Small but Gold

After a moment. Liao Lin came back and served us some tea... How many teas do we drink again today?

Grel: "Thank you very much."

Liao: "Who tells you this is free?"

Grel: "Y-Yes?"

Even though she keeps serving the drink to us. Then she sits down facing us. And her arm crossed again.

Liao: "You need to tell me who she is." With a serious expression.

Grel: "Hm? Aaahhh..."

Grel: "These two girls are my weapon, and my wife at once?"

Fasmel smiling and Arhi just lurking at me while she sits beside me.

Liao: "What?"

Liao: "Are you girl getting brainwashed?" She lifts up a book and tries to search for some pages.

Liao: "Hold on! I will help you!" She searches for it pretty quickly.

Fasmel: "N-No... It's hard to explain it though hehe..."

Liao stopped their search and looked at the girl.

Liao: "I don't know what happened to both of you." She closed the book. And put it down beside her.

Liao: "But this makes me more concern about this man." She lurks at me.

Grel: "Emmm... I actually don't know how I ended up like this."

Liao: "*Sigh. Then... What is happening..."

Then I begin explaining everything to her. How we found Kiwi, and how she can enter this world. And how I met Dai Ca.

Liao: "Dai Ca working at your mansion... You seem pretty rich, don't you?"

Grel: "Ummm... That's not quite right." It was because all of it was my father's property.

Liao: "I know Dai Ca and we were childhood friends. Probably you already know she was."

Liao: "I was the one who told her to the Kingdom outside there. It was hard for her to find a job here."

Arhi: "It was you?"

Liao: "Yes... That's me. It's because even though she works in this small city, her arranged marriage will still happen."

Arhi: "Now I can hear my friend is in Kingdom right now and working fine. Probably I could have nothing to worry about for now."

Grel: "Ummm... She is in here right now with me."

Liao: "I see... We should talk about this later. There's another important thing I should say to you."

Grel: "So is it about the cat girl?"

Liao: "Just for context. I never let anybody enter this room. And you are the first one."

Grel: "Why?"

Liao: "Tha-That's nothing to do with you..." She seems to have tried to hide something.

Liao: "Then I want to talk about power first before I explain about another world you mention." Her expression changed to serious again.

Liao: "You already know how the power and the blessing from God work. The simple way to explain is. God will give you some blesses."

Liao: "Either it's about power to fight, power to support, power to defend, or power to help."

Liao: "However. There's someone who broke the law of power. And we call it the Demon."

Liao: "One of the high-rank demons can manipulate time and the other world. The thing is."

Liao: "He is not from this world."

Arhi: "Not from here? Then did all the high demon rank not from this world?"

Liao: "No... There are many different ways to break the law of the power rule. One of them is entering this world while they had their power exist in another world."

She paused for a moment.

Liao: "Hmmm... Do you know what people believe in here?"

Fasmel: "Believes? Is it about God?"

Liao: "We do believe there's another God who provides a different type of power. And we call it chi."

Fasmel: "A chi?"

Liao: "Yes. Chi. But this power does not exist in this world. Since this world was ruled by those four Gods."

Liao: "And the one who might be broke time and enter this world, is the one who lives with Chi power rules from other world."

Grel: "How do you really believe it?"

Liao: "There's a book in here about how chi power works. In short, when the person reaches some peak of their chi, they could travel to a different world."

Liao: "And not all people can do that. It requires a lot of training and it took almost all of their life just for training and studying."

Liao: "On top of that. The person needs to find some object which it is rare to find to unlock another level of power. And I know exactly who his name is."

Grel: "Name? Who is he?"

Liao Lin just shook her head.

Liao: "I can't tell you much about that. Since this was nothing to do in this world. And I can't tell you the name even if I wanted to."

Fasmel: "Hmmm... Why?" Fasmel expression changed to flat. Thinking about her existence here is not believable for her.

Liao: "If I call it. They will come here."

Everyone is silent.

Fasmel: "What is that? A ghost story."

Liao: "Believe it or not it is up to you. And I should hide the name for your safety. All I can tell you is his number."

Arhi: "Number? Is it the one with the shining thing on the high-rank demon chest?"

Liao: "Yes... His number is six in the Romawi number."

Fasmel: "Romawi?"

Liao: "Yes... Romawi. It was common knowledge."

Well, I know what Romawi is. Then I look at Fasmel's face. She just whistled...

Arhi: "*Sigh. You just know how to swing your sword don't you?"

Fasmel: "Ehehehe..."

Liao: "*Sigh..."

Then Liao Lin explained what is Romawi's number to Fasmel.

Fasmel: "Oooh... Now I remembered it. So, six in Romawi is VI, right?"

Arhi: "*Sigh. How can a noble person not know this."

Liao: "The point is. About the girl. Because she was coming from another world. You need to bring her back as fast as possible."

Liao: "It's because she actually breaking the rule of God. Even though she doing it not by her will."

Liao: "The worst scenario possible is, she would become part of the demon."

As soon as she said 'demon', we all froze and were shocked to hear it.

Grel: "Is it also part of the book you know?"

Liao: "There's none of any book I've read mentioning it. But theoretically, it can happen."

... But how?... It made me more frustrated hearing it.

Grel: "Then... Do you know how to help her?"

Liao looking at me.

Liao: "You really want to know?"

Grel: "Why are you asking that?"

She looked at me for a second, then she closed her eyes. It seems she is thinking about something.

Liao: "I can show you how to help her."

Fasmel and I were happy to hear it. While Arhi looked excited.

Arhi: "How?"

Liao: "Hold on. Even though I can help you, it still needs a long time to do it."

Arhi: "So, how exactly should we do now?"

Liao: "The first thing you need to do is to get the yellow crystal."

Liao: "Since you are here, you should get that crystal. It was on top of the mountain near here."

Grel: "Yea we know it. But what does it do with the girl?"

Liao: "Who is her name?"

Grel: "She is Kiwi."

Liao: "Just do as I said. I will tell you later."

Fasmel and I looked at each other for a moment.

Grel: "But we don't know how to get the crystal yet other than using Kiwi nose."

Liao: "So Kiwi can track the crystal smell. That's actually useful."

Liao: "But it's not about you getting the crystal on top of the mountain."

Liao: "It's about you get INSIDE the mountain."

Grel: "Do you mean the same thing that happened with Mr. Herrick?"

Liao: "Who is he?"

Grel: "Ummm..."

Fasmel: "My father. He's the one who gets the red crystal."

Liao: "So that one person is your father. *Sigh. Even though I didn't tell you how to get it, he still gets there."

Fasmel: "Did my father ask you about it?"

Liao: "Yes... It was the time when those two guys and one girl came here asking about it."

Liao: "I did not want to cooperate with someone I don't know. Even though they are noble. I don't care. And that's how I manage my knowledge not to get stolen."

Liao: "*Sigh. Anyways, not talk about that for now. I need to tell you how to enter the mountain quickly."

Liao stands up and searches for some books in the rack behind her. But her feet did not reach up to the top and she struggled.

Liao lurks at us. We all pretend not to look at her. Arhi instantly tried to drink the tea but she coughed after that.

Then Liao grabbed some of the small chairs. Then she placed it right below her and she used it and now she could reach the book. Then she stepped down and went back to us. Then she sat down again facing us and opened up the book.

I look at the book. It has a weird language. I don't know what it's written in there. (Reference: The language was written with Japanese words.)

Arhi: "Uuuh. You can read those things?"

Liao: "Sshh... I tried to concentrate here."

She read it and we remain silent, for a long time.