25| loyalties need to be established

Grace sat on Victor's bed more than annoyed. He had insisted that she not leave this room for anything the past two days. All her meals were brought up to her, Victor had her bedbound and she was sick of it. Her stitches were fine and barely hurt anymore. Even when Vincent arrived back home, he'd only been able to stay with her for a short while to tell her how Debbie and Owen were doing. She folded her arms across her chest as soon as Victor walked into the room. He wore track pants and a white t-shirt that clung to his body outlining his muscular tone. Grace had to remind herself of her mission as soon as she saw him.

"You're up early" He smiled looking at Grace who physically had to stop her jaw from dropping.

"I want out of this bed," She said quickly focusing on her mission

"No," Victor said going into the bathroom. His room had a similar layout to hers but instead of a little seating area in front, there was a fireplace and two velvet tub chairs. Most of the room had floor-to-ceiling French windows and a pair of double French doors leading out to a balcony that overlooked the property including the lake and the glasshouse she had dinner in with Victor only a few weeks ago. It was strange, for Grace it felt as though that dinner happened months ago not weeks ago.

"Please Victor," She said getting out of bed and following him into the bathroom where he stood taking off his shirt. He raised a brow at her

"No," He said as he turned on the water in the shower.

"I'm feeling better and it hardly hurts anymore" She pleaded "I'll do anything you say, just let me out of this room. I promise I'll take it easy" She rambled on.

Victor raised one of his dark brows looking at her, she had been doing much better, and as much as he preferred having her in his bed all day he knew he couldn't keep her there.

"Fine" He agreed

"Really?" She asked excitedly

"You'll come with me and spend the day on the couch in my office" He nodded

"That's not what I meant" Grace looked at him blankly

"That is my offer, take it or spend the day in bed"

"Fine okay deal" She smiled, she would take anything over this bed right now.

"Good now, can I shower?" He asked

"Oh" She blushed

"You're welcome to stay and watch sweetheart" Victor smirked

"No thank you," Grace said quickly almost running out of the bathroom.

Even though the couch in Victor's office wasn't much of an upgrade she was still happy he'd agreed to let her leave the bed. She dressed quickly into a loose-fitting dress before sitting on the bed and waiting for Victor who came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. Once again Grace had to stop her jaw from dropping. Victor smirked at her before going into the closet. It wasn't long until he was dressed in his signature black suit. His curly black hair was brushed back.

"Let's go," He said holding his hand out. Mr mafia king didn't mind the hand-holding so much recently and Grace wasn't complaining. She wouldn't admit it out loud but she enjoyed holding his hand, even if it was just the short way to his office. He motioned for her to sit on the black leather couch, rolling her eyes she did, watching him as he sat behind his desk. She could watch him all day if it were up to her.

"Read a book, Grace," Victor said not looking up as he switched on his computer, Grace nodded, she walked over to the bookshelf scanning over the books, most of them were old and the rest were business journals. Closing her eyes she picked one at random and groaned when she saw her choice 'drugs and economics' the title read. Great, she thought to herself. Settling back in on the couch she opened the book she had chosen. Thinking it would be boring as all hell, she was right. She ended up dosing off by the third chapter. Victor smiled as he watched her nap, she looked so innocent in her sleep. He also laughed to himself when he saw her choice of book. It was not an easy read.

"Victor?" Vincent said entering the office with Victor's tech guy

"Shhh," Victor said pointing at Grace

"That's..." Vincent started "cute" He shrugged going over to Grace, he tapped her shoulder waking her up and earning a death glare from Victor.

"Poor choice of book darling" Vincent smirked at her

"What do you two want?" Victor snapped annoyed

"Demani is on the phone for you brother," Vincent said looking at Christoff the tech guy as he pulled out his laptop, hooking a wire into Victor's office phone.

Grace sat up her heart already thumping away in her chest.

"You can answer sir, but you'll need to keep the phone on speaker" Christoff instructed.

Victor nodded answering the phone "Demani?"

"Ah Victor" Demani said, his voice sending chills down Grace's spine and anger through Victor's blood.

"What do you want?" He asked with no expression on his face

"I'll make this easy for you. Give me the girl and I won't start a war." He said cockily

Victor's eyes met Grace's for a moment and at that moment Grace could swear she'd seen fear in his emerald eyes. The monster she knew was fearless, why would he suddenly be afraid of war?

"No," Victor said plainly

"She's mine, you cannot keep her prisoner." Demani snapped

"I'm not." Victor sighed "Grace are you a prisoner here?" Victor asked as the room was met with silence. All eyes are on her.

"No," Grace said loudly, she'd had no idea where the confidence came from but she was glad

"Grace" Demani said her name as though he could taste it in his mouth. "You need not worry sweetheart," he said as Grace moved closer, sitting in one of the seats opposite Victor "Your father has promised you to me. You will be my wife before the end of the week"

Grace's heart almost stopped right at that moment along with Victor's. He looked at Grace who looked shocked and hurt.

"I'm sorry but I can't marry you," Grace said again all eyes were on her.

"And why would that be?" Demani almost laughed.

Victor looked at Grace, almost as curious as Demani now. He didn't know if it was curiosity or nervousness about what she might say. The last thing he needed was for Grace to say something more that'd put her in danger.

"I'm afraid my loyalties lie with Victor," She said simply and honestly. She remembered the plane incident, she was so afraid of dying that day yet she trusted Victor would keep her safe and he did. That was the day he'd earned her loyalty and trust. He'd asked her for it the night of the party and now he would receive it.

Victor looked at Grace speechless, that simple sentence had come like a bomb and blew everything to shit. He had her loyalty, he had her. She trusted him and he couldn't wrap his head around it. His mind had failed to process anything.

"Goodbye Demani," He said hanging up the phone, his green orbs glued to her brown ones.

"We didn't get the location. Why did you do that?" Vincent asked but his question fell on deaf ears.

"Out both of you," Victor said his eyes not leaving Grace for a second as her heart hammered on afraid that Victor was upset with her. He had no expression so she couldn't tell. All he did was stare at her.

Victor stood making Grace stand on instinct, she didn't know what to say or what would happen now. All she did was wait, wait for his wrath and she wondered if this was it. Had his leniency towards her come to an end?