26| I'm sorry, what?

Contains sexual scenes

Victor walked forward slowly as Grace backed up against a wall. His eyes held hers with enough intensity to burn through steel. His sculpted face was blank and emotionless. Over the past two months with Victor, Grace had become accustomed to reading his facial expression. It was the only thing that told her whether she was safe or not. She'd seen him display small amounts of happiness when he smiled at her which wasn't often, she'd seen anger in his emerald orbs enough to know that he'd burn the world in rage. She'd even seen his blank business look, the face he held when he was discussing business, the same face that she saw the first she met him but now. This time his eyes burned with questions and something else Grace couldn't decipher. She watched him close the distance between them, her heart beating heavily in her chest, her mouth dry from fear. She swallowed the nervous bile that rose to her throat as he stood looking at her. Her breathing became short and uneven.

"Victor" her voice was barely a whisper and not nearly enough to get through to him. Clenching her fists she closed her eyes waiting, wishing that whatever side of him she had gotten would be over soon.

"Look at me," His voice said softly as he stoked a line down her cheek using the back of his index finger.

Opening her eyes slowly she looked at him, his emerald eyes still felt like they were burning a hole through her, she wondered how he did that? Or why she obeyed his every command.

"Do you realize the enormity of what you just said?" He asked, his voice didn't sound angry, which eased her nerves slightly. Still afraid that her voice may fail Grace shook her head slightly.

"Demani will start a war because of your rejection" He informed her.

Grace mulled over this in her head, she didn't want to cause Victor trouble and the last thing she wanted was to be caught in the crossfire of a mafia war. Realizing where this was going, she shook her head vigorously "no" She said as tears stung her eyes "I can't marry him Victor please" She begged

"It's time to pick a side, Grace. You've told him your loyalty belongs to me but I don't know if I trust your word" He raised one of his dark brows at her

"I've never given you reason not to" She snapped, her nervous fear now being replaced with anger "I've done as you said, I've never disobeyed your order. You asked for my loyalty and here I am giving it to you." She said as tears rolled down her pale face "it's yours, I am yours"

Victor looked at her contemplating her words. It was true, she'd never given him reason to doubt her and after all, since the first time he met her all he wanted was for her to be his. Now she had given herself to him, pushing his doubts and questions to the back of his mind, Victor's body reacted before any other part of him could. With a swift movement, his arm snaked around her waist as his lips found hers, kissing her with a hunger that could only be fulfilled by her. Grace kissed him back instantly, her hunger and passion reflecting his. His hands gripped her hips pushing her further into the wall behind her while his body pushed up against hers. All this time he'd spent waiting, wanting. His thoughts about her being his only release while he waited for her, now she was here, she was his, and finally, his thirst for her would be quenched. He pulled away from the kiss leaving Grace panting and wanting more, the roughness of the kiss had left her with an ache in her core that he so often caused, the moisture between her legs increasing as he wrapped his hand around her throat. Gone was the questioning look in his emerald green eyes, instead, it was replaced with a primal need, the fire that burned for her clear as his emerald orbs. He would have her, here and now as his free hand moved up her dress, causing her to moan as he shifted the material of her panties to the side, her wetness coating his fingers. He pushed two inside of her.

Grace moaned out loudly at the forceful pace at which his fingers moved in and out of her, with each pump of his fingers her need for him grew, she cried out as her walls closed around the mercilessness of his finger working to see her crumble into a heaping mess at his feet. He moved faster as the hardness of his cock fought against the material of his black suit pants, growing harder at the feel of her innocence. She was his and his alone. Her hazel eyes locked on his green ones as her body burned for the sweet release of his touch. Faster he moved his fingers inside of her, as the heat built within her body that threatened to implode. It would be too easy to just let her cum right now, all he had to do was continue the assault he had started but that would not do. She would not come undone this way, no, Victor wouldn't allow it, she would cum but he would be inside of her, he would feel her close around him and her body would be at his mercy as he fucked her.

A knock on his door interrupted whatever plans Victor had next and with a frustrated growl, he removed his fingers from Grace. She let out a disappointed whimper as cold replaced the heat Victor had left in his absence.

"Go have lunch," He said pulling away from her completely. She nodded without a word, unable to speak as a lump in he throat began to evolve.

"Come" Victor called as Grace left the office. Sitting back down at his desk to hide the hard-on Grace had so innocently given him. "What is it now Vincent?"

"We need to start planning. No doubt Demani is going to start a war now that he knows you have Grace" Vincent said sitting at one of the chairs opposite Victor's desk.

"What exactly do you propose we do? I've already sent for more weapons" Victor informed his brother

"You need to go see each of your gang leaders, and ensure that they know whose side they're on," Vincent said "and as for Grace..." He looked at his brother, "I suggest you marry her"

Victor processed what his brother was saying. The moment he heard that Demani had planned on marrying Grace he knew that the only way was to make Grace unavailable, meaning she'd have to already be married. Since Frank had promised Grace to him, he had a claim on her. If Grace was already married there would be no claim. However, Victor didn't think that would assist in the war to come. Demani would start a war, with or without Grace. It'd been coming for a long time now and both sides knew this.

"Have Debbie and Owen move back to the house." Victor stood

"Where are you going?" Vincent asked as he started to leave the office.

"I'll need to find a ring if I am to propose brother," Victor said quickly before leaving.

Would Grace agree to the marriage? he had no idea, regardless it was a last resort and she'd know the best way to choose.