Rescue Plan

I ignored the contribution notification as I was doing before and swung the sword with the dead corpse on it to the side.

I then slowly began looking across the room until I found what I was looking for. A radio station that I could use.

I began tuning the channel until I arrived at the channel that I and Dilbert agreed to use.

"Test, Test, John you here? Over," I spoke.

No one replied… which caused me to worry.

I spoke again, "John, are you here, it's Lucas, Over!"

"Yes, yes, here, I didn't know how to make this stuff work, sorry…oh yes, you have to say over, yes, over!" he said.

It was almost comical, with all the shit that's been happening to me here, and him acting like a complete goof made it far easier to swallow the shitty situation we're in.

"Also, where the heck did you took off? Do you know how much your parents were nagging at me… oh, yeah Over!"

"You don't need to say over all the time, anyway. I've had my reasons. I'm in Oakland University, we're in deep shit. I don't know what's the situation is like outside but I guess it's not looking good," I said.

"Yeah, the whole world turned to shit. Every major city has been hit, and from my security members, we're Oakland is in deep shit, but thanks to your help, I managed to round up all the vehicles, and they're on standby, my security personnel is fully dedicated to protecting the main building and the surrounding houses. Since like you said, buy them not with money but with the safety of their families," John said.

"Yes, money is irrelevant now, at least for the time being. Anyway, I'll need a few vehicles here, I have a few students stuck here with me, we can't move and a bunch of undead is surrounding us from everywhere," I said.

"How many students?" John asked.

"Close to a hundred," I said.

"Wait, aren't you in a university? What do you mean by just a hundred? Shouldn't there be… more?" he said.

"We've been hit hard. Most students turned undead… we're really screwed here. I can probably buy us an hour at most. Other than that…" I said.

"Lucas… be honest with me, what are your personal chances of survival?" he asked.

"Mine? Alone? A hundred percent," I said.

"Oh, that confident. Listen to me, I'll do my best to send you a few vehicles, but if shit turns ugly…" he said.

"Don't worry, I know more about survival than you ever will, I know what to do when shit hits the fan, but still, there are a few people here, without them alive, we're all fucked."

"Okay, I'll send in some vehicles, it's going to take a little while, you know, traffic and all," he said and I could almost feel the grin in his voice.

"Good, I'll do my best to keep them alive, however, there is a problem. We're on the third floor and I'll need you to do something for me when the vehicles arrive, okay?" I said.

"Yes, tell me."

"Okay, it goes like this…"


Soon I hung up and decided it was time for me to go back with the students, I can't leave them on their own there.

I began by making my way back to the vent I came from only to find out that shit has turned south way too damn fast.

Loud noises of students screaming were more than enough to pull the aggro of all the undead towards the source of the scream, it was on the second floor.

On my end, there didn't seem to be any undead here, so I began by moving fast, ignoring my own self-imposed rule of carefulness. And I rushed up ahead.

I arrived to one of the staircases leading to the second floor, finding it completely blocked.

I heaved and kicked the first chair in front of me, powerfully so my foot tore into the chair and slammed into the rest of the blockade shacking it. I did that again, and again until the rubble shook and became looser, then I pulled a few of the chairs away. And managed to make a small opening where I could squeeze myself into the second floor.

I pulled myself into the second floor and made sure to 'repair' the entrance I made.

I was not surprised by the fact that no student was near this area since I asked everyone to leave to the third floor. But I could hear screams coming from the other side.

I then hurried and noticed what was the cause, an undead had managed to make it past one of the barricades on the other end of the hall and grabbed a student who was screaming as he was being scratched, bitten, and mauled, why everyone looked in desperate panic and fear.

"THE FUCK ARE YOU LOOKING AT!" I shouted as I approached the student.

"Sorry!" I said then stabbed him right through the head, ending his pain.

My actions looked like I was some sort of a merciless murderer to everyone, but it was necessary.

"FUCK OFF TO THE THIRD FLOOR!" I shouted and the students scrambled towards the top floor.

The barricade on this side looked too weak to stop the undead from going in, and it was going to break in a few minutes.

Looking around most furniture on the second floor had already been moved, there was no way to stop them from getting here, so I had to turn and climb up.

The third floor's had several students waiting on the top with a huge blockade of furniture waiting for the last few students to go up before they close it up.

"Is everyone up?" I asked.

"Yes, we made sure no one was left on the second," a student said, "Now hurry up, they're coming," he added.

"Right," I said and squeezed into the small area and then the students dragged a vending machine to block the small part that wasn't closed off.

Several other couches and large shelves were also placed next to the vending machine and blocked the way from the undead.

Soon you could visibly hear the undead blasting through the second floor and pooling into it.

Will soon arrived, "Man you're still alive," he said.

"Hey don't say shit like that, that's a red flag. Anyway, help is on the way," I said.

Which made the rest of the students beam with joy.

"But it's going to take an hour or so, I hope we can survive until then," I said.

"What do you mean, with the blockade this strong no Zombie can come through," a student said.

"You're oh so sorely mistaken, these guys here, they'll start evolving very, very soon. They'll grow stronger, strong enough to bend iron, barricades like these are nothing to them," I said.

"How do you know so much…" spoke a female voice.

Turning, it was Nadia asking, she had a skeptical look on her face.

"Let's call it a hunch, for now, I need to rest, I'm a bit tired," I said and went to a corner and sat down, slowly breathing and regulating my breath.

The tension finally subsiding I'm slowly able to think more rationally now.

Looking around, every student was looking at me like I was some sort of monster.

"What?" I said.

"You really aren't afraid of them?" Nadia said.

"What the undead? Oh, believe me, I am, but I know for a fact, that soon they'll be the least of our worries. For now, let's survive and wait for help. Mishaa," I said.

And this caused everyone to look around.

"I don't think anyone is named Mishaa here… Is that your girlfriend?" Nadia asked.

"Oh, no, I'm single, no Mishaa is the name of the system," I said and then the notification began popping in front of me.

As I moved my hands in the air, the students who looked at me doing that probably thought I was an idiot.

Thankfully, Will came to the rescue and explained how the system works briefly.

This novelty began pulling the attention of the students away from the shitty reality and had them focus on something else, which was a blessing. A panic-stricken person will only think about bad shit. Now since they're distracted, it'll make things a bit easier for me.

Now, let's see these notifications shall we.