The Bridge

"So, we go now?" asked Bob.

"That's a good question," I replied as I looked up at the hole.

"There doesn't seem to be anything else left in that hole but just for good measure," I went back to the room and dragged the table out.

I then threw it across the stairs, waiting for it to tumble and fall, slide, and roll on the stairs.

It took a long and noisy while as the table crashed wherever it could before it finally stopped.

Seeing nothing falling down from the hole again, I told the group," I think we're good.

"I advise that we still go down as fast as we could, you don't know if those things are timed…" Sebastian said.

"I'm of the same thought," let's rush in," I said as I headed down the stairs.

As we were going down, at a slightly fast jog. I was able to see something of interest.

"Look at that," I said as I pointed at the 'missing' stairs.

"What's that, why is there a stair missing?" asked Vivian.