Fight and Flight

I slid into the closest classroom, the ones on the third floor were slightly bigger, with some of them even having their own small labs. The Hook Beast bore through the wall as if it was made of paper, and found an interesting thing coming it's way.

A chair flung towards his ugly mug at full force.

The strike stunned it, caused it to bleed, and clearly was something that such a creature never expected. After all, it is a monster, a boss class, something that even monsters themselves try and avoid, not to mention weak, skinny tasty human prey.

And this one wasn't running, oh no, it was fighting back and was making the Hook Beast's own instinct cry out unable to understand why a prey isn't running away in fear but fighting back.

The creature, angered by my revolt threw two of his hooks my way, to which I simply ducked under the closest desk, avoiding the deadly hooks.

He then pulled them back, dragging them across the hardwood of desks, pulling everything along its way and cracking then breaking the desks as if they were made of tofu.

The chains on that creature's hand were heavy, a graze is enough to break bone, so I'll need to make sure that I avoid them.

Squealing like an impaled pig, which clearly didn't look like the screech of a predator, the Hook Beast was balefully enraged.

It then began breaking through the small chairs and class tables using its main arms. It found it clearly hard to use since the whole classroom was far too short for its stature as the ten-foot-tall creature needed to hunch down in order to move along with the fact that his arms were too long, it was a pain for it to get some good force behind every swing.

This gave me a good idea.

To which, instead of running away, I got closer to him. Even a crazed man would think what I was doing is stupid, but this is the best course of action and the safest spot.

Going farther away from the beast will allow him to use the hooks, a dangerous long-range tool. And if I were too close, he won't have enough leeway to throw the hooks nor will they have enough velocity to grab me, thus, he'll need to use his massive arms. And with the area around us so small and tight, it will be an even bigger chore.

The creature swung both hands towards me like he was about to swat a fly, to which I dove forward using my hands against a desk in front of me to further push myself mid-dive towards the beast.

And right then, I stopped about three feet from the creature's face.

"Your breath stinks!" I said then sliced at his face as fast as I could.

The blow was magnificent, luck played an ungodly part in it too.

The sword swing was enough to slice right through the pupils of its eyes. And it made it screech even more, in agonized pain and suffering as it clawed at its own face from the pain of losing its eyes.

I desperately jumped back for two reasons.

The first, my sword decided that it was time for it to retire, the impact against a magical creature was too much for the normal sword dipped in mana to handle. It shattered like a piece of glass struck against concrete.

The second reason was…

It's gonna start flailing.

And it happened, anger, and unadulterated rage and perhaps even fear in the creature's voice mixed up to release an unwholesome shrieking that would wake the dead and send shivers down a battle-hardened ghost.

The flailing was ridiculous, the creature's arms swatted anything it touched in every direction, slicing desks and chairs into pieces and bits. Not even the metal making the desk frames was able to survive direct contact with this fucker's fingers.

Not only that, by some fucked up reason, the fucker's second set of hands was also swinging their hooks all over the classroom and pulling, breaking, and crashing against every damn thing alongside them.

I ducked and dodged the closest blows, and had to dive away from the rubble and dipped behind a desk at the farthest part of the room waiting for the fucker to stop flailing.

It took a few minutes before the creature could stop, and in those minutes, I had a few close calls. A hook managed to penetrate right through the desk I was hiding behind, and then the creature pulled the hook back, then a chair came crashing next to me. At first, I thought I was discovered, but once I peeked from over the barely standing desk I hid behind, all I saw was ruble, massive amounts of it, the creature made sure to break everything in its radius, from windows, wooden floor, to fake roof and ceilings, even managed to break the vents and some of the walls with its flailing.

This fucker was like a small hurricane.

However, it seems that I was in luck, with it blind, I'll be able to avoid…

Not before I could even finish my words, a hook came flying towards my face so fast that I couldn't even think to dodge it.

However, it missed, by a stupidly close margin, I could honestly say that I felt death and stared right into it then.

How did it realize I was here? The question came to me as fast as its answer.

Fuck, it doesn't need its eyesight it can detect life signatures.

There was no reason for me to stay hidden I was as obvious to it as if it was able to see.

The creature looked at me, or faced me in this case since now there were no eyes on his face, but two mangled eyeballs and a bloodied face. It approached me, screeching in words I didn't understand but could clearly tell the meaning.

It was probably promising some untold suffering and never-ending pain before I would die.

This sadistic fucker is really having it for me.

I moved away from behind the desk and headed to the massive hole the Hook Beast left in the wall, another hook shot forward to which I ducked under and slid towards the hallway only to find it blocked by the undead.

Shit, without my sword, any attempt at fighting the undead is death, going through the vents is also a big no. The hook beast can easily see me and will have no problem pulling me out while gutting me at the same time if I were to present myself in a small vent.

The undead approached but didn't close in, the fear from the Hook Beast was still too much for them to jump on his prey.

Looking back, at the creature, I cursed. All paths to escape were closed and I'm trapped without a weapon.

The undead and the hook beast both glared at me and closed in on me.

I needed to find a solution and very fucking fast.

Suddenly a loud crashing sound and the explosive sound of guns began blasting outside.

"Fucking finally!" I cursed.

The sound began increasing even further as the roiling sound of trucks sounded louder by the second, they were slowly closing in on us.

I had no way to get help, and I couldn't escape from this place if I weren't to try something stupid.

I dashed back into the room, and faced up against the Hook Beast, the creature lifted his massive arm up in an attempt to crush me against the floor. But I wasn't in the mood to play whack-a-mole.

I dove forward, right into the rubble, cursing as my back rolled over the broken glass pieces of rubble and all random shit. But that was more than enough to avoid the incoming blow of the Hook Beast. At the same time, I put my hand on a cleanly cut, metallic desk leg. In another forced twist of my body, I jerked up forward and jumped away, and landed right behind the Hook Beast. At the same time, I pulled a mana crystal from my inventory, it was the reward for clearing the rat's dungeon.

Which came in handy.

I crushed the mana crystal against the metallic desk foot then struck up with all the might my body could even harness, not to kill, because I knew something like this tool in my hand will not, will never, and not in a million year would ever breakthrough it's the body. However, it will still hurt if it hits, and my aim wasn't his body, but one of his under arms.

The tip of the metallic desk leg landed right into the wrist of the beast, causing it to screech and at the same time drop its hook and chain.

I immediately grabbed the item and cursed at how heavy this shit was. However, thanks to the improved strength I gained from the vial. I was able to do something extraordinary.

Grabbing the hundred or so worth of pounds chain I ran towards the closest window and swung the hook against the closest window frame, which surprisingly helped in securing the hook. I then dove into the broken glass face first. And from the third floor of the building, using the hook as a grapple and praying for gravity to be kind.