9| Lost Home

New Port was buzzing with rumors of the girl that the king had claimed as his. In the twelve years that passed, never has the king ever been interested in any woman other than just to warm his bed. Things were changing, and the town folk of New Port knew it. The new information that was shared was enough to cause unease in the citizens that occupied the mafia-ridden town. People wanted to know what was happening with their king and none more so than the gangs who operated under him. News of the girl that had been claimed by the king spread like wildfire, just as Victor suspected it would however he didn't take into account that more than just the gangs he ruled over would be taken by this news. Anyone knew that being part of the mafia meant that you'd have enemies, but no one had as many as the king. Being King meant knowing your enemies, and Victor knew the importance of keeping your enemies close. He had made it his business to know their business, and no one did a better job at doing that than his brother Vincent. So when word reached him regarding his brother's claim on a young woman, Vincent knew that home to New Port was his next stop.

Grace had no idea what it meant to be claimed by the mafia king and the thought made her feel uneasy, everything about today had made her uneasy, when she got to work, Calvin had looked at her as if she had grown a second head. She went through her day just as any other, but the difference was that no customers wanted to be served by her. How was she supposed to make any tips if no one wanted her as a waitress? When Victor got to the bar, he walked straight to his office without even a glance in her direction. That she was grateful for, seeing as Victor seemed extra snappy today. As the day went on, more and more customers refused Grace's service, and at this point, she didn't know what to do anymore. Without a second thought, she went to the back, knocking on Victor's door.

"Come," He called from the other side.

Grace took a deep breath, calming her nervous heart before entering. Victor looked at her, leaning back in his chair. He liked the top she was wearing today that exposed her neck, but he couldn't help but notice that a diamond necklace would compliment it.

"I'm sorry to bother you, Mr. Bernardi, " Grace said, approaching him

"I'm never too busy to talk to you," Victor said, honestly, making heat rise to Grace's cheeks as he motioned for her to sit down

"Well, there's a problem," She said softly

"Who is it?" Victor asked with a lethal tone as his hand went straight to his gun.

"No," Grace blurted. "Not that kind of problem," She corrected quickly

"Oh," Victor said, removing his hand from his gun

"None of the customers want me to serve them, and I don't know why." She bit her lip nervously

Victor looked at her with absolute amazement. He was completely intoxicated by her, the way she worried about her job, the nervous glint in her eyes. Everything about her enticed him. He knew this would happen. He knew that when he claimed her people would be hesitant to be around her. No one wanted to be on the bad side of the king.

"It is because I have claimed you," Victor said without emotion, causing Grace's head to shoot up. She looked at him with a fierce look in her eyes, one that Victor had seen two days ago at her house when she told him not to order her around and the night they met when she told him she was not a whore.

"What?" She snapped."What does that even mean?" She asked, standing as her blood began to boil

"It means you are mine," Victor answered, watching her with an amused smile

"I don't belong to you!" She snapped."I'm not a piece of property. You can't own me, "

Victor stood up, causing Grace to swallow hard as she watched him walk around the table toward her. Every time she had a conversation with him, she found herself backed into a corner. This time, she found herself between him and his desk.

"I spared your life," He said looking at her with a sinister look in his eyes "So you owe me a life" He put a stray hair behind her ear before cupping her face in his hands "Your life belongs to me now Miss Brennan, I own you and you'll do well to remember that"

Grace tried to say something, anything but no words formed

"You begged me not to kill Frank, and although I've considered your plea, should I spare him, you'll owe me two lives." He looked down at her lips. "I have shown you mercy by letting you believe you are in control," He said in a low voice, using his body to push her against the desk. Victor gripped the inside of her thigh with force, causing Grace to hold her breath at how dangerously close his hand was to her most intimate part. He moved his hand up slowly rubbing her above her pants, grace bit down on her bottom lip to suppress the moan that threatened to escape her throat. Even though her heart beat uncontrollably with fear at the threat behind Victor's eyes and the inappropriate way he rubbed his hand against her vagina making heat and moisture pool at his touch. Grace was afraid and but there was something else too, a feeling she has never experienced before. "My patience is wearing thin Grace, so you best do what I say before I take what I want. Do you understand me?" He asked as his hand continued its assault between her legs.

Grace swallowed not trusting her voice she nodded. A mixture of fear and lust swam in her hazel eyes.

"Good, now go home and pack your things. You and your siblings have an hour before someone comes to pick you up." He said lowly

Grace opened her mouth to ask what he was talking about.

"The only reason you should be opening your mouth right now is to suck my cock" Victor licked his bottom lip before removing his hand from between her legs "Go" He ordered before sitting down in his chair.

Grace took a deep breath, trying to steady herself before leaving his office. She had no idea what was happening but she knew better than to question it. She went out to the locker room to get her bag before making her way home.

"What's going on?" Owen asked as she got home, Debbie stood with Owen on the front porch as Grace approached the house. Four mafia men stood there as well, it wasn't the same man Victor had sent to watch over them.

"The king has ordered us to help you move," the man said looking at Grace

"Where are we moving to?" Grace asked confused

"My orders are to help you pack and take you to the King's mansion" the man looked at her with a straight face.

Every part of her wanted to protest but from the conversation, she had with Victor this morning, she knew it would be fruitless. Even though she hated every part of it. He was right. He had spared her life and now she owed him.