She invited you? To a party in her home right?" I said.

"Yeah, were you invited too," Will said.

"… Yeah, but I have better things to do tonight."

"Bro, what could be more important than a party held at Jennifer's house, you know how many bitches are gonna be there? Stop acting like a damn virgin man, and let's get some pussy." Will said while over-extenuating using his hands. Which looked pretty perverted.

Can't blame him though, because even if Jennifer was one of the most poisonous of hoes, he was right, she did have a damn fine ass.

"It's not about getting laid, Will, those chicks are snakes, you'll get bitten."

"They say birds die for food and men die for sex," Will said.

"I'm pretty damn sure you just botched that idiom, but whatever. Just be careful," I said.

I took my seat and waited for the exam to start. Though I pretty much didn't even care or bother with it. this whole thing was going to be useless in a few months. But I was here for something else.

Soon, she came.

A woman. No, more like a young woman now, as pretty as I could remember. She had a small nose, beautiful green as-emerald eyes, and a thin jawline that made her face look cute, right now, she still had a girlish and youthful look to her. Though the one I remember was a fully grown woman, molded by the flames of war and survival, where whenever she smiled the world turned brighter as the world itself would miss seeing her smile

This one I'm looking at was younger and looked like she still had a joy for life.

She hasn't been scarred by the endless battles. She hadn't lost her family yet. She hadn't been betrayed and stranded to fend for her life. She hasn't been… there is no need to think about that now. For now… I'll do my damn best to make sure nothing bad happens to you, and I'll do that starting with that ass.

From behind her came a young man, who was the definition of a 'frat-boy' childish in action, self-centered, and arrogant. Willing to be the topic of discussion in every conversation and would attempt to lead everyone to do what he wishes at their own expense.

Though, these traits might sound like selfish ones. In a matter of fact, these very actions were the reason he survived for so long. And grew complacent and vile.

If I had many friends, I had a few enemies. And this man, I hate him for a single reason. Not that I'm a good person and would have to provide a holy reason why I hate someone, or if I have to prove that someone is pretty evil to prove my intentions, no. I'm not that kind.

I'm jealous of him because he is currently her boyfriend, at this point in time she didn't know who i was, but by the end of the week, I'm sure that'll change.

Yes, I'm a spiteful, jealous motherfucker who won't stop until he gets what he wants. Because I've seen the worst in people, and believe me, compared to them, what I am, is a saint.