Impact: First Integration

[Full System Activation Process has been completed.]

[Massive Intelligent System of Aid and Assistance is now fully operational.]

[The world. {Earth} has now entered the first phase of Integration. All of the world {Earth} natural resources have been updated.]

[Commencing the Distribution of Massive System Window of Aid…]

[Error, the civilization of the current world {Earth} is still too high. Commencing First Phase.]

[System Updated]

[System allocation has been changed to only be allowed those who obtain enough contribution. With the exception of the select few who already knew of the existence of such, all must now work in order to obtain their own system]

[Minimum Requirement for enabling the system window 100 points]

[Processing world environment…]

[Process complete. Areas that have been deemed capable of sustaining the first impact have been allocated and chosen]

[Commencing the first Impact.]

[Appointing first World Quest, {Survive}]

As I watched the familiar quest information, I was surprised to see a couple of changes, I would remember, because this was the first window I'd ever seen in my first life, and can remember it clearly, and the slight change meant one thing…

I fucked up.

"Shit, things have changed!" I said and this caused John to be immediately alerted.

Mom and dad were both too stunned to speak because they didn't know what was going on.

"John, the plan proceeds the same as before, how ready is your security?" I asked.

The panic-stricken John regained his composure almost immediately, "We're not perfectly on top of things, but it shouldn't be a problem."

This is the mother of all butterfly effects. Why did things change? did my intervention cause something to go wrong? FUCK FUCK FUCK! I cursed inwardly.

Just then, John picked up his phone and realized something.

"I guess, I'm really glad I had your advice on things, it's like you said, the phone network is dead." He said as he threw his phone.

It was something normal, the communication networks has crashed the same as last time, and only radio channels were available right now, and thus, having informed John to get a radio communication device for all of his security personnel worked off fine.

He picked up the radio phone and spoke through it, "Commence operation! Now, secure all facilities and be on guard." John said.

Suddenly, another shaking started, and looking in the distance through the windows of the building, I could see from within the flames, a few 'humans' walking strangely.

It was so sudden, as they started shuddering, shacking, and fell to the ground.

"No. no, no, no, no!"

I cursed!

"What is wrong, son?" Dad asked, he didn't understand what he was looking at, and I didn't have enough time to explain things to him.

"John, my parents, are in your care!" I said.

"Wait, where are you going?" he asked.

"I messed up, Oakland wasn't supposed to be hit until later. Due to my carelessness, some of my friends might be in danger!" I said.

This was my fault, and I completely know why, I'm not blaming myself just because I didn't account for the fact that things might change, but I'm blaming myself because I know for a fact that I'm the one who caused the integration to happen in Oakland.

"Sword!" I called and a sword manifested in my hand.

"I'll be back! Mom dad, don't worry about me and stay with Mr. Dilburt."

I didn't have the heart or will to stay and explain things to my parents so I rushed out before they even had a word in.

I then zoomed through the building, not even daring to take the elevator.

With the first integration, most electronics are highly unstable, thankfully radio devices were spared but anything with technology will be completely useless, and taking an elevator is straight up a trap. I ran down the emergency stairs as fast as I could.

Many of the people in the building were security members and seemed to know who I was, not only that when I approached the building's main gate, the security member immediately opened the door for me.

Looking at the five security members at the building's entrance fully armed up and ready-made me feel more at ease with my parents' wellbeing.

The building was thankfully secured with powerful steel gates that began closing up leaving a single entrance and exit to the main building. This meant that once that door is closed, it won't be opened by any normal means.

I left the building as fast as I could, trying to get to the university. I can't take a car due to how traffic is going to be in a few moments.

People seem to understand that some serious shit was happening and they all began running all over the street as if running away from something.

Looking ahead, I saw several undead already walking the street. They were all regular people, humans workers, nuns and even salesmen all with their faces mewled and guts and intestines pouring out of them. They moved hard, and I knew this wasn't going to last, once the undeath curse fully settles in, they'll be able to run, sprint, and climb, right now they're at their weakest, but the problem is that they're blocking my path.

I dove forward as a woman who was desperately running with her child in her arm fell, and behind her were three zombies about to jump her.

With a quick triple sword swing, all of their heads flew, the shock from me decapitating three 'people' was too much for that woman to even bother with thanking me as she screamed.

"SHUT UP AND RUN!" I shouted back, and it was enough for her to get her bearings, she stood up and probably didn't even notice her broken ankle as she continued running forward as fast as she could.

I cursed inwardly, there is no way in hell or heaven that that woman was going to live today. But I can't waste time worrying about others.

I've been there, a long time ago, and I tried helping, but eventually, a single person cannot change the course of an incoming catastrophe alone.

Therefore, I need my party, all of them, safe and sound, and with the impact, this early, shit is about to get ugly real fast.

I can't afford to have any of them dying on me before the real shit starts coming out, so I have to run.

As I was running forward I saw a motorbike on the ground, whoever owned it seemed to have been dragged away by the many zombies on the streets.

I rushed forward slicing and killing anything that came my way, and got my hand on the bike.

Several notifications began dinging with every kill but I mentally moved the distraction away.

I pressed the accelerator and it was loud enough to pull the attention of every zombie in sight.

Yet thankfully I was able to blast through before I was surrounded.

And the one zombie that tried to latch on to me got a speed date with the edge of my sword.

I hit the gas as hard as I could and blasted through the packed streets, going over pedestrian walkways and the main road alike.

People in cars began to understand that the panic caused too many accidents for them to move using the cars anymore, and had to give them up.

I even saw cars with abandoned children in them and saw people fighting for their lives.

I saw police officers shooting at zombies with panic striking their souls as they killed people who were once human.

It's not easy to take a life, I know that for a fact, and I've taken many, many lives.

However, there was no time for me to reminisce and feel sorry for the people here because saving my party members is more important. Not because their lives are worth more, but because with their help, will be able to save many, many more lives.