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We were inside the restroom. And I already depleted my power and put down my shield. Kiwi tries to relax on top of the bed.

Grel: "Ummm... I will take a quick shower first." I try to walk away.

But Fasmel quickly grabbed my right hand and stopped me from moving.

Fasmel: "Hold on a second. We haven't talked about it yet."

I can feel her aura getting bigger behind me. Then I try to look behind slowly.

Grel: "Ummm... Can I just take a quick shower first?"

Arhi: "So how long have you been with Dai this whole time huh?"

Dai just stood beside me and did not say anything.

Grel: "Ummm... Please calm down first I can explain. If you girls are mad, I can't even think clearly."

Dai: "Please don't fight because of me."

Dai cut our conversation.

Dai: "Young prince just helping me clear the misunderstanding."

Fasmel and Arhi stopped looking at me.

Dai: "My family is already old. They just want to see me have a happy life I could have."

Dai: "When I was a child. I could hear them talking about my arranged marriage. Of course, I don't want it to happen to me."

Dai: "So I lied to my family. I want to go find my life in the Kingdom."

Dai: "They believe me and I leave them here. But when I was here, I could see everyone was busy with their work. I don't even know where I should start."

Dai: "Short story I signing work as a bulwark maid since there is a wanted job from the Kingdom with a specific requirement."

Dai: "And I fit all the requirements. And I became a maid until now."

Dai: "Until one day I got a message from my father from the owl mail. My arranged wedding was ready."

Dai: "I could not think anything about it. So, I lied to that young prince proposing to me."

Dai: "And they believe it, my father canceling my arranged."

Dai: "And I thought I could escape my arranged marriage. But it seems like I just running away from it."

Dai: "I'm sorry. I was hiding this from the young prince."

Dai: "So please don't mind me, since my problem does not have any connection with the young prince and the other."

Dai's eyes are sparkling and she just smiling. Fasmel quickly hugged her. It made Dai surprised.

Fasmel: "Why did you not tell me about this? Even though we were closed."

Dai was just confused about how to answer the question.

Dai: "There's nothing to worry about. I can handle the problem myself."

Fasmel: "How can you handle it by yourself?" She looks at Dai Ca's eyes.

Dai smiled at her.

Dai: "Of course, I will tell the truth to my father later. And I will marry someone he wants too."

Fasmel just couldn't answer her words and was shocked at how she answered calmly.

I never knew Dai was such a person. How can I not know her life? Did I not know my own people? my own, maid?

Fasmel: "I would not allow you to do that."

Dai smiled slowly after hearing it.

Fasmel: "You should marry someone you loved out there. Not by arrangement."

Dai was confused.

Dai: "But who?"

Fasmel: "I don't know."

Dai: "E-Eh..."

Fasmel: "Just marry someone you loved."

Dai: "Y-yes..."

Arhi: "I think there's no other choice."

Arhi: "You should marry Karl with us too."

Kiwi is already sleeping on the bed.

Fasmel: "Yea... I don't mind it too..."

This... This is also my fault. I don't know how long she will bear it with her. Then I went toward Dai Ca. And grab and lift her left hand. Dai was shocked after I grabbed her hand but she still let me do it.

Grel: "Can I make you my wife in the future, Dai?"

Dai's eyes sparkled after hearing it.

Dai: "But... I'm just a normal person. I'm not even from a Nobel."

Grel: "It doesn't matter Dai..."

Dai is still confused about it.

Dai: "But young prince should marry someone you loved."

*The scene was changed at the top of the roof. Where the bird flying with the crowd voice from the city merged together.

Dai was surprised at what was just happening. Her right eye was dropping some tears while she still froze.

Famsel quickly smashed me on my head to the bottom.

Grel: "Ouch! That's hurt you know!"

Fasmel: "Who even told you to do that?" With a raging voice.

Grel: "I- I'm sorry so please don't be mad."

Dai: "Thank you."

Her expression changed and become smiled widely. She bowed to us for a second.

Dai: "Thank you very much."

She is crying but smiling.

Fasmel and I smiled at her. At least her burden is gone right now.

Arhi: "Can we... Please take some rest first?"

She is already on top of the bed in a sleeping position.

Then the girl decided to take a nap while I needed to recover my power again. I begin meditating myself, and the others just take a nap.

Then after a moment. I open up my eyes. My meditation aura is gone. My power is back to full again. I'm looking at my shield, beside my shield, there's another weapon from the girl there too.

Grel: "Hmmm... I think I can just leave my shield here when I visit Mrs. Liao Lin."

I looked behind me. The other girl is still taking a nap. But I didn't see Dai in there.

Grel: "Hm? Where is she?"

I look at the bathroom. The door was open and no one was there. And I realized she was standing outside on the balcony. We were on the second floor. There's a Chinese-designed door that split between the bedroom and the balcony. I walked toward the door and slid the door to the left and it opened.

Dai realizes I was coming toward her. The balcony was small.

Dai: "Young prince? Is the meditation over?"

I slid the door to the right and closed it again so the other girl did not wake up by the voice from outside. It was already afternoon and the sun is going down, probably about entering noon time. The outside voice is pretty loud but I can still hear her talking as long as I get close to her.

Grel: "Yea. And didn't I tell you to just call me by my name?"

For the first time, she was thinking about it for a moment.

Dai: "Yes... Mr. Karl."

Well, almost but better than getting called a young prince. Looking at her face. She was probably embarrassed saying that word.

Then I lean toward the balcony fence made of wood. And I can see the small city from here. It was pretty small. But it is definitely bigger than the dwarf village. The distance between the dwarf village and this small city was quite far. We still can see the cliff from the dwarf village far from here.

Grel: "You didn't sleep?"

Dai: "I can't sleep so I just taking a breather here."

Grel: "Oh... I-I see..." So, she is still thinking about it...

Then somebody slid the door open quickly. We flinched for a second, surprised by the sound. It was Arhi.

Arhi: "Hooam... What are you two doing here."

Grel: "N-Nothing hehe..." While Dai is looking in the opposite direction tried to hide her face from Arhi.

Arhi: "Hm?" She looks at both of us with a suspicious look.

Then she walked and stopped between us. She leaned toward the wooden fence in front of her.

Arhi: "*Sigh... We were supposed to get the crystal and we just ended up here. For the second time."

Dai: "I'm sorry. It was my fault."

Grel: "You shouldn't mention it here Arhi..."

Arhi was looking tired with flat eyes.

Arhi: "Yes yes... Then... Should we go now?"

Grel: "Yea. We should. Time is ticking."

Then I decided to go to Mrs. Liao's house with Arhi and Fasmel. Dai inform me if Mrs. Liao insisted on talking with me, she said just mention her name. I did not bring my shield and the other girls did too. Dai did not come with us and just looked for Kiwi in the restroom. Kiwi is still sleeping. She probably awakes after a moment. Fasmel still looked tired since she had just woken up.

Then we arrived at the front of the gate. As Dai's father said. The gate shape was a circle. Like an old Chinese gate design. We entered the house and saw a pretty wide road in front of us, leading toward the House. It connected with the short stair. On the side of the road was a small yard. There's a tree on the left, it was already big enough and it covered us with the heat of the sun. And there's a small pool on the right side of the road. It seems like this Chinese design is Identic with a tree and a small pool inside.

Then in front of us, we see the guard as Mr. Chin said to us. He wears a guard uniform. It is styled also like an old Chinese guardian design. We kept walking until we approached in front of him.

Guard: "Is there anything I could help with?"

Grel: "I would like to talk with Mrs. Liao Lin here please."

Liao: "How dare you say Mrs. ..." The sound was coming from the second floor. Its voice is like a child's. And it was Mrs. Liao.

She just jumped from the second floor a landed in front of us. We could see her tiny body and we looked down on her. She was short like Kiwi, probably a bit taller. She is skinny and wears a traditional Chinese dress.

Liao: "As you can see. I'm still young. And who are you? You seem not from here and know my name?"

Grel: "Um... Sorry sir. Can I... See... Mrs. Liao Lin?"

Liao's head cracked with anger.


The guardian's expression is just awkward after I said it.

Fasmel: "Hey Grel, stop it. I'm sorry about it. He just doesn't know that you are a Mrs- I mean Liao we searching for."

Liao: "Hm!" She crossed her arms but was still looking at us.

Liao: "Now I'm not in my mood to talk. Who are you?"

Fasmel: "I'm Fasmel Grandcrusher... A young queen from Might Kingdom."

Arhi: "I'm Arhi Doomscribe... Young queen from the Rose Kingdom."

Grel: "I'm just a normal person. Nice to meet you."

Fasmel just staring at me.

Liao: "I don't know about you... Do you know who I am?"

Grel: "Ummm... Liao Lin?"

Liao: "I'm a famous librarian here. I've been reading here for my whole life. People mostly ask me about wisdom and others think I could answer."

Liao: "Then..." She put down her crossed arm.

Liao: "What's your question? So, you could leave, like how it works."

So basically, she said, people come, ask, and leave... Never thought of such a welcoming attitude.

Grel: "It was Dai Ca's friends. Kiwi. She is coming from another world with cat ears and tails with us."

She was surprised after hearing it.

Liao: "A cat girl? And you even know Dai Ca?"

She thought for a moment. Then she turned around.

Liao: "Come... We should talk inside." She proceeds to walk in.

Then we walked inside following her. And we are going to the second floor. We entered a room where there's a bunch of books surrounded us. It was probably a library room. The room was quite bright because of the light of the sun from the left side of the window.

Liao: "Come... Sit down here... And wait for a moment." She walks away to the other side of the room.

There's no chair again. It seems all of the buildings in this city do not have chairs.