Twenty Four

"What's the meaning of the stunt you played at work?" Amelia had just closed the door behind her before she turned to look at Mike. He looked at peace with himself, like he hadn't just flirted in her present. A smug smile replaced his unbothered look, making Amelia want to swipe the stupid smile off his face. She wasn't violent, but they had promised to be faithful to each other. How could he go ahead flirting with the ladies, on the first day of work?

"What stunt?" He asked innocently.

She blinked; was that how he wanted to play this game? Acting as if he had no idea what she was talking about when he fully knows what she was talking about. Instead of responding, she stormed into their room locking the door behind immediately. She took comfort in the fact that he would be in the living room without a change of cloth. She picked up her phone and sent a message to the two most important people in her life.