10| Holy Shit

Grace, Owen, and Debbie found themselves standing in a large foyer, under a crystal chandelier. The three siblings were breathless at the sheer size of this place. The clicking sound of the double doors closing bounced off of the white walls with golden trimmings. Owen smiled brightly as he took in the grand staircases in front of him one on each side of the room.

"Holy shit" he breathed looking up at the golden railings from the floor above them.

"Holy shit indeed," Debbie said as she walked forward, her heels clicking on the marble floor.

"Hello, my name is Darla," an elderly lady said coming into the foyer, from whatever the room was through the foyer. "Mr. Bernardi has asked me to show you around"

Grace still stood frozen in place taking in the high ceilings.

"If you'll follow me?" Darla said as she began walking back to where she came from.

The siblings followed her as she led them through the foyer into a living room, decorated with white Victorian couches, the room was light thanks to the white furniture and floor-to-ceiling French windows. A three-seater white Victorian couch sat in the middle with another two on the side and a glass coffee table between the seats on top of a white and golden Persian rug that covered the area.

"Through here we have Mr. Brennan's room," Darla said leading them through the living room into a hallway with white double doors at the end. She opened the doors to a room, a king-sized bed with white bedding in the middle and a nightstand on either side. Across the room in front of double French doors that led to a garden, sat a small living area, filled with more Victorian furnishes.

"This door is your bathroom" Darla explained to Owen, showing him the door to the left of the living area

"And this is the closet" She smiled showing him the door to the right of the living area.

The siblings followed Darla back to the main living area, through a second hallway to Debbie's room, the layout was similar except she had an extra door leading to the room next door which had been turned into a nursery for Liam. From where the siblings could tell, Liam's room was the only one so far with color besides white.

"Who lives there?" Grace asked pointing to the four houses that were visible in the back garden through the French windows

"That would be the staff" Darla explained as they followed her through the hallway at the opposite end of the living room.

"The dining room," Darla said as they walked through the room that held a long wooden table and twenty chairs, keeping to the French Victorian theme. Darla led the siblings through another room connected to the dining room. The kitchen itself was something you'd expect to see in a restaurant, four people in white chef uniforms greeted the siblings.

By the time Darla was done showing them the bottom floor of the house Grace had felt as though she had walked miles. They followed Darla up one of the stairs cases on the left of the house.

"Through this hallway, is offices. The office at the end belongs to Mr. Bernardi" Darla pointed down the hallway not bothering to show them

"In here we have, the cinema," She said leading them into the second hallway, she opened the door revealing what was exactly as she said

"This is the gym" She opened the second door.

They continued toward the last door "through here you'll find the stairs to the rooftop pool"

They did this for three more hallways until they reached the other side of the house.

"This will be your room Ms. Brennan" Darla looked at Grace as they entered the last hallway.

Grace was expecting the same layout as the rest of the rooms but she was surprised to find it wasn't. As they entered there was a small foyer, with two one-seaters and a round table separating the. Through the arch on an elevated floor above two steps, was a king-sized bed with two nightstands on either side. The room had floor-to-ceiling windows and a walk-in closet that was bigger than Brennan's entire house.

"Mr. Bernardi's room is right next door" Darla explained "I must warn you, Mr. Bernardi values his privacy so it would be in your best interests to avoid his room or his office unless stated by him" Darla warned "Please make yourselves at home and should you need anything just shout" Darla smiled before leaving the three of them completely shocked.

The siblings looked at each other not knowing what to say. It seemed their lives had taken an unexpected turn and neither of them knew how this was going to play out.

Victor had spent the day thinking about all the ways he would have Grace, sooner rather than later now that she would be staying in his house. Leaving the bar he drove the short way home, Darla meeting him at the door.

"Good evening sir," She said taking his coat.

"Evening" He mumbled "Where are the Brennans?"

"Mr. Brennan and Ms. Debbie Brennan are entertaining young Liam out in the garden" Darla informed him

"Where is Grace?" He asked looking at the elderly lady

"In her room sir, she hasn't come down since they arrived" Darla looked at her hands "Would you like me to get her for you?"

"No," Victor said quickly "Have all three of them come to see me in my office"

"Yes sir" Darla nodded before walking away.

Victor made his way up to his office, loosening his tie before sitting down in the leather seat. It wasn't long until there was a knock at the door and the Brennan siblings sat in his office. He looked at Grace but she refused to meet his eyes. Her nose and cheeks were red, it was obvious to see that she had been crying from the moisture still left in her eyes. The thought of her being sad made Victor want to shoot something. The siblings each took a seat as Victor explained to them the deal he made with the McCulloughs to repay Frank's debt. He left out the part about wanting Frank brought to him, Grace didn't look like she was in a forgiving mood.

"How long do we stay here for?" Owen asked once Victor was done speaking

"As long as you'd like" Victor spoke honestly, the house was big enough to accommodate each of them.

"So we can leave whenever we like?" Debbie asked

"You owe me nothing, if you'd like to leave that is completely up to you" Victor nodded

"I'm sure we can save up in a couple of months right Grace?" Owen asked looking at her.

Grace looked at Victor for the first time now, in her sad eyes she knew the answer, Owen and Debbie were free to leave but she wouldn't be.

"Sure Owen" Grace gave him a small smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Bernardi" Debbie smiled

"It's not me you should be thanking Ms. Brennan," He said looking at Debbie before looking back at Grace.

Grace kept her eyes down, refusing to meet his.

"You should go get ready for dinner," Victor said as the three of them got up and turned for the door.

"Can you stay a second Grace?" Victor asked.

Grace stood frozen in place as her siblings left the room.

"What's wrong?" Victor asked as the door closed

Grace turned to look at him with tears in her hazel eyes. Victor stepped forward toward her, as worry gripped him.

"That was my home" She cried "I grew up in that house, Owen and Debbie were born there" She sobbed as tears ran from her eyes.

For the first time in Victor's life, he had no idea what to do or say, she looked so sad and he didn't know how to make her feel better. Acting on instinct he pulled her into his arms holding her there as she cried.

"This is your home now Grace" He assured her, rubbing circles on her back as he held her. "It will be a happy one. I promise"