Lies and Deceit

Slowly turning their heads, they saw what I was seeing.

Three creatures, human-like, standing on two feet. Their arms were slender and long reaching all the way to their knees. They were pitch black as if they were charcoal, you couldn't see their expressions from the darkness of their skin.

Their eyes were closed, and I know that since I'd dealt with them before.

And their hair looked as if it was made of snakes, but it was just hair, or so I believed, it moved and swayed as if the creatures were underwater.

They didn't attack, didn't speak or threaten, yet their presence alone was an issue.

"Whatever you do," I said to everyone, "Avoid looking into their eyes, the moment you do, you'll fall into an illusion," I said as I kept my head low, "Keep an eye on their hands and feet, they don't attack as long as they're not attacked first.

"What do we do then?" asked Vivian.