A rabbit hides among in bunnies [1]

"Indeed beautiful, and it would be great if we include to ruin his reputation amongst his family and friends so he cannot ask them to help him."

"Therefore we shall surely obtain his current information before we begin to erode his position in Governments." They seemingly happy of their plan, i only took a file of someone who i don't know, how poor his fate be.

"But what could we've gain after of it. Money? Reputation?. For my opinion It would be great if corrupt the chief financial officer or treasurer afterwards we shall begin to corrupt the officials and cause riot to ruin their public order along with culture order." But i do think my idea would be great to execute. It appears both of them acquiesce my suggestion, they immediately act to find the files to ensure the officials we're corrupting.

My father would be problematic when this occur and it's a good thing for me to have a time to investigate the person who rape me, but he might raise his suspicious on this matter i shall- no we shall plan this throughly...

"They might announced 'Emergency State' and may be problematic to us so it would be difficult to assure everyone's safety when riot occurs." I said while they sharing thoughts about this matter.

"I will help your father beforehand the riot occurs by persuading him to open a company with me, a company who let's officials and high nobles borrow a money. Isn't that brilliant idea." I nodded with guilty of my conscience..

We planned this throughly in every possible outcomes or actions might occur, thus may we succeed executing our acts.

After sharing thoughts about idean on plan we leave on our own but it left me wonder if this body's memories still intact to it's brain how can i trigger it or atleast emerged it along with my memory because i desperately need those memory to acquire information of who really am i in this body and this body somewhat give me a clue or hints..

I returned in my mansion, i sighed deeply and my underling is with me sitting in my bed, a loud knock in my door and i stood up,

"Who is it?" I ask politely if ever it's my mother even though her lectures are deafening me.

"Young Master, it's me Ella I've come to inform you that your sister Iskaela will arrive today and you must be ready to meet her." She didn't open the door nor enter but only raise her voice in other side of door so i could clearly hear what she say."

"Yes i will prepare now!" I raise my voice as well then she said "Okay" as i rummaging a fine clothes through my wardrobe and pick to wear a steampunk gothic tailcoat tuxedo with fine fabric trouser to conclude a black leather shoes..

"Who is the girl you brought?." My underling questioned me by not his curiosity nor wonder who Ella is but only to know what my reason is..

"Her name is Ella, i brought her here because i had a feeling she is the answer for myself thought questions." I answer honestly, he's more confuse of what i said,

"To be clear i had a theory that bothering for these past few days." I answer as i prepare my garment.

"And what theory you have?." It appears he intrigue question me about my make up excuse. Hah to cover a lie you must lie again..

"There're still other races or creatures.",

"Yes we're all know that, they may appear as a human with pointed ears, midgets with beards, hideous savage human creature-like." It shook me inside, although the time set of this world is Age of Industry like so i assume that other fantasy creatures went extinct because of humans. His answer cornered me in wall, i cannot substantially lies to cover my incautious questions but i do need to constantly lie i already make it too far..

"No, that's not what i meant I'm what trying to say is What place is awaiting to us beyond those mountains surround us." He thoughtfulness look at me, however he may forget it purposely for thinking it's nonsense..

For now i do need to personally meet all maids here in mansion to confirm myself if someone is suspicious and if not so i need to gather information inside in the mansion before i investigate outside, beforehand i investigate outside i will inquire my sister who will arrive today, to find out who uses aphrodisiac amongst our maids..

"Now!, If you don't mind i will excuse myself to take a shower and my sister will arrive in few minutes she might detect your magic so remove it as you leave." I leave, brought my garments along with me in bathroom...

I walk down stairs wearing the garments i prepared, my parents were waiting outside our mansion. After a minutes he butlers open the gate and the an automobile drive in, my family joyously runs toward to automobile where my sister ride. I'm standing near the front door of mansion looking at them..

Since my sister is here my mother probably scold and lectures me about how my sister is overachiever, i do really despise the people who compares me to others as if i should become them, they walk in to get inside so my sister could get rest but it left me feel invincible after she ignores me..

I let it be since she might hear-no she already grasped about my behavior, and now i will personally meet our maids..

I gathered all our maids and let the butlers work for their current works, the head maid is concerned for my actions. I sternly stare at each maid and call out their names as written in paper.

They were standing in line facing at me as their names written in paper, and the head maid standing next to me having a worrying expression. I look at the left side where the maid is confused about the situation, i call out her name to come forward and walk closer to me. She cautiously walk as her arms behind her back bowing her head as she walk towards.

"Do you have any idea what the situation you are in?" I'm quite intimidating and may thought that I'm looking down upon them for having such fiery eyes along with black color pupils.

"No!, I do not grasped what situation-"

"Then do as i told you!" This maid is young she may same age as Ella, i know why she's trembling in fear she may conceiving herself being sexually harassed by me..

"Let's pretend we're passionately kissing and i want you to hold me in neck." They were all surprise for what i said, i know it's out nowhere asking for someone to do such indecent in outdoor..

"Young Master your request is indecent.. if..if you want few of our maids to be your sex slaves then choose among them or atleast we'll privately discuss this along with your father!" The head maid is worrying as she stutter and it irritates me..

I take her hand to put into my neck as i hold her lower back hips then pull her close to me, our face were close at one another. I stare at her eyes as we gradually get closer to another one, i can see in her shining eyes reflecting her pureness as how embarrassed her expression is. All the maids were surprised, i let go the maid said,

"Go back now." I mutter, she slowly walk away as she gaze upon me. I called another name to repeat it to confirm her... I've done several of them and only 8 were remaining but as finished the confirming the maid my sister discomposure call me, i glance her and kept what I'm doing..

"Hey!! Mother and Father told me about how imprudent you are for the past few days!" She flounce towards me and she tapped my hand as i take the maid's wrist..

"How indecent you are! How can Father and Mother let you all do this?" I let go the maid's wrist and face her, it appears this will going according to my plan..

"You seemed disturb of what am i doing to our maids but i advice you to do something will that will kill your boredom and how can mother and father let me do such indecency? Ask them-." She slap me, my left cheek is reddish. I'm shook as the maids are surprise and the head maid as well, i glance over to signaling the maids to immediately leave..

I didn't expect she would slap me but she made it more great i do not need to convince her to what happened to me last night. I glance all around us then state at her hourglass body shape, she clicks her tongue and her eyes were full of disgust..

"You're pathetic yet you've become impure! How long will you realize-."

"Pathetic and Impure, what's next? Deviant? Our family is admirable in every people in city, thet always look above upon us, highly expect something from us and in all our generation none of the Gargalano family who didn't reach their goals in fact in my age i should already have a land, mansion, company, or high positions i do not have any of those yet I'm still part of tha Gargalano family, i may be the black sheep in all our generation." Now for my finale act i will walk out to go back in my room, i walk away without lokking back and smiling for-.

"Black sheep really? Don't make me laugh father told me what you did and i know you are getting my attention so you could show how desperately asking for a favor, am i right?" She see through me but i told to father never tell our secret to anyone, how incautious that old man. I stopped at walking and face her.

"Then will you lend me a hand for my problem?"

"What!! How can you ask you own sister do you know incestry-"

"That's not what I'm trying to say! Last night someone raped me she easily open the door even though it's locked yet she made me drank it while I'm tied up after i had quarel about my engagement with our parents." A hushful stops us to make a noise she's in disbelief of what i said but it's up to her whether she believe me or not, i cannot force her if she don't believe.

"I don't detect you were lying so you suspect all the maids to confirm who raped you?",

"Correct, but you disrupt me in my inspection."

"How can it be an inspection for doing such indecency in broad of daylight? And there're a lot of ways to find out whoever rape you.",

"Will you lend me a hand or not?" I question her directly with full of seriousness, i need to confirm if that Devious woman is the behind of it.