22| I promise I won't shoot him

"Take off your clothes," Victor said quickly

"Excuse me?" Grace asked looking at him with a raised brow

"What?" Victor asked "You want me to fuck you but you won't let me see you naked? Take off your clothes"

Grace stood up, knowing it would be useless to resist, she had brought this one herself. If only she had kept her mouth shut. slowly she kept her eyes down as she slid the thin silk straps down her shoulders letting the dress fall to the floor.

"Panties included," Victor said watching as her fingers slowly moved to the sides of her hips, pulling down the lace material and stepping out of them, she looked down not daring to let him see the blush on her cheeks. Victor licked his lips in anticipation feeling himself grow as he looked over her naked body. "Turn around" He demanded as he watched Grace turn. He moved over to her side of the bed standing up behind her as heat flushed through her at his presence. With his index finger, he drew an invisible line from the base of her neck, down her spine, ending at the lower part of her back. Electricity followed on her skin as Victor continued to feel her soft skin. Positioning his hands on her hips he pulled her into him, making her gasp at the sudden movement. He took the back of her hand in his, bringing his face to her ear "have you ever touched yourself?" He asked softly causing goosebumps to raise on her skin.

"No" She whispered her mouth dry

Moving her hand along with his, he moved it between her legs, controlling her middle finger with his, he moved it between her folds feeling her wetness. She moaned as he moved their fingers over her clit in circles, already feeling as though she was coming undone at the soft tingles that followed their touch. Guiding her finger again he inserted it inside of her, he was enjoying this almost as much as she was, he moved their fingers together at a steady pace as breathless moans escaped her lips. Until her core expanded, he could feel her on the edge ready for release.

"That's enough," he said removing their fingers as her walls began to tighten. Grace let out a disappointed whimper as Victor let go of her hand "After your tantrum did you think I'd allow you to cum?" He asked his mouth still close to her ear, his hot breath on her skin fueling her want for him. "Actions have consequences. Get dressed and go to sleep" He commanded and Grace knew by his tone, his word was final.

Her cheeks burnt with embarrassment as Victor walked away. Grabbing her night dress she made her way to the bathroom, with a coal-sized lump in her throat and tears stinging her eyes. She dressed quickly before going to bed, she climbed in without so much as a glance at Victor. Pleading with herself not to cry, she soon fell asleep.

Victor had woken up early the same as every other day, if he'd gotten four hours of sleep a night he'd be lucky. He was a light sleeper, he needed to be, perhaps it was all the blood on his hands that prevented him from sleeping. He didn't know but if he'd have to guess he'd guess his demons were the ones that kept him up. He turned over watching Grace as she slept peacefully next to him. He knew that she was upset with him but actions had consequences and she was not exempt from that. He sighed softly running a finger over her rosy cheek "What are you doing to me?" He asked softly.

He could not deny the effect she had on him any longer, even though every day when that thought popped into his head, the four-letter word that would change everything, he'd dismiss it as soon as it arrived, however the more time he spent with her the harder it had become to deny. Deciding that if he continued to lay here watching her he might not be able to control himself, Victor got up, careful not to disturb her. Being quiet was a perk that came with the job. He changed quickly and headed out for a run, hoping it would clear the thoughts of her from his mind.

When Grace woke up the sun peaking its way through the curtains, part of her was relieved that Victor was not in bed. After last night she was frustrated and mad, she had to remind herself ever so often of who Victor was. After a shower, she threw on a white bikini and covered it with a white lacy dress that stopped before her knees. She hadn't seen any sign of Victor or Gloria so she decided to start breakfast, going to the fridge she found some eggs and milk, she turned on the coffee machine so it would start brewing as she worked. Leaving some bacon in hot water to defrost, she hummed to herself as she cracked the eggs into a mixing bowl. Her mind wondered about Victor's men they flew with, where were they now? She reminded herself to ask Victor when she wasn't mad at him.

"Oh Grace, how lovely" Gloria smiled coming into the kitchen as Grace began frying the bacon. "You didn't have to"

"It's no bother" Grace smiled

"Is Victor still sleeping?"

"Uh no," Grace said removing the bacon from the heat "I'm not sure where he is"

"Well more for us then" Gloria smiled as they dished.

The two of them ate quickly, while Grace listened to Gloria tell her about the plants she was planning on planting tomorrow after they left. When Victor did arrive back at the house he went upstairs without a word to the woman who sat at the table. Gloria believed he was still upset over their argument yesterday. She went upstairs deciding to speak to her son.

"Victor?" She knocked on the door

"Yes, mother?" He called

"Can we talk about last night? I hate it when you're upset with me?" She asked as she entered the room

"I'm not upset," Victor said quickly "I promise I won't shoot him"

"Well I'm glad to hear that son" Gloria smiled, Anton and his son didn't know the business her son was the head of and she wanted to keep it that way. "What is bothering you?"

"Nothing, I'm fine" He lied

"I was not born under a rock, I know when something is bothering you, Victor, you become extra broody and grumpy" Grace raised a brow "more so than usual, so what is it?"

Victor sighed sitting down "It's Grace"

"She seems like a nice girl, what's wrong with her?"

"Nothing," Victor said frustrated "That's the problem, she's perfect"

"That doesn't sound like a problem dear"

"I think I'm in love with her" Victor admitted for the first time to himself. Hearing it out loud just confirmed it.

"Well, that's great news, Victor!" Gloria said excitedly "It's about time you settled down."

"She does not share my sentiment"

"Well have you asked her?" Gloria asked

"I've basically kidnapped her and told her she owes me her life." Victor gave her an expressionless glare "of course I haven't asked her"

"Well that is a tricky one" Gloria sighed "I think you should make your intentions known to her." She smiled "you might find that she too has feelings for you" Gloria gave his hand a squeeze before excusing herself.

Victor sat for a moment longer, how would Grace react if he confessed his feelings for her? Perhaps she would love him back, that was wishful thinking. No the reality of it was that she would run and he would end up heart broken but still, he couldn't help but hope.