Chapter 5: Inside the Dark Triad; Mask [1]

We've come a long way in each alley we enter; the environment is bad, and there's a lot of scrap metal waste piled up, mixed with some kind of chemical. The sun doesn't shine in here, and the world I've entered is powered by iron with chemical; it's a city beneath the ground, it's called undercity, a secret world or society hides be easy the surface and most of people are acting cautious or suspicious, this city is run by chemicals this lind of similar to diesepunk... While walking, I looked up to see the fumes that would harm the health of the people here...

We passed some people, most of whom were also wearing cloaks as well, and I took a handkerchief from my pocket to cover my nose and mouth from the bad smoke. Aside from the mutants caused by the dangers of this place, there were also steampunk cyborgs walking around, people with machine parts in their bodies.

We came to a halt in front of the church, and he knocked five times on its large black door. Someone spoke on the other side of the big door.

"Mention what the Dark Triad's purpose is in this world," the voice was faint due to the massive doors, but we clearly heard it.

"To build a system on which everyone will depend everything on us" My companion said,

The door opened and we were both dazzled by the bright light; there was a black figure who cheerfully greeted us.

"Oh! It's you, Mr. Venedetta. Forgive for not able to recognize you. If you said you were the Third Order and mentioned your purpose in the Dark Triad, I would have served you right away.."

I closed my eyes tightly because it was flashed by the light that suddenly appeared as the door open's, I felt a little dizzy and had an afterimage so I held my head in dizziness but what I'm wondering is how did she know that I'm a Third Order she even mentioned my name- no this body's name yet she able to recognize me right away even though i was wearing a cloak and covering my face with a handkerchief..

My current suspicion about this woman is that she knows me well. This could be due to our proximity, but if I'm wrong, she could have been working in the Dark Triad for a long time and is familiar with its members. . She led the way to the meeting, and everyone we passed had masks on their faces, as well as beautiful clothes and jewelry that glittered with its sheer smoothness. Inside, it was not like a church, but rather a wealthy mansion filled with priceless items; I observed the surroundings as we walked on the pricey red carpets. We descended a staircase into a dark environment, my chest tight with fear, and my heart was racing rapidly because this is the first time in my life that I have entered an organization.

The surroundings resembled a dungeon, and there was a torch on every wall that lit its fire; we continued walking in silence, no one wanting to say anything because today's meeting was crucial. I tremble with fear with every step I take, not because I'm afraid of making a mistake in my acting, but because I need to know what behaviors and characteristics they have, even if they suspect my strange behavior.

As we continue walking, my breathing becomes heavier and I felt uneasy; I am disturbed by what I am feeling, and no matter how hard I try to fight the nervousness, it will not go away. We halt in front of an iron door with an odd structure, a triangle with a skull on it at each end, like a wax stamp on the letter I received, and with no handle, I wondered how we could get in. The woman in front of us spoke softly in front of door; a language I couldn't understand, the violet triangle lit up, and the eyes of each skull were red, it opened to the right, and we entered...

When I stepped over the threshold of the door, I grabbed my chest because my heart was pounding so hard from the nervousness I was feeling, I swallowed deeply at the same time the shiver in the back of my bones, because no matter how many times I had lived, I had never experienced this kind of nervousness in my few lives. It was dark inside, but there was a dim light at the above of the round table with three chairs and two people sitting wearing masks, behind them was a person who was also cloaked like me, who I was sitting quietly, and each chair has a carved skull on its back and there is also a carved skull on the back of each chair; on the round table, there is also a carved triangle with its tip pointing towards the three of us who are seated...

When I sat down, my male companion was behind me, and I didn't realize our female companion had already left; the one next to me on the left was holding a handkerchief despite wearing gloves, and the mask she was wearing had the arrogant demeanor of a man who is wearing a mask, and the one on the other side is a mask half smiling and half sad...

"Look, you came here without a mask!" exclaimed the man on the right, a little angrily in his voice..

I didn't respond to what he said because I couldn't see well the person sitting on my right side, so the person behind her came over and whispered something that indicated he was going to get something.

"Before we begin, did you sleep well last night, Third Order?" all the nervousness I felt vanished when she said that, and I'm overwhelmed by surprise at what she said, and I slowly turned to her very well and I know she is smiling behind the mask she was wearing, and I knew she is a woman because of her voice.

A smile you will never forget, and I can also see her eyes behind the mask that will devour you in whole when she wants to... I no longer feel nervous but fear and wonder, these two overwhelmed me now, I swallowed deeply and said, "I felt good sleeping last night... but I don't like the type that forces me into such things."

"It seems that you are not including me in your conversation.." The man said..

"I just gave him a present, and he seems to like it, so he slept well last night." It's as if the time paused and indicating that she was the behind of what happened last night.

"I would appreciate it even more if I were the recipient." The man said

"I know that's why I gave him a gift, but wearing a mask is important because it symbolizes who we are in the Dark Triad."

"I know, but for me it's pointless because no matter what mask we wear, there is still a mask behind it... but do you know that we have three masks, the first mask we wear is the one we show to our family, the second mask we wear is the mask we show to friends and other people, like this now the second mask we wear and the third is the mask we wear for ourselves, what kind of mask do we wear when we are alone?.. But in the third mask we do not create it sometimes we imitate others just to tell ourselves that they are us.." i said,

"We imitate not because we are jealous, but because we want to be like them. Is that right?" I nodded, and the man who had been ordered to bring something returned. He was carrying papers and a map, which he had spread out on the table. I examined it carefully, worried about my actions, and he took out papers with a red mark on each photo. I took another piece of paper, a photo with no red marks, and the masked woman stood up and approached me from the side, looking at the paper I was holding.

"Good! It appears that our Third Order has immediately chosen someone to bribe with money in order to lose its position in government and to lose its people's trust in those who have sat in government for a long time. So, Second Order, you must now persuade him, without him realizing that the debt is gradually eroding his position in government."

I see myself in this person who takes pleasure in seeing people suffer, an eyes are eager to see a miserable person in his misery. I thought I was the only one who have this kind of disorder because I had never met anyone else who think same as me, but this person is worse than me; he is a sociopath or psychopath. And when I say that only death is equal, I surely he would agree and say that the world is fair but humans are not, so don't blame the world for your suffering while looking at the person she drags in hell..