8| Frank Brennan failed us

"Sit," Victor said walking into the small living room. The Brennan siblings each sat quickly on the three-seater couch as Victor took his seat on the one-seater opposite them. The three of them each stared at him. Debbie with curiosity, Owen with admiration, and Grace with fear. Victor looked at the three of them who resembled each other as each of them had thoughts and questions run through their eyes.

"Tell me what happened" Victor looked at Grace, her eyes glanced down to the floor "Who did that to you?" He spoke again but Grace refused to answer

"Our fuck head father," Owen said answering Victor's questions.

"Owen!" Grace seethed

"What Grace?" Owen snapped at her angrily "Why do you keep protecting him? He is a piece of shit"

"He is our father" Grace looked at Owen as if that was supposed to mean something to him.

"He left Grace!" Owen shouted standing up "He fucking left and so did Norma, they left us, they left you to pick up the pieces and raise us. I don't understand how you can't be angry at them!" He snapped. Grace looked down at her feet again. Her brother didn't know it but she was angry, she was very angry.

"Frank broke in here at god knows what time this morning" Owen sat down again looking at Victor. Victor stayed quiet listening to Owen speak "He stole all of our money, Grace's paycheck, the savings we had for our bills, even Debbie's tips" Owen said looking down "We tried to stop him but he knocked me out and beat the shit out of Grace"

"Does he still live here?" Victor asked

"No" Debbie answered now "He only comes back when he needs something"

"You should kill him" Owen spoke looking at Victor.

"Owen!" Grace said horrified looking at her brother

"He deserves to die." Owen looked at Victor ignoring Grace "Grace works her ass off every day since she was fifteen, we're up to our heads in debt, trying to pay back what Norma and Frank owe the banks, all Grace and Debbie's tips go to the utilities or Liam's daycare, we hardly ever have enough left over for food. Last night was the first time Grace has eaten in three days because she's always trying to make sure we're fed. It's complete bullshit and it's all Frank's fault." Liam vented

Victor's head shot up looking at Grace who was trying her best to hide in shame, she couldn't understand why Owen had to tell all this to a man he hardly knew.

"Well it's Norma's fault as well" Debbie added

Victor felt his hand twitch with anger, from what he heard from Owen, Frank Brennan was going to get a lot more than just death, death would be too easy for him considering the hell he has put Grace through.

"Frank will die," Victor said standing up

"No, no, no," Grace said quickly getting up, she looked at Victor "Please don't kill him" she begged

"Why the fuck not?" Owen snapped

"Shut up Owen!" Grace looked at him "Frank is an asshole and his the worst kind of father but he is still our father" She looked at Victor now, her hazel eyes pleading with him "Please Victor, please don't kill him" She begged

Victor couldn't help the flip his heart did, hearing his name come from Grace's lips. It was the first time she had ever addressed him as such and he was going to make sure it was not the last.

"I will hear what the McCullough's have against him and make my decision from there. For now, I'll be sending one of my men to stay here in case he shows up again. I will be seeing you at work on Monday morning Grace" Victor said quickly before letting himself out. He climbed into his car, knowing that Frank Brennan was going to die for what he did to Grace.

Victor drove home, sighing as he pulled up to his mansion, thoughts of Grace occupying his mind as they have been the past two weeks. Tonight he got to taste her skin and he wanted more, he want to spread kisses like that all over her body. He couldn't help but notice that Tonight was the first time she had spoken freely to him, against the door in her bedroom, she wanted him as much as he wanted her. Grace was a bit shy but Victor would pry the vixen out of her. Soon she would be warming his bed, and the town would know by the end of the night who she belonged to. He had staked his claim on her, she was his and there was no going back.

"Good evening sir" one of the maids greeted as he opened the door. "Mr. McCullough is waiting for you in your office" She informed him

"Thank you, bring a whiskey up," He said as he made his way up the marble stairs to his office.

"Good evening gentlemen" Victor greeted walking into his office. McCullough, Mac, and Jason bowed their heads in greeting as Victor sat down behind his desk. McCullough sat in one of the chairs in front of him while Jason and Mac stood with their hands crossed together.

"Let's get down to it," Victor said looking at the men in front of him "Tell me about Frank Brennan"

"Brennan came to me a few years ago and borrowed some money which he paid back in a few months. He would come every few months, buying heroin or gambling. He was always good for it and always paid his debts until about six months ago. He came bought the heroin on credit until my patience got thin. He disappeared without a trace, guy of mine saw him head home early this morning but when these two went there they said you stopped them?" McCullough explained

"I did" Victor agreed "Mac had his hands all over my...." Victor paused "the girl is mine"

"I don't want the girl, sir, I just want my money"

"You know Brennan won't pay you back" Victor raised a brow

"I'll settle for his head" McCullough replied

"The thing is, I want his head too. So this is how it's going to work. You will find Brennan, whatever resources you need I will provide. You will bring him to me." Victor said "Alive"

"What about the debt that is owed to me?" McCullough asked

"Remember that house you asked me for a few months ago?" Victor asked

"Yes sir?" McCullough answered eagerly

"Frank Brennan owns a house, which his children currently occupy. I'm willing to give you that one" Victor looked between the three men. McCullough wanted a house to operate his heroin business out of and seeing that the Brennan siblings couldn't afford to live in that house and Frank owed McCullough more than what that house was worth. It seemed like a fair trade.

"When can I take ownership?" McCullough asked happily

"Give me a few days to sort the rest of the Brennan family out. Then the house is yours"

"Thank you sir" McCullough smiled ear to ear

"No harm comes to Grace Brennan or her siblings, do you understand me?" Victor asked once more with conviction

"Yes sir," the three of them said in union before the exited the office.

That was at least one thing taken care of but now Victor hand the task of explaining to Grace that they were being evicted on his order.