String [5]

I open my eyes and discover myself in someone else's bed, beneath an unfamiliar ceiling. I sit and look around, wondering if this is a hospital or a clinic, and as I glance into the window, it appears the sun has already set. Anyway, I am not concerned whether I woke up promptly in the morning or at midday; what matters to me is the exquisite meal because this is the only life in which I may have a lavish feast from morning to evening.

When I glance in the mirror of the bureau drawer, my right eyeball is completely normal, but my clothing has changed from the night before. I'm dressed in a more prevalent shirt and brown jeans; I appear similar to an antiquated peasant wearing this attire. I look out of the window at all the structures and residents that constitute the undercity. Apparently, Rosewood was genuinely concerned for me, such a wonderful dark elf, but now is not an appropriate moment for leisure jokes; I need to have a word with her.

I open the door to corridor with a pair of doors on both sides. If my memory serves me correctly, this must be the old church, which is where I originally met the two of them, but if not, the paint on the walls is red with unusual designs. I did not study psychological factors; consequently, I cannot determine what the interpretation represents behind the patterns. Nevertheless, it bothers me because it seems that it's convincing me that I am in the domain of an alleged criminal organization instead. Doesn't it seem funny that an ominous feeling scares me, with all the cruel and unusual punishments I've seen in past lives living in a dark era?

A thought did not come to me regarding opening the door; instead, I kept walking, and a particular individual in the curve staircase spotted me as he walked upstairs. He did not react upon seeing me, implying that he already knew my identity, yet his appearance is familiar; I may have met him before.

"If you are wondering where Ms. Rosewood is, she is at her workplace, so hopefully you don't interrupt her productive time, and a noontime meal is at the dining room table; you may request the maid to provide it to you," a man says as I let him through first.

I did not say anything in response, but I tilted my head and smiled as I walked downstairs to the dining room for lunch. Luckily, a maid has been wiping off the windowpane. The maid turns around and notices me, her eyes widening in surprise.

"Oh, you're awake now, Mr. Gargalano; shall I bring a cup of tea as well?" It appears that everyone in this place has already been instructed.

"No, but I would like milk."

She nods and walks away. I am not a tea or coffee person, but if cereal drinks existed in this period, I would certainly buy the entire stock. In the dining room, I let my gaze wander. After a few moments, the maid returned with a glass of milk and a plate containing two fried eggs, two sausages, and one loaf of bread.

"I appreciate it, and do you happen to know where Ms. Rosewood's workplace is?" she turns back again politely. If I didn't have any status in society, she would certainly reply to me while wiping the windowpane.

"On the left doorway in upstairs," She replies, and I stand up in my chair, bringing the plate and milk with me. Upon wandering my gaze earlier, he had been staring at me since I woke up, as if his actions last night did not make him as responsible as dark elves. Nonetheless, what could I say? They can express feelings such as pity, but not for humans.

I made my way upstairs while using my left foot to knock on the left door. *Knock! * "Who is it?" I heard Rosewood's voice and therefore opened the door and entered beforehand. She finished with her words. "Make amends for my interruption and disturbance," I replied informally, while the gentleman I encountered stood beside Rosewood, holding an article of paper and staring at me with flaming eyes, as if I were going back to the bed.

As I settle into a wooden chair, Rosewood dismisses the gentleman. The desk is filled with work documents, and I arrange another set of documents to place on the platter as well as the glass of milk on the other leg of my chair. She chuckles, but I don't mind. She lays her chin on the palm of her hand while staring at me closely.

"You're so behaving like a little kid, and also, is there something you'd like to discuss or inquire about regarding what transpired last night?" I split the piece of bread vertically and laid my two sausages as well as two fried eggs inside.

"I'm here given that I didn't hear anything regarding the scheme the night before following the incident, and I thought it must be quite the adorable child doing this."

"We would probably have a pleasant night if you didn't agitate Kalista." *Burmgh* She stares at me as she smiles, seemingly like she's attempting to choke myself swallowing the sandwich that I made.

"You caught me by surprise with that, though are we presumed to indulge in pleasure all-night? then bloody hell I wasted an absolutely great opportunity." She chortles as though she's teasing humorous use of me, but if she truly does, I am not annoyed because something within me yearned to witness her gentle side.

"Well, the provocation last night was merely a theory of mine to confirm if your subordinates are dark elves or moon elves."

"Your theory is correct; we're Moon Elves, though no other human would make a theory about the other races."

Thankfully, Rosewood mentioned him because I was about to inquire about him, which explains why his pupils turn blue whenever there's a full moon in the sky, although sincerely, my research focused solely on dark elves, so I wasn't expecting to discover different kinds of elves. Dark and Moon might seem similar, but dark elves are cruel, including to their own kind, as Kalista quickly sliced my eyeball, causing me to scream in anguish and putting me in a critical condition. I have no knowledge about the Moon Elves; however, what I am aware of regarding their given name "Moon" is the fact that they are creatures of the night, or in simpler terms, they might represent an inanimate or supernatural entity that grows stronger whenever the moon is bright.

I am currently in a terrible predicament. As a result of my imprudence, a card with an extent of tolerance bit its handler, which means that I did not possess the authority or power to fixate on him within my palm's grasp. Nevertheless, I do not require an alternate strategy since, as I already stated, Rosewood and I are simply pushing each other over the edge, and Mr. Narcissist will shortly join us. This information strengthened my conviction that my hypothesis is right.

"Kalista displayed several signs to indicate he is a Moon Elf, including seeing his eyes turn blue as well as his hair turn silver after the full moon that transpired three or two weeks ago."

"I strongly doubt that it's a theory, however with your clarification, I assumed you were guessing or trying to fool us with your provocation."

"I'm assuming you are already aware what the next questions is that I'll pose in light of our current topic."

"There are few humans like you, such cleverness and confidence in risking for a greater opportunity; my name is Bulan Z'aphira, I am simply borrowing my father's surname to live among in the human realm; anyways, change of subject matter, your attire suits well."

She shifted the subject, which must have been incredibly delicate, but she stated she was just using her father's last name, which is a human surname, so if my intuition is correct, her mother is a Moon Elf who fell in love with a human, and it must be a tragic love sequence that influences her. Interracial breeding is prohibited with two kinds, which means her parent's love story became tragic. Nevertheless, I have a riddle of mine: 'A word that may travel across every continent of the world, and the answer is rumor, and thus I am going to employ this enigma to reveal her past.

"I am not forcing you to open up about your sensitive history; however, if an opportunity presents itself, I'd like to hear it, and assuming you continued to stare at me for too long, I might melt soon." "Oh really? Because I never thought that the second son of the Gargalano family would behave like a commoner."

"You mentioned it a while ago; thus, I'll behave like a commoner to be more believable, or am I not presenting myself like a commoner?"

"Such a silver tongue that renders me wonder." She raises her eyebrows when I finish my meal, implying that I ought to hand over this plate and drink to the maid.

She begins working, but when I place the plate and glass in another wooden chair right beside me, her pupils widen in surprise as though she hoped for me to leave, which is ironic considering that I won't, since after staring at me for quite some time, I would also stare at you as you work because my eyes have settled on a withered rose destined to bloom once the light from the moon at night is blue.

"I missed my class today; therefore, since I'm here, may I lend you a hand with those papers?" I inquire, but assuming she really wanted me to leave, I won't compel her. I suggest aiding her with this paperwork for the following two reasons: first, I want to spend time looking at her as she works, and second, I seek to find out what all of these papers are regarding.

She nods, so I begin assisting her, but after several hours of working, my buttocks are tightening in discomfort from sitting for four hours straight, and my mind becomes preoccupied with numbers. Is this a bourgeois way of life? The majority of it consists of figures, contracts, collaboration, and trade percentages; it is all about business. FUCK!!! I should be more careful with my words and not be immediately affected by my emotions. Is it possible that I'm forecasting my own life if our plan goes off without a hitch? Bloody heck, folks.