11| Thats new information

Victor groaned as he put his phone down after reading a text from his brother, stating that he would be back in New Port in a few weeks. He decided that he'd had enough of laying in bed and got up ready to go to the gym. Victor walked to his door opening it when he overheard Grace talking to Owen in her bedroom.

"Victor got me a new phone, his so cool" Owen said looking at his sister's.

"He even got Liam an iPad" Debbie smiled

"Stop taking things from him" Grace rolled his eyes

"Why?" Owen cocked his head "he's loaded, if he wants to spend his money on us why shouldn't we accept?"

"Because all of this comes with a price that we'll need to pay when he's done with us" Grace snapped

"Please the only payment he wants is for you to open your legs" Owen rolled his eyes as a deep blush set over Grace's face.

Victor listened with a smile, the boy wasn't wrong.

"Yeah, come on Grace take one for the team" Debbie nudged her

"No!" Grace looked at them

"Oh, you can't possibly tell me you don't want to fuck him, his gorgeous." Debbie gushed

"Handsome or not, I'm not having sex with him," Grace said folding her arms

"You can't tell me that he doesn't turn you on?" Debbie asked

"How do you know?" Grace asked as Owen and Debbie looked at her raising a brow

"Know what?" Debbie asked skeptically

"When you're turned on?" Grace blushed

"OH, MY GOD!" Debbie squealed

"No!" Owen joined in

"Grace are you a virgin?" She asked surprised

Victor's ears perked up at this line of conversation, he wanted to know the answer more than anyone else. If Grace was a virgin that just made his pursuit for her all the more worthwhile.

"Shhhhh" Grace said with a finger over her mouth

"I can't believe you're a virgin" Owen laughed

"Shut up okay" Grace blushed "I haven't had much time for boys. If you two could please control yourselves" Grace rolled her eyes

"Like proper virgin or only semi-virgin?" Debbie asked

"What is a semi-virgin?" Grace looked at her

"Okay, what have you experienced?" Debbie asked

"Nothing" Grace sighed

"Have you given head?" Owen asked

"I've never even been kissed" Grace admitted

"Jesus christ Gracie, what is wrong with you?" Debbie asked wide-eyed.

"I don't know, boys have never been into me I guess" She shrugged

Victor found that hard to believe, he would have loved to hear more of it but he'd prefer if Grace told him, herself. Instead of listening on, he walked back to his room, closing his door loud enough for the three of them to hear. The siblings stopped their discussion quickly, Debbie and Owen decided they'd give Grace some time alone and made their way downstairs, Victor watched them leave her room before making an entrance at her doorway. He couldn't help but look her up and down as she stood there in the oversize shirt she had on the other day.

"Good morning," Grace said looking at Victor, she blushed deeply as she took in his attire of track pants and a plain v-neck shirt that showed off his muscular arms. It was the first time Grace had seen him in a short-sleeved shirt, she looked at his bulging arms, taking in the tattoos that marked them going from his wrists to his chest from what she could see under the v of his shirt.

"You're up early," He said leaning against the doorframe in a way that made Grace's core tighten. His black curly hair was still messy atop his head.

"I need to get ready for work," She said softly biting her bottom lip

"No more work for you," he said quickly

"What?" She asked shocked

"It's useless to have a waitress who can't serve," Victor said matter of factly

"Whose fault is that" She grumbled folding her arms across her chest.

Victor raised one of his dark brows at her causing Grace to remember who he was exactly, she looked down quickly as anxiety crept through her.

"Get dressed before you come to breakfast, I don't need my staff seeing you like that," He said looking her up and down

Grace pulled on the hem of her shirt feeling instantly self-conscious.

"Yes sir," She said softly before Victor walked away. Grace went into her closet and grabbed a sundress, sighing at how empty the closet was. Her clothes fit onto one shelve of the room-sized closet.

By the time Grace found the dining room for breakfast, Victor had already been showered and dressed. So many people sat at the table and it seemed that Owen and Debbie had no problem making friends.

"You'll sit next to Mr. Bernardi," Darla said escorting her to the open seat next to Victor, she kept her eyes down but Victor couldn't help but fantasize about all the ways he would have her on this table. Victor watched as Grace shifted slightly uncomfortable, taking a small bite of her breakfast. Her appetite was non-existent under his gaze.

"Do you want something different?" Victor asked looking at her

"No thank you," She said still not meeting his eyes.

"Then why aren't you eating?" Victor asked

"I'm not very hungry," Grace said honestly

"If you don't eat you'll be punished," Victor said as Grace's head shot up looking at him, he smirked at her again his mind running wild with thoughts of ripping that cheap cotton dress off of her.

Grace nodded slowly returning to the food in front of her and eating as much as she could. Afraid of what Victor's punishment meant.

As the morning progressed and everyone set out for their tasks Grace found herself wondering what she'd be doing today. For the first time in her life, she found herself in a situation where she had nothing to do. Owen had left for school and Debbie had gone to work. Victor had also left, she was alone. She spent the day exploring the garden, reading a book, and even trying to convince one of the maids to let her help clean but the maid refused. By the time everyone got home she was bored out of her mind. Happy to have some company, she took Liam to the front living room, sitting with him and playing with his toy cars. Owen had made some friends and Debbie was tired so she went to sleep. Grace didn't know if Victor had been back yet and nor did she want to know.

"Gasss" Liam called "wook" he said making his red toy car crash into the blue one. Grace smiled at her nephews' cuteness, picking him up quickly she spun him around making him giggle

"Gassss no" He laughed as Grace planted kisses all over his face

"I am your aunt young man and I will give you all of the kisses I want" Grace laughed smothering his small face in kisses again.

Grace and Liam played like that until dinner time, when dinner came around Grace noticed that Victor still wasn't home, she didn't know why but the whole day she had been waiting on him, anxiety or excitement to see him buzzed through her but she wasn't sure which one it was. She planned to wait until he got home, just to sneak a peak at him but she had fallen asleep long before.

Victor was more tired tonight, he had spent the day torturing the last person that saw Frank, his muscles ached and his suit reeked of blood, the worst part of torture was the mess. He got home around four in the morning, tired and irritable, he wanted a shower and a woman to fuck but he knew he wouldn't take Grace like this. He went up to his room suppressing the urge to sneak into Grace's room as he passed it. He took a shower washing the day away from him before deciding to check on her. He walked up to her bed lowering himself down, careful not to disturb her. The oversized t-shirt she wore to bed had ridden up exposing her from her legs to under her breasts. He glanced over her body, his dick instantly hard. Burying his face in her hair as his fingers lightly traced up from her hips to her breast. It was then that he saw the deep blue and purple bruising around her ribs. Anger set into him again thinking of her being hurt. Frank Brennan was a dead man walking.

"Victor" Grace mumbled making Victor look down at her still very much asleep state. He smiled gently and hoped that whatever he was doing in her dreams, she was enjoying.