String [4]

I'm by no means sure why that person insisted on me committing murder of these people, and he said to rely on whatever was in the box to murder them, yet nonetheless, notwithstanding the fact that I have no special skill or ability to kill someone, he still instructed me to do so notwithstanding the fact that we only met earlier and contrary to the fact that he had a better card up his sleeve, why did he not order this lad to kill them? Those ideas wandered in my head in all of my inquisitiveness as a person who will soon be in a difficult scenario. I've exceeded any struggle that came along and challenged myself throughout, eventually losing a sense of hope. The palm of his hand extends out, seemingly like he were offering me another opportunity to live despite my sorrow as he uses me as a piece in his little chess game.

None of us has ever said a word to break the silence as we traverse deep through the woods; despite the fact I cannot see them due to the pitch-blackness, I can sense their presence right next to me. Furthermore, there is something that's disturbing me within, a sense that my own life could potentially be in imminent danger regardless of the moment if this occurs, notwithstanding having realized I'm certain I may step back approximately to that moment and undo my stupidity, nevertheless the current situation I find myself already in is a case whereby you cannot ever glance back at the events of the past while harboring regrets down the road.

A strong gust of wind blows straight at the side of my face, causing me to fall down on my knees, and the box I've been holding suddenly becomes light, as if there is absolutely nothing on the inside. I begin to look behind me to inquire whether they felt the strong gusts of wind as well, but instead the pupils of my eyes widen in terror over an unanticipated occurrence that causes me to vomit in what may be the most horrible sight I've ever seen.

Except for Mr. Assassin, who is wielding a metal rod dipped in blood at each point. Mr. Assassin glares at me with a contemptuous look, his eyes shimmering in platinum exactly like a moonlit shine, and every one of their heads is entwined with a single piece of paper as they hang upward with feet as opposed to heads.

"It's providing momentary cat eye vision; it was intended to frighten you, but instead, in the event this issue did not work subsequently, I must pressure you to refrain from getting involved in his scheme. You happen to be uninvolved for the present, though I intend for you not to recall the things you witnessed this evening." He took off the attire, followed by wiping it off with the bloodstains in the steel rod before he handed it over to me, then vanished in nothingness accompanied by a gust of wind, seemingly like he possessed the power within to freely vanish himself whenever he wants.

"My subordinate informed me of something about what you were planning, something behind the back of my neck, so what might it be?" Rosewood's tones changed while we both strolled into the garden area, where no one else could hear what we were discussing unless her dog had been hidden along with us.

I was mesmerized by the beauty of the moon reflecting through my eyes as I sat down on the bench while Rosewood was staring at me. "Indeed, I don't deny it; my plan is not to harm you but to make your heart fall in love with me as you make my heart captivated in yours. Isn't it unfair that you make me obsessed with you as if I would devote myself to you? Nevertheless, it's unreasonable to..." I sigh so deeply and look at my hands with the blood of the people I killed in my previous life because of my selfish resentment.

"I don't know why you are corrupting the system of governments when you have supernatural power or magic that you can easily obtained you desire long ago, do you also hate humans because if you are then that make us same ideal but different method, I've grown tired enough to tolerate the humankind. To be frank I love and hate humans at same time I also hate myself for being selfish and self-centered, I don't know why people resort everything in violence or power."

I stood up from the bench and gazed at her. Beautiful eyes that are filled with dissatisfaction are set upon me, showing that she wasn't expecting me to utter those phrases. We're both unforeseen and perceptible regarding our strategy, but the way she speaks beforehand is distinct; she expects me to respond to her question, yet I divert the subject matter entirely.

"The eyes of yours are filled with dissatisfaction shortly after I change the subject entirely whilst you had been monitoring me; we've constantly attempted to push against the outermost edge of the wall in order to press one another to expose each other's secrets and concealment yet you have been having the upper hand for observing me notwithstanding having discovered you in fact presented to me a dark elf." She raised her eyebrows in surprise, and her expressions are filled with shock as she murmurs "What?!?"

A violent gust from the wind as razor-sharp as the edge of a knife draws in the direction of my right eyeball, slicing it in half like a slice of cake. I grasp my right eye in severe pain, and my other eye's sight is fading, not from dizziness but from bleeding. The palm of my hand has been stained with blood, which is coursing through my arms as well as through my garments. I will not scream or raise my voice due to the fact that they could have heard me.

"We must kill him immediately! He certainly realizes what we are!"

"What have you done? Are you insane? What happens if he cannot endure the agony and cries for help? We have to heal him."

I merely listened to the conversations prior to losing consciousness as a consequence of bleeding. In dread over what her subordinate had done, both raised their voices, speaking towards one another.

To be truthful, I solely surmised if they were dark elves since, during a few of my previous lives, I encountered a couple of dark elves while fighting demons. I lost a number of units while serving as chief in command as we set up the campsite nearby a hill. Unfortunately, we only had the necessary knowledge regarding the locations of war, yet through my original life, I recall a handful of abilities for survival, and my forefathers tend to be exceptional at guerrilla warfare in addition to their barbaric ways.

I was in severe condition, so weeks had passed to heal ourselves and regroup with other commanders to report our duty in war. Beforehand, I sent them a letter of our duty; we were ambushed by harpies. They are estimated to number approximately three thousand, and we barely exceed one thousand despites being completely equipped with metallic armor. It's unnatural that Harpy's adept at guerilla tactics; I and the soldiers I command are completely oblivious to their abilities during our flanking to ambush the incubus. We lost communication with our fellow commander; nevertheless, I sent them a letter informing them of our predicament... The following words have been written on a piece of paper, and I assigned one soldier to deliver the message; however, the soldier whom I sent was reportedly murdered nearby the base camp a week later. His limbs and head were literally disarmed, and his possessions were nowhere to be seen in the scene; thus, my belief is that someone followed him and discreetly killed him to get his belongings; he must be observed once he leaves this dark woodland.

Such cruel way of assassinating instills a fear in my units, I remained calm in our situation whereas most of us are heavily injured in transpired a week ago, we lost most of our rations as well as medic units and healing herbs. Despite the fact that we've been recuperating for months. My entire body is resilient enough to move around and preserve myself; however, it nevertheless feels heavy and fatigued because almost all my energy has been spent on recuperation. As weeks continue to pass, our provisions gradually run out; consequently, as the commander in chief of my divisions, I form a scavenging group that involves me in foraging and additionally assign an officer in chief among my divisions to voluntarily lead our base camp while we pursue a source of nourishment.

We left before the sun rose at dawn and without supplies, and at one point we additionally set up a trap for animals; despite being aware of harpies, we put our lives at risk in order to hunt. We continued our journey through the thick woodland, and there, in the depths of the dense fog, a total of five silhouettes arose, advancing towards us as their weapons were unsheathed, exactly how they anticipated us to be dragging ourselves down in danger.

It appeared to be an equal battle, but it was not; they were a total of five versus eight, with a slight injury. We faced an uphill battle against them since the dense mist gave them an edge, and what disadvantaged us was our injuries, so we retreated despite the fact we'd been severely damaged; two of my units were on the verge of death shortly after the battle, so we hid in large trees beside the edge of the lake.

Fortunately, we are capturing a moose at the moment, which lets me squeeze the carcass in order to drop the blood within the grass and create a trail to allow them to follow the trail behind us. It may not be a great notion, but we're in a forest in which flesh-eating predators or any other living thing who smells blood in the far distance may locate us, thus serving as an effective way that will entice them in to clash amongst one another while we flee.

As the minute passed, heavy gallop of hooves and light footsteps gather where I left the blood track after the following me and my units hear clashing of swords and loud screams,

*SHRIEEEEK!!* *CHING!!* Those loud shrieks and clash of swords lasted for two hours.

I instructed my soldiers to return to our camp base while I surveyed the battleground. My eyes were perplexed by the sight I saw from my comrades in another platoon—an entire group of twenty soldiers slaughtered by five. I walk through every dead body, followed by hearing a person panting heavily, and I hurry toward that body and see a human-like being on the verge of death. It saw me, yet his eyes were filled with disgust; nonetheless, I may have ended his misery. The creature has a paler complexion and a sharp ear; it is a dark elf; therefore, I have no doubt they ought to assassinate the soldier who I assigned to deliver the note as well as the earlier ambush.

But what puzzles me is the fact that they gathered where I had left it and then noticed the dead body of a dog, which must have sniffed our blood before bringing them. At least, they ought to be able to compete with five dark elves who possess an inferiority complex. Once the conflict with demons drew to a close, I returned to my homeland and took advantage of my retirement to conduct studies about the dark elves. They are clever, arrogant, and nefarious, and they hold an unwavering religious and cultural devotion to the deity they serve.