
"Whatsup, handsome," A strange voice said, making Mike turn. A slim lady stood in front of him smiling. She wore a dress that revealed too much of her legs, that he was tempted to help her pull it down, but it was none of his business. She looked beautiful too. He smiled back at her knowing he wasn't going to like whatever she had to say, but trying to give her the benefit of the doubt.

"Do I know you?" He questioned.

She paused, closing the distance between them with a perfect catwalk. Her gaze was fixed on his. When she got in front of him, she paused, ogling him. He felt cheap. "You don't, but I don't mind changing that. I'm Eve, and you are?"

"You don't need to know."

It wasn't something new to him. He was aware that ladies easily get attracted to him because of his looks. They just wanted to get into his pants. He wasn't that sort of guy, and wouldn't want to waste time doing something like a meaningless fling.

She pouted, trying to act cute. "But, I want to know. You look too handsome to be here alone."

His gaze moved around, trying to find Sharon, but she was nowhere in sight. How big is this club? "I am not here alone. I am here with my girlfriend."

Eve raised her brow and smirked, "An imaginary girlfriend, I like that."

"What do you mean by imaginary?"

"For a guy like you, no girl would want to leave you alone. Especially in a club like this, you are hot cake."

He almost rolled his eyes. She had that smooth talk like Steve.

"Well, I am sorry to inform you that I have one." Just then as if his prayer has been answered, Sharon started walking towards him. He smiled, and Eve turned to look at what had brought the smile to his face. She blinked twice when she took in Sharon. The girl was beautiful. If this was his girlfriend, she knew she had no chance with him.

Before Sharon could say a word, Mike grabbed her to his chest. "Hey, sweetheart, did you get the drink?"

"Drink?" Sharon asked confused. Eve was silently looking at them both. They both looked good, and there was a little familiarity between them.

"Yes, drinks." Then he turned to Eve with a perfect smile that made him more irresistible. "Eve met my girlfriend. Girlfriend, meet Eve."

"Fuck. You have a girlfriend here."

He nodded. Eve stared at Sharon for a while without saying a word. Annoyed, she turned and went her way. The moment she left, Sharon cracked a smile, showing off her dimple. "What was that all about, big bro? Was that girl hitting on you just now? Do you have to pretend I was your girlfriend when you have a fiancée?"

He smiled. Now he knew something else about his sister. She could be inquisitive. "What do you want me to answer? Should I answer all, or just pick one to answer."

"Of course all, brother. How will your fiancée like it when she finds out some girl is hitting on her fiancé?"

He grumbled, "Do you have to relate everything to my fiancée? You are having way too much fun at my expense."

She smiled, "I have been bored for a long time. It is nice to finally have someone I can tease every time."

He nodded, "It's my pleasure to be your object of amusement, but I think we have to leave here. This place is no fun. It's just noise."

She nodded in agreement, "I think so too. I thought it was going to be fun with the way people talk about clubbing always. I have walked everywhere and it's no fun, except for those trying to grope or woo me."

He narrowed his eyes at her, "Did anyone grope you?"


Mike didn't look convinced, "Are you sure? Don't lie to me."

"A guy groped me…"

Before she could complete it, he was already walking in the direction she came from, scanning every guy on the way. People avoided him just by glancing at him. He heard his name from a distance, and he heard Sharon calling after him. "Wait, Mike. Calm down." When he got to a place where some guys were smoking and taking drugs, he stopped. The guys didn't acknowledge him; they were too focused on their art.

Sharon stopped behind him. He pulled her forward gently, "Who is he?"

She shook her head instead, "Don't do this, Mike. We came here to have fun. I have forgotten about it."

He could barely reason with her, "I can't forget about it. If he did this to you, he will surely do it to someone else, and I know this won't make him change. But, he needs to know that with every action there is a consequence. So, tell me, who is it?"

Her eyes moved around not settling on any guy. She was determined not to let him find out, but just like he doesn't know her. She doesn't know him too. He moved towards the gang and pulled a girl away from one guy. The guy looked up annoyed, making the rest of the group look at him. Mike moved back. Maybe this was a bad idea. He grinned at the guy, "Do you know this girl?" He pointed towards Sharon.

Sharon moved back with a frown on her face.

Another guy spoke, "Oh! You are back. Did you go to call your bodyguard?"

Mike's gaze moved to him. He smiled at the guy in a way that scares Sharon. "I just wanted to meet the guy interested in my sister."

The guy raised his brows, "Sister?" With the way he spoke, Mike could tell he was drunk. He clenched his fist beside him, moving his gaze to the rest of the guys looking at them with interest.

"Yes, sister. How about we go outside, and talk like men?" He asked. The guy looked at the rest, one of them trying to stand up. "Just us, men."

The guy looked confused, but not wanting to look cowardly in front of his friends. He stood up and followed Mike behind. Sharon followed behind. Mike was silent until they got to a quiet place. Relieved, he threw a punch on the guy's face, flexing his hand. The guy staggered back, surprised. He tried to stand well, but the drug pulled him back.

"That's for touching my sister. Learn to respect women."

The guy held his face, glaring at him. "This isn't over."

He nodded, pulling a smiling Sharon after him. Not on his watch will his woman or sister be maltreated?