7| Explanations

"Grace?" Owen asked looking at his sister's face that was frozen in place. "Do you care to explain what's happening?"

Grace looked at the mafia king unable to form any words, he was here in her house, with the family shit she thought to herself. She looked at Owen whose eyes held a million questions. They still didn't know who he was so that was at least one good thing.

"No," Grace said quickly looking at Owen. She handed him the baby "Dinner is almost ready, I'll call you" She said ushering him out of the kitchen. Before looking back at Victor who looked like he was about to rain hell down upon the earth.

"Who did that to you?" He asked as Owen left the room, his voice was low and angry but he controlled most of it so he wouldn't scare her. But seeing her like this, her cheek had a massive bruise over the area, he would torture the person who did this to her. His mind already planning the ways he would make that person play.

"Uhm" Grace started unable to form a sentence, he may be the mafia king but she didn't need him getting mixed up in her business.

"Answer me" Victor snapped causing Grace to step back.

"I fell" She lied

"You're a shitty liar" He folded his arms

Grace looked at the man, biting her tongue to stop her from saying something she could regret.

"I'm still waiting for an answer" He looked at her

"No," Grace said looking at him.

Victor was taken aback by her sudden change in attitude, he stayed silent as she found the nerve to speak again.

"With all due respect Mr. Bernardi, this is my house. I will take orders from you at work and anywhere else but this is my safe place. You cannot come in here and bend me to your will as you please" She huffed.

"Grace, there wasn't enough for bread or milk but I got eggs and pasta at least," Debbie said coming into the kitchen with a shopping bag in her hands. Only stopping when she noticed the mafia man in the kitchen.

"Oh" Debbie stood shocked, she looked between her sister and the man, both had their jaws set in a firm line as if they were in an argument. "My name is Debbie" She introduced looking at Victor "who are you?" She asked

"No one" Grace blurted quickly before Victor could answer. Both Debbie and Victor looked at Grace for a moment. Victor smirked slightly.

"Okay well, Mr no one, I hope my sister isn't being too rude. You should stay for dinner" Debbie smiled before walking out of the kitchen. Grace turned around quickly, taking the pot off the stove. Only then did Victor notice she was wearing only an oversized t-shirt, he couldn't help the twitch in his dick as he wondered what color her panties were under there.

Grace walked over to the cabinet and began dishing food for her siblings and Liam.

"Are you staying for dinner?" She asked not looking at Victor.

"No," He said quickly

Grace nodded before taking the bowls out to the living room handing each of her siblings one and one for Liam too.

"Grace..." Victor said as she got back to the kitchen, Grace looked at him shaking her head with a finger on her lips, telling him to keep quiet. He was about to protest before she took his hand, leading him up the stairs through the living room without her siblings seeing them. Once they were in her bedroom she closed the door. Standing against it.

"I'm sorry I missed work, Mr. Bernardi, it won't happen again," She said looking down

"I thought you said I am not your boss here?" He asked making her look up at him surprised.

"I-" She started but was cut off as Victor walked closer to her putting his hands beside her, caging her where she stood.

"If I am not your boss then what's to stop me from doing this?" He asked moving his face to her neck, he kissed her soft skin as Grace's heart picked up its speed. "Or this," He asked as his hands trailed up her thighs, his fingers running along her soft skin over her panties, up to her ribs, and under her breasts as she breathed heavily.

"What's to stop you from doing it any time you like?" Grace asked in a breathy whisper

Victor looked up at her as his other hand wrapped itself around her neck, he could feel her rapid pulse in his palm

"Nothing" He smirked at her "Any restraint I've shown towards you has been purely for your benefit. I'm not someone who asks for what I want"

"And what is it that you want?" Grace asked as fear and excitement danced in her core.

"I want you to tell me who had the nerve to lay their hands on what is mine," He said as his eyes went dark.

"Yours?" Grace asked lifting a brow

"The only marks you should be wearing on you are the ones I give to you" his hand tightened slightly around her throat, and he took her bottom lip between his teeth causing Grace to let out a moan.

"Grace, I hate to disturb whatever is going on in there but we have a situation out here" Debbie called from the other side of the door.

Victor pulled back stepping away from a now panting Grace, she looked at him as he smirked at her, a blush evident on her cheeks. Turning quickly Grace opened the door as Debbie smiled apologetically. "Debt collector," Debbie said softly making Grace groan.

She hurried down the stairs to the door, she was expecting to see someone in a suit and tie from an office but instead, two more mafias stood at her doorstep with weapons in hand.

"Hello there sweetheart," one of them with a teardrop tattoo below his eye said looking her up and down making the hair on her skin stand

"Can I help you?" She asked using the door as protection

"We're looking for Frank Brennan," the other man said

"He doesn't live here anymore," Grace said quickly closing the door but teardrop was too fast. He grabbed Grace's wrist before she could close the door pulling her into him as his hands roamed her body "he owes us a lot of money but I'm sure a night with you will be payment enough" he laughed into her ear

"Let her go now" Victor snapped appearing at the door and looking at the two men.

Their faces dropped instantly as they looked at their king.

"Sir-" teardrop started as he let go of Grace, she moved quickly to Victor's side.

Victor pushed Grace behind him protectively.

"Sir we have our orders," The other man said looking at Victor.

"I am dealing with this, you two leave now and report back to me tonight," Victor said quickly

"But sir the boss," The man said again only to be met with a vicious glare from Victor

"Jason" Victor looked at the man who dared question his order "You're new to all this, joining the McCullough gang only a couple of months ago so let me introduce myself" Victor grabbed the man by the collar of his shirt "My name is Victor Bernardi," He said in a low voice laced with pure venom. Owen and Debbie gasped behind Grace as they realized who had been in their sister's room mere moments ago.

"Leave now and I expect a full report tonight, make sure John McCullough comes with you" He snapped pushing the man to the floor. "If you ever question my orders again, I'll hang your head on my fence" He snapped

"Yes sir," Jason said scrambling to his feet, his face filled with dread as he and teardrop turned to walk away

"Oh and Mac?" Victor called

"Yes sir?" Teardrop turned around

"Grace Brennan is mine, if anyone lays a hand on her, they'll deal with me" He folded his arms "make sure everyone knows it"

"Yes sir," Mac said quickly before turning around.

Grace couldn't help the blush on her face as she looked at her siblings but what Victor just did, had put her in more danger than before. She was now directly tied to him and soon the whole of New Port would know it.