5| Would you like a bullet in your brain?

The next two weeks passed very much like the first day Grace had started working at Bernardi's, Victor would come in at around eight every evening and sit in his office, the bar was closed on Sundays, Calvin said that sometimes Victor would close if he needed the space for business but that hadn't happened yet and Grace knew better than to ask about what business. Other than speaking to Calvin or the dishwasher in the kitchen she kept to herself, doing as she was told. When payday finally came she was more than excited. Her tips had been enough to cover most of the bills that were due and finally for the first time in her life after doing groceries she would have money left over for herself. Not much but perhaps a few dollars to buy some new underwear or jeans which she needed desperately. She had told Debbie and Owen that she had a new job but omitted to mention who her boss was. She knew they wouldn't take lightly to her working for the mafia king. When the bar closed for the night Victor was still in his office as Calvin gave Grace her paycheck. She thanked him before putting it in her back pocket and finishing up the tables she was wiping down. Victor came out of his office he went around the bar and poured himself a drink as he watched Grace bend over the table to wipe it down. Victor couldn't help the sense of calm that washed over him watching Grace, there was just something about her that eased his constant irritation. Except now as he watched Calvin watch Grace the same way he did.

She walked back around the bar putting away the cloth she had used to finish wiping down the tables. Her nerves had eased around Victor slightly as long as he wasn't talking to her, her brain could still manage to function.

"Uhm, Grace, I was wondering?" Calvin started not caring about his boss that sat at the stool a few meters away, Grace turned to face him with a slight smile on her face while Victor tried to ease the irritation he felt seeing her smile at Calvin.

"What's up?" She asked turning to face him.

"Well, if you're free on Sunday, would you like to have dinner with me?" Calvin asked with a sheepish smile.

Victor clutched his glass tightly in his hand, trying to control the urge to not slam it against the man's head. How dare he ask her on a date?

"Oh," Grace said surprised as a blush crept onto her cheeks "I- uhm" she stuttered, taking a deep breath she looked back at Calvin "I'm sorry Calvin, but I'm kind of seeing someone" She lied. Victor didn't know what upset him more, Calvin asking her out or learning that another man had what was his.

"Well he is a lucky guy" Calvin smiled disheartened

Grace hummed a response before walking to the locker room quickly.

"Just my luck" Calvin muttered

"Calvin, if you ever ask Grace out again I will put a bullet in between your eyes" Victor growled viciously. Calvin turned to look at his boss shocked.

"I- 'm sorry sir, I didn't know," Calvin said quickly, it now made sense that his boss was here every night but he wasn't sure if anything was going on between them.

"She's mine" Victor snapped before heading to the back room. Victor walked into the locker room slamming the door shut behind him, making Grace jump back at the loud sound, she stood against the wall as Victor advanced on her, his face screamed murder, and all Grace could do was stand in her spot, her back against the wall as her heart beat rapidly in her chest.

"Tell me his name!" Victor snapped gabbing Grace's jaw with his hand

"I- who?" She stuttered

"The man your fucking" Victor growled

"I'm not..." she started fear coursing through her veins "I'm not seeing anyone. I lied to Calvin" She said quickly

"Why?" Victor asked his grip loosening slightly

"I didn't want to hurt his feelings" She answered honestly. Victor released his grip on her jaw moving his hand down to her throat where his fingers curled around her neck.

Grace stood still in shock watching as Victor looked her over with an unrecognizable glint in his emerald green eyes.

"I'm sorry I didn't know what else to say," Grace said as tears began to well in her eyes. Victor unfolded his fingers from her throat, he used his flat hand to rub down her neck to her chest, and Grace felt her skin tingle as his hand rested on her chest above her breasts. The hot feeling between her legs returned as her breathing deepened. She couldn't understand why Victor had been so angry but standing here as he touched her she didn't care. All of her fear and common sense went out the window at the feel of his skin on hers, she wanted more. He looked up at the emerald green eyes that studied her, her hunger and lust reflecting in his eyes back at her. Without much thought Grace brought her hand up to his tie, curling her fingers around it, she pulled him gently to her, she lifted her head so that his mouth would meet hers, time had slowed as his lips brushed over hers slightly, their eyes still glued to each other. Grace wanted to taste his hot breath, she wanted to feel his lips dance with hers. At that moment the man in front of her was no longer the ruthless mafia king, he was only Victor, he was only a man that she craved to feel.

Victor moved his hand from her chest down to her waist, his other hand followed, gripping her hips and pulling her into him, her body molded against his as she let out a breathless moan feeling their bodies against each other. Victor brought his lips down to hers ready to claim them with a kiss when his phone rang interrupting the inevitable. He let go of Grace stepping back from her.

"Go home" He ordered taking his phone out of his pocket "and if another man so much as lays eyes on you ever again I will put a bullet in his brain" he snapped before answering his phone and walking out of the room.

Grace stood for a moment against the wall trying to get her breathing back to normal, she wasn't sure what had overcome her at that moment. She had never felt such a need for a man before. Yes the king was handsome, yes he was powerful and yes he was probably what most women dreamed of but not Grace. No, the more time she spent in his presence the more of herself she lost.