"I have to show you, Wifey. Let me show you what you are missing."

Amelia pushed him away, and he burst into a fit of laughter. She could feel her heart in her hand. Deciding to focus on anger than her frantic heartbeat, she glared at him. "What was the meaning of that?"

"I'm just joking, Wifey."

"Well, I don't like your joke. Find something else to joke about."

Before Mike could come up with a reasonable response, the ringing of the phone in their room cut the conversation off, he turned to her, "I will be back, soon. It might be from my parents."

Amelia nodded. It was best he took off to wherever he was going. She held her chest. What was wrong with her? Was she sick or something? She had never experienced this before. It was the first time her heart will go all crazy on her. She tried to calm her beating heart; breathing in and out, until Mike came back in, and it was back to how it was.