Cold Blooded Murder

Will, my best friend, and one of the few people that had gladly given their own lives for me in the past was on the ground, strapped to a chair, bleeding from everywhere. One of his arms was snapped broken and most of his face was swollen.

"Who the fuck are you?" one of the students spoke, he had a bloodied bat on his hand.

There was not a thought crossing my mind at the moment, and it seemed that even that person was the same since his end was far too fast for him to process. The moment he got closer, his head rolled, without anyone even realizing how I did it.

"WHO DID THIS!" I spoke words of absolute wrath, fuming as I worded every letter.

With the sight of a person's head rolling no one dared speak a word as they all seemed to back off from fright.

I spotted four students and a teacher. They all had blood on them.

"He... he is a monster like that fucker! they both are!" spoke of the students.

"Monster! Yes, you're right, I am," I spoke in a tone as low as I could. My rage could only be matched with the same rage against that white behemoth that killed me and everyone in my party. And now, I come to save these fuckers only to find out that they almost killed one of my party members. A friend that I considered as the brother I never had.

A monster you called me, then you're right. A monster I am.

But before I could tear at them, I heard a croak, "S-stop…"

Turning, it was will's voice, and it almost shattered my heart to pieces seeing him struggling in that state. he lost too much blood, it was pooling around him like a puddle. It was a miracle he was alive.

Next to him was Nadia, desperately trying to stop his bleeding.

"Lucas… Don't kill them…" Will said.

"Who did this to you?!" I said as I got closer to him.

"Don't mind me," he said coughing up blood. "Just stop killing people. They were...afraid."

"Fear is no justification to what they did!" I shouted, "Why did you harm him!"

"Lucas Newman, right, you're one of the students here, listen, you seem more...sane, Will here killed a few students and we had to put him in his place," the teacher said.

I frowned for a moment, Will? Killing someone, can't be.

"He killed two students that had turned, you had no right to ambush him like that!" spoke Nadia her voice quivering.

"We did not know at the time that the people actually turned when bitten, nothing bad happened, he looks like he'll live," said the teacher. Throwing away the responsibility as if it was never his.

"Nadia…" I said.

"Will...didn't fight back, he allowed them to hit him," she said, "And they turned to savages by then. They used steel pipes and bats..."

"You dumb ass, why the fuck did you let yourself get beaten up, after all that shit, you let some weaklings beat you up like this…" I spoke almost cursing at him.

"Stop, he didn't want to kill anyone…" Nadia said.

"What do you mean?"

"That guy," Nadia said, pointing at the now vexed teacher who spoke my name earlier.

"Was holding someone hostage, they were afraid of Will's strength, and made Will tie himself up, then they attacked him…" Nadia said.

"You bitch, don't start spouting lies! listen here Lucas," spoke the teacher and I saw him approach slowly, there was something in his hand.

"Nothing bad happened, we didn't know that people actually turned to Zombies, you only see that in movies, I'll have to admit that we had to tie him down, for our own protection and safety, we thought that he too was turned and that his inhuman strength was a byproduct and he will attack us. But, when I wasn't looking the kids here took matters into their own hands you can't fault them, they are like you, young and not mature enough to know when to stop," the teacher said.

A desperate sigh later Will spoke, "He was the one holding a hostage," Will said.

Just as the words left Will's mouth, the teacher's eyes widened and he swung whatever he had in his hand at me.

"Die you monster!"

The moment his words left his mouth, was the moment a three-foot sword went through his brain.

The teacher dropped dead instantly unable to understand how he died.

I turned to the other four students who were trembling from what just happened.

"Well, I guess you didn't expect this turn of events. No one lays a hand on my friends!"

I then moved forward sword in hand.

Moments later.

Will spoke, through guttural words, "You didn't have to go that hard… now everyone… is afraid of you…" he said.

As I looked up, behind Will most of the people who didn't seem to have anything to do with Will's beatdown were too petrified to even speak. But two, Mary who was beside me, with a cold look on her eyes against the dead students and teachers. Nadia, surprisingly didn't speak a word.

"Do I look like I give a fuck?"

"Clearly not," Will said and began coughing.

"Don't speak, you'll bleed out," Nadia said, "We need to take him to a hospital, he won't make it like this he lost too much blood."

"Sorry to inform you, shit is going on all over the world, hospital, it would be a god's given miracle to even get there, not to mention treating him there," I said.

"It's okay, trust Lucas, it's thanks to him that I got that strong anyway," Will said.

I frowned at Will's wording, then I began to understand what went on.

Will probably showed a lot of strength, and he made it so that teachers and students are afraid of him. And fear can make people do many things. The same as me, as I was just moments ago. I too was afraid... afraid of losing someone who would not only help save this god damned forsaken world, but a companion I trusted with my back.

"Listen up Will," I said as I pulled a green vial from my pocket, "Next time if you're trying to play the hero, don't fucking soften up, if I didn't come here, what do you think would have happened? Be more decisive you fucking idiot, shit hasn't even started, and look at you," I said.

"Why are you reprimanding him? He was the victim, they forced him with a hostage!" Nadia said.

"Victim my ass!" I said, "Drink up, you dumbass," I said.

"What's that?" Nadia asked.

But before I replied Will took it and said, "Cheers fucker."

I smiled as I saw Will drinking the potion, and soon his complexion began turning for the better.

His wounds visibly healed up, and the broken bones on his arm snapped back, causing a painful sound and eliciting a groan from Will's mouth.

Not a minute later, Will took a deep breath and stood up, dazed at first then soon able to move.

"Shit, I thought I was a goner." Just as he finished his words, I slapped him on the back of the head, "Dumbass. Don't do shit like this again, if someone tries and pulls shit on you, beat them up, or fuck em up. Don't ever let yourself be taken hostage, if one hostage dies, and you save a dozen, that's not failure, but if you're caught and all of them die, then it's your own mistake! You can't save everyone, but at the same time, you can't fucking give up those who can be saved! You're not God, don't fucking act like one!" I said further reprimanding him.

After finally emptying my heart I sat down.

"Teach!" one of the students spoke," We have a problem… one of the students said.

But even the sight of the dead teacher and the several dead bodies didn't seem to be stopping the guy from speaking.

"Some of the undead, after hearing that shout is swarming the stairs, the barricade won't last much longer," the student said.

"Fuck…" I cursed.

"What are we gonna do, Lucas?" asked Will.

I looked around and said, "I'm taking over, you did a shit job controlling this place, I'll need to take control of the situation."

"And who might you be to take control?" a student said.

Mary was quick to answer, "The only one here who actually has a clue on what's going on and has the strength to do something, and if you didn't notice, the guy with the bloodied sword, so who might you be?" she said.

Will nudged me and said, "Guess you got yourself a little fangirl."

The word was too low for Mary to hear, but not for Nadia, so I nudged Will back "Shut up, you're making this difficult."

"Anyway, I have a way to get us out, but I need to contact someone outside," I said.

"That's not gonna be possible, internet and communication are down," Nadia said.

"Yeah I know, but not radio, I'll be back Will, I trust you won't get fucked up as before."

"Wait wait, the radio room is in the lower floor, that's fucking suicide," he said. "Take me with you."

"No can do if I die, who's going to take care of them?" I said as I took a glance at Nadia.

"Don't die," Will said.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be back soon," then I turned to Nadia and said, "Good to see you well."

The words caught her by surprise then I remembered we're not a thing yet.

I turned and headed out.

Then began cringing at myself, what the fuck was I saying!

Ah, right, teenage fucking hormones, fuck this shit man

I hurried out before shit got more awkward.