6| With Dads like these

Trigger warning!

Grace had barely gotten any sleep that night, her thoughts drifting back to the green eyes that somehow captured every part of her soul and made her body want to do things she was not accustomed to. She tossed and turned wondering if tomorrow would be more awkward. She couldn't help but wonder what his lips would have felt like on hers. The heat from earlier began to grow in her core once more as she thought about the way his muscles flexed pulling her against him, she imagined what he looked like without his shirt on. She moved to slide her hand into her panties as she imagined what it would feel like if it were his hand. Grace hadn't had much experience masturbating or any experience with sex at all, no one had ever aroused those feelings in her. She closed her eyes, imagining what he would do to her if he was in this room with her, she began to touch herself still holding onto the image of him doing it when a few loud bangs erupted through the house. Grace shot straight up, removing her hand. She got out of bed going into the hallway where Debbie and Owen both came out.

"What's going on?" Owen asked

Grace shook her head, leading the way downstairs as the three of them approached the noises. Grace turned on the living room light to see someone digging through their stuff.

"Hey!" Owen shouted pushing past his sister's. He yanked the man up by his collar

"Dad?" He asked confused as the man turned to look at him

"Shut up boy!" Their dad snapped smacking Owen across the face. Owen fell to the ground.

"Get Liam and get out of here!" Grace turned to Debbie who nodded. Debbie ran upstairs grabbed the crying baby and headed for the front door past Grace who was at Owen's side checking his breathing.

"What are you doing here?" Grace shouted as Debbie left the house

"Where is the money!" Her dad snapped looking at her

"What money?" Grace asked earning herself a backhand through the face. She had no time to feel the sting when her dad gripped her hair pulling her into the kitchen "we don't have any money!" Grace cried as her dad let go of her hair, slapping her again but harder this time.

Grace cried out, tasting blood in her mouth.

"I know you have money, give it to me!" Her dad shouted punching Grace this time. She fell to the floor, holding the side of her jaw her dad had punched. She tried to get up but he punched her again, this time making her nose bleed.

"Please" She cried as she tried to get up. He hit her again as Grace laid back she began to see stars. Only a sharp pain in her ribs brought her back to reality as her father stood over her, kicking her continuously. She lay on the floor watching as her father opened the cabinet taking out the shoe box. He opened the lid smiling as he found the money they kept in there to pay the bills.

"Dad" She begged hazel eyes the same as hers, smiling at her before another kick to the ribs impaled her.

She watched as he left the house. With their money in hand. Owen moaned slightly as he gained consciousness. He sat up holding his jaw.

"Grace!" He looked at her, got up her ran over to his sister making sure she was okay. Anger and worry swirled in his heart.

"I'm fine" She groaned sitting up as her body protested.

"Here," Owen said handing her a cloth.

Grace wiped the blood off her face. As tears streamed from her eyes

"He took all of our money" She cried.

"We'll get it back Gracie" Owen sighed hugging her.

By the time Debbie got back, her eyes red from crying, Owen and Grace had already cleaned the mess their father had made.

"I need to go, I'm going to be late," Grace said getting her bag. Her movements were stiff.

"You can't go to work like that!" Debbie said shocked

"What am I supposed to do Debs?" Grace asked looking at her "Frank took all of our money." Owen and Debbie both looked down, their hearts heavy, once again Grace had gotten the worst of the treatment because she always chose to put them before herself.

"What the fuck happened to you?" Calvin asked as he saw Grace's bruised face

"I'd rather not talk about it," She said quickly

"You can't be here looking like that," Calvin said quickly "Mr. Bernardi will have a fit. Go home. I'll cover for you," he said quickly

Calvin was afraid that whoever did this to Grace would end up with a bullet in his head. Grace had tried to argue but Calvin insisted. As she left the bar, Calvin thought of a lie to tell Mr. Bernardi when he came in, but what Calvin was not expecting was that Mr. Bernardi would show up, an hour after Grace left.

Victor walked into the bar, with only one thing in mind. Claiming Grace as his and having her on his desk in his office. He didn't see her in front when he walked in so he walked to the locker room and still no sign of her. Neither when he passed the kitchen.

"Where is Grace?" He asked Calvin coming back to the bar.

"She wasn't feeling well. I sent her home" Calvin lied

"Is she sick?" Victor asked

"Yeah" He nodded as Victor rushed out of the door.

Worry had built up inside of him for Grace which he found odd seeing as though he had never worried for anyone besides his family before. He got into his black Mercedes speeding towards Grace's house. He knew where she lived, he had done a background check the night he met her. Driving full speed he made it to her house in a matter of minutes. He walked up to the door, thinking about how this house could use a fix-up, as many of the houses in this area could. He knocked quickly waiting for Grace to open the door but instead, a young man with the same brown hair and eyes open looking up at him. He noticed the small bruise on his jaw first and as Owen stood taking in the mafia man, he had a million questions as to why he was there. Fear instantly shot through him thinking that perhaps it had something to do with his father.

"Can I help you?" Owen asked still shocked

"I'm looking for Grace," Victor said in a monotone.

Owen stood blinking for a moment, why would the mafia be looking for Grace.

"Grace" Owen called but his sister couldn't hear him over the cries of Liam, he looked back at the mafia man afraid that telling him to come back later would result in the death of all of them. The man in front of him had a look in his eyes that if he didn't see Grace, everyone would pay. "She's in the kitchen, follow me" Owen said letting the man in.

Victor followed Owen through the small living room into the kitchen, where Grace stood with her back to towards him, holding a crying baby in her arms as she, turned the heat down on the stove.

"Grace?" Owen said again, Grace turned around to look at her brother but what she was not expecting was the Mafia king behind him with the look of murder painted on his face as he took in her appearance.