
'I am getting married.'

Mike stared at the message Phoenix12 had sent him. How was that possible? He was also planning to tell her about his pending marriage, and here she was telling him about hers. That must have been fate at work.

'Congratulations, Phoenix. I guess you are finally rising in a way.'

Her response was swift, 'In a way I am. I could finally say I am breaking away from my cage. What I don't know is if I am going to a new cage or maybe this is my one chance at freedom. But, I am taking my chances."

He frowned. What does this mean? Was she not in love with whoever she was getting married to? 'I wanted to ask who the lucky guy was, but it seems you are not in love with your fiancé. Is he ugly?"

He pictured her laughing. Although he had no idea what she looked like, to him she had always been young, with a pretty face. There was no way the lady he was talking to would be old.

'He is too good-looking, and that's a problem on its own. It's an arranged marriage. I have never met him until I knew we were getting married.'

Mike's brow furrowed. How were they in the same situation? It was such an amazing coincidence. He smiled. "I will just say you should keep an open mind towards this. He might be your better half.'

'Thanks, Vold. I knew I will feel better just telling you about this.' She responded.

Mike smiled at the name he had given himself. It was no secret that his parent wanted to hide him from the world, and he had gotten inspired a bit by Harry Potter's 'he who must not be mentioned'. Yet, before getting married, he wanted to meet Phoenix once. She was the closest person he had ever disclosed his deepest secret to. She knew him more than Steve did. Yet, he had no idea what she looked like. That was what he wanted to change badly.

'Can we meet?'

He felt anxious waiting for her response. He saw no reason of hiding his identity from her anymore. The world was going to know what Mike Afonso looked like, so, he wouldn't mind Phoenix knowing what he looked like. They could be close friends that visit each other families in the future. Having someone to trust in this world wouldn't be that bad.

'No. I am not ready. I have a lot on my plate now

He was disappointed, but only typed, 'Okay. It's fine.'

"What are you doing? Are you chatting with Amelia?" Sharon said making him jump up. When did she get into his room? He had been carried away with his chat and wasn't aware of his environment. "Let me see." She strained her head towards his phone. Mike clicked it making the screen blank. Phoenix was a secret he wasn't ready to share with anyone, not even his sister. "Do you have a secret girlfriend?" Sharon said, her eyes bulging with curiosity.

"How do you think of these things? I am just working."

She pouted and dropped on his bed. "Don't tell me you are going to be a workaholic like father? I can't wait to have my sister-in-law here. At least, they will be someone who has time for other things apart from work"

Mike couldn't wait to have Amelia with him too, but for other reasons that had nothing to do with talking.

"Did you hear from Steve today?" Sharon asked after minutes of silence. Mike narrowed his eyes, "why are you concerned about Steve? Is there something I should know?"

Sharon shrugged, "Can't I just ask about your friend?"

Mike threw himself up to his full height. "You can't ask about Steve. Stay away from him."

Sharon frowned, "You sound like Mum and Dad. Why can't I make my own fucking decision in this house?"

"You are not just anyone. You're the heiress to Afonso's Dynasty, everything you do will reflect on the company and the family name. Why do you think I listen to everything our parent says?"

Sharon's brow furrowed creating wrinkles on her beautiful face, "So, are you happy? Are you okay with marrying some strangers? I didn't even get to grow up with my brother just because of family. Doesn't our happiness count? Who even picks a bride for someone in this century? It's so outdated."


She raised her hand and took a deep breath. "They hardly let me leave this mansion. I can't even make friends without worrying. They either want me or our money or connection."

Mike moved closer to her and pulled her in a hug. He hadn't thought Sharon was going through all this. He had thought that the fact that she was living with their parents might have made her life easier. He was the heir and they had always been strict on him, that he understands, but Sharon didn't need those strict regulations.

"I'm sorry, Sharon. I didn't mean it that way. I was just trying to protect you."

She didn't say a word, but he heard her swallow a sob. He felt like shit making his sister cry.

"Let me make it up to you."

She looked up at him with bright red eyes, "How?"

"Where do you want to go?" Mike asked, already picking up his car key and card.

"I have a place in mind." She said with a smirk. He was glad the smile was back on her face.

Mike allowed Sharon to direct him to the place she desired. What he hadn't expected was to find himself in a club. He parked at the lot and focused on Sharon.

"Why are we here?"

She smiled, "You said you wanted to make me feel better. This is it."

He frowned, "Being in a club is going to make you feel better?"

She nodded, already getting out of the door. Mike followed behind her silently. His sister was a beauty. He could tell from the look every guy gave them. He moved closer to her linking her hand to his. Any guy that wants to get to her must get through to him. Sharon looked at their linked hand and smiled. "It's good to have a big brother. You are very protective."

Mike blinked, "Did you see the way those guys are looking at you?"

Sharon smiled, "I wonder how protective you will be of Amelia. She is very beautiful, you know"

The thought of some other guy touching Amelia made his blood boils. There was no way any guy would ever get close to her. He tightened his hand on Sharon, and she laughed. "I feel sorry for Amelia already. She has no idea how protective her husband is going to be."

Mike groaned. Sisters.

The club was dark and noisy. It was expected, but he had thought Sharon would have picked a V.I.P. club, but this was way out of what he had expected. Before he could say a word, Sharon left his hand, "Enjoy, bro. I will find you soon."

He stood there speechless. He had no idea what his sister liked, and that was the reason he was in this predicament. That was going to change soon. He groaned and started moving out of the club, but was stopped when a hand grabbed him from behind.

"Whatsup, handsome."