27| Rather the Devil you know.

Grace sat on the couch in the living room, waiting for Victor to get back. She wasn't sure where he went or when he'd be back but she hoped soon. She had a mouthful to say to him even if part of her thought it was a terrible idea, she had been tired of having him leaving her high and dry.

"Grace?" He called walking into the living room. Speak of the devil, she looked up at him from where she sat on the couch suddenly the confidence she had mustered dissipated. "Let's go for a drive," He said holding his hand out to her. She got up taking his hand surprised by the request but she didn't question it. He led her outside to the garage that was honestly big enough to be a house on its own. Many expensive-looking cars were parked in neat rows separate by Victorian-style pillars with golden trimmings.

"Pick one," Victor said

Grace looked around, the red Ferrari looked like it could be fun, but then the blue Porsche was something she'd imagine could be even more fun. Just as she was about to choose her eye spotted a matt black Lamborghini. "I choose this one" Grace smiled brightly

"You have good taste tesoro" Victor nodded in approval a smile pulling at his lips, it was his favorite car to drive.

"Can I drive?" She asked excitedly, earning a dark chuckle from Victor

"Do you know how to drive?" He raised a brow

"No but I'm a fast learner," Grace said wiggling her eyebrows with a childish smile on her face.

"I'll teach you one day but not in this car," He said opening the passenger door as Grace slid inside, the rich leather smell filling her senses.

"Where are we going?" Grace asked as the car roared to life.

"I want to show you something," Victor said as he pulled out of the garage.

Besides the powerful roar of the cars engine, the drive was quiet. Both Victor and Grace had settled into their thoughts as a comfortable silence settled between them.

"Is your seat belt on?" Victor asked taking his eyes off the road for a moment.

"Yes," Grace nodded. As soon as she confirmed she was safe Victor opened the car, Grace gripped the edge of her seat as her stomach fluttered watching the speedometer climb. Pure adrenalin coursed through her as the outside blurred together. It didn't last very long until Victor began to slow down, stopping the car in the parking lot of what seemed to be a park.

"That was fun" Grace laughed as her heart began to beat normally.

"I knew you had a wild side Ms. Brennan" Victor smiled revealing those gorgeous dimples Grace didn't get to see very often. "Come on," He said getting out, holding the door open for her. His nerves now taking control. He took her hand in his as they walked through the park to a clearing of trees.

"Where are we going?" Grace asked impatiently

"My father used to bring us here when we were young," Victor said ignoring her question as they walked through the trees. Grace looked at him, he hardly ever shared information about himself.

"Do you miss him?"

"Sometimes" Victor looked at her "My father was a difficult man to please. He expected nothing less than perfection."

"That sounds tiring," Grace said surprising Victor with her honesty

"It was" He smiled as the end of the tree canopy came into view

"Gloria said that Demani killed him," Grace said not sure how to phrase the next part of her sentence.

"Yes," Victor nodded "but not the same Demani that wants you, the man who killed my father was Lucas Demani" He added answering her unspoken question.

"What happened to him?" Grace asked as they walked through the last set of trees

"I killed him," Victor said casually "His son, Alonzo is the one that wants to marry you" Victor stopped walking causing Grace to look up at where they were. A small gasp escaped her lips as she watched the sun set behind some mountains that sat in a body of water, the green of the mountains with the blue of the water turned a shimmering gold as the sun began its descent behind them.

"It's beautiful," She said softly at the picturesque scene in front of her.

"Sí," Victor said softly, his eyes only on her because not even this could compare to the beauty that was Grace. "There is more you should know Tesoro," Victor said taking her other hand in his forcing her to turn and look at him. Her hazel eyes curiously looked at him.

"Alonzo will start a war and he won't stop until he has you" he looked at her as a guilty expression crossed her face. "It's not your fault" He assured her "Frank promised you to him. So as long as you are unmarried, you are to be his"

"I don't want to be his" Grace shook her head

"I know" Victor nodded "That's why we are here"

"I don't understand?"

"Grace, I'm asking you to marry me instead" his green eyes burned into hers. Of all the things she was expecting him to say, this was not one of them. Feeling her heart racing in her chest, by the rate her life was going she might just die of a heart attack one of these days. "I know that this is probably not what you've dreamed of, and this life is not easy. As my wife, it will not be easy but I promise I will take care of you and I will try to be a good husband to you"

"I..." Grace started but she had no idea what to say, the weight of Victor's words came crashing down on her as she realized if she didn't say yes, Alonzo Demani would have a claim to her and that thought terrified her more than anything else.

"Grace?" Victor said pulling out a black velvet box, he did something he never thought he would do, he went down on one knee, opening the box. Victor had been king for the last twelve years and if there was one thing his father had taught him was that a king never bends the knee to anyone, but he was on a bent knee at Grace's feet "You, have my loyalty and my heart. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife and my queen?"

Grace looked at Victor, his emerald eyes held promise in his words and although this had never been what she imagined, she knew that this option was far better than anything she'd ever get. She had realized it a while ago but was too afraid to admit her feelings for Victor because of who he was, but the parts of him she did get to see she knew were real. Swallowing quickly she'd made up her mind.

"Yes Victor," She said softly

Victor was almost sure she'd say no so when she'd said yes, every part of him breathed a sigh of relief. Getting up, he took the oval-cut diamond ring, sliding it onto her finger. Happy that it fit, he'd all but threatened to shoot the jeweler if he didn't get the ring by today, so he was glad it fit.

"This is beautiful" Grace breathed as she looked at the oval cut diamond ring, the band itself was covered in smaller diamonds complementing the larger oval one in the middle.

"I'm glad you like it," Victor said taking her face in his hands, he kissed her lips softly.

The mafia king had surprised even himself and now the town of New Port had best to start preparing for their new queen.