23| Boyfriends and enemies.

Gloria was surprised that Victor had kept his promise, although he was quietly analyzing Anton and his son Fernando, he had been civil and for that she was grateful. Victor, on the other hand, couldn't care less about his mother's new boyfriend, instead, it was the son that had been getting under his skin, the way his eyes followed Grace and the way he smiled when she spoke to him was enough to send Victor on a murderous rampage. This was enough to make Victor want to lock Grace in a room and not let anyone lay eyes on her again. She got up, excusing herself from where they sat outside lounging around the pool. Victor watched Fernando as he watched Grace with a smirk on his face before turning his attention back to everyone else.

"I'm glad we got to meet you, Victor," Fernando said in his Italian accent "and Grace too"

"It is wonderful" Anton agreed as Grace came out.

Without a second thought, Victor grabbed Grace's hand surprising her as she walked past him, he pulled her down into his lap before kissing her softly. He gave a smug look to Fernando as the color rose to Grace's cheeks. She knew better than to question Victor so instead she made herself comfortable as he intertwined his hand in hers causing her stomach to erupt with butterflies. He was holding her hand for the first time and she couldn't help the small smile that crept onto her face. It wasn't until later in the evening when Fernando left did Victor loosen up.

"Dinner was lovely mio caro," Anton said kissing Gloria's cheek before leaving. Victor looked down at Grace who gave a quiet squeal as a bright smile displayed across her face

"That's so cute" She swooned making Victor roll his eyes.

"Women" He muttered walking off, Grace followed closely behind him, giving Anton and Gloria some privacy. She took off her white lace dress as victor sat in one of the loungers watching her climb into the pool "You really think that was cute?" He asked looking at her.

"Yes," Grace nodded "What does it mean?" She tilted her head to the side.

Victor smiled at the cute expression on her face "My darling"

"You could learn a thing or two" She mumbled

"If terms of endearment are what you are referring to, mio caro would be the last one I'd call you" Victor grumped

"Oh really?" Grace snapped

Victor looked at her raising a brow warning her of last night's punishment, the look on his face dared her to continue, instead, she swallowed the insult she had ready for him. She turned away from him as his phone buzzed, trying to swallow the lump in her throat as Victor spoke on the phone.

"Are you sure?" Victor asked

"Yes sir" The man on the phone replied

"Okay, get the plane ready we'll be there soon," He said ending the call "Grace, get out it's time to leave," He said with so much authority Grace didn't even stop to question it. He handed her a towel quickly, she took it from him not wanting to meet his gaze. Victor knew he'd upset her but he had no time to worry about that "Go get dressed and pack your things" He said quickly before heading inside to tell his mother that they were leaving.

Grace went upstairs doing as she was told, she packed her bag quickly as her heart hammered in her chest, and Victor had a serious look on his face when he came into the room. Now he was just the merciless king that Grace had known to fear.

"Why are we leaving?" She asked softly.

Victor looked at and in his emerald eyes, Grace saw him deciding whether or not she should know. With a sigh, he decided to tell her.

"The Demani's know that you are with me."

"Why does that mean we have to leave?" She asked

"Because as we speak they are trying to set up an ambush at the airport, we need to get back before that can happen" He explained while packing his own clothes.

Grace regretted asking, suddenly she was frightened, she finished packing before Victor took both their bags downstairs. She followed behind him trying to rid herself of the nervous feeling in her gut.

"Oh my darling, it will all be okay and when this mess is over you and Victor must come back for longer next time" Gloria smiled hugging her but the worried glint in her eyes was unmissable, she hugged Victor goodbye before they got into the car. They got to the airport in half the time thanks to the driving skills of one of Victor's men. Victor walked quickly with Grace behind him and one of the men behind her. Victor settled slightly only once they were seated on the plane. With shaking hands Grace did her seat belt as Victor had shown her. Closing her eyes as the plane took off, she said a silent prayer but couldn't help the nagging feeling in her stomach.

"Welcome back Mr. Bernardi" Gina the handsy air hostess smiled at Victor once they were up in the air "is there anything I can get you?" She asked

Victor looked over at Grace who was deep in thought so much so that she didn't even notice the irritating blond

"Two whiskeys," He said dismissing the girl. Gina nodded her head and returned shortly with two whiskeys in hand. Victor took it from her handing one to Grace.

She gulped it down in one sip, the burn soothing her slightly.

"Are you okay?" He asked handing her his whiskey too

"I'm scared" She admitted gulping down the amber liquid.

"It will be okay" Victor assured her "I won't let anything happen to you"

Victor would stand by his promise even regardless of the cost. He knew that he'd even take a bullet for her but what he didn't know when they landed was that the Demani's were already one step a head. He looked at the window as he readied his gun, Grace looked at him with fear only shining in her hazel eyes.

"Stay behind me," He said quickly standing, Grace did the same as she nodded.

Without a second thought he wrapped his arm around her waist, bringing his lips to hers he kissed her deeply. Grace clung to his black suit jacket not wanting to let go. She trusted that Victor would keep her safe and as they exited the plane she wondered when that had happened when she had started entrusting her life to the mafia king.