Chapter 9: The Infested Hotel Part 1

Yui had awoke quickly a cry of panic catching in her throat, looking around the pitch black room. The only noises she could hear were the snores of her two friends. Kuro and Kazui. When had they entered the room?

Glancing around the room that was notoriously dark, last she remembered was she had left at least a few dim lights on. Now that she realized it, it was also pretty warm inside of the hotel. That was the moment she as well had realized that the power was out in the hotel.

Stumbling over the bed, she crawled her way over to the sleeping men. Shaking them awake, they both came too. Blinking the sleep out of their eyes as they both looked around obviously lost and confused.

It took the two a few moments before they remembered exactly where they were, and it was in that moment they realized the exact same thing that everyone else in the hotel had.

"Yui...what's going on? something...the matter...?" Kuro spoke somewhat hoarsely, as it was obvious he had grown a bit dehydrated after sweating in his sleep for so long.

"I'm sorry for waking you guys...Just had a bad dream and wanted make sure you were all okay." Yui admitted slightly embarrassed to be admitting such a thing to her two friends. But she knew they wouldn't make fun of her for having nightmares, especially with everything that had been going on.

"It's fine Yui." Kazui spoke simply giving Yui a small head pat.

It was almost impossible to think in that moment they were living in a apocalypse scenario. It just felt like one of their normal summer nights, staying in a ran down cabin in the middle of the mountains, the heat of it all driving them to the verge of insanity.

The only thing that kept them rooted in the reality of it was the echoing boom that sounded in the distance. It shook the building they were in. Just enough for them to notice.

"What...what...was that..?" Kuro questioned fear creeping into his voice as he spoke.

"Nothing good by the sound of it." Kazui responded slowly shifting so he was sitting up, not that it mattered any. Since they couldn't see each other unless they got within kissing distance, which was something Kazui didn't want to risk. Since he wanted to be as whole as he could.

"Should we go get the others?" Yui asked looking at the two, not knowing if she was looking at their faces, or it she was looking at their chests, or even if she were looking at them at all. After they had shifted upon waking up.

"We should let the-" Kazui was cut off by the sudden cry of Spirit.

"Hana! Don't do this!" Spirit's voice echoed through the wall earning the attention of the three, earning the attention of the three. The first to react to that were both Kazui and kuro who both sprang up off the floor and out the room.

As the two got close to the door to Hana's room. Kazui paused, in the darkness he should've tripped over Dylan's body. The last place they had seen him was sitting in front of the door keeping watch on if anything were to happen. Which in this case, something was happening.

Grabbing the door, Kazui opened it right as Spirit ran into him sending both of them tumbling out into the hall.

"Spirit what the hell man?!" Kazui roared in protest as Spirit quickly rose from the ground pulling the door closed, before the sound pounding could be heard coming form the other side. "Wait. Why did you close Hana inside?"

"That isn't Hana anymore! It is something completely different! Please just trust me on this!" Spirit yelled holding onto the door, the pounding continuing.

"What do you mean that isn't Hana anymore...?" Yui questioned her voice breaking at the implications of the words he spoke. Did it mean she had died? She had become one of the very things they had been running from?

"I...I watched her die...Watched as she breathed her last breath...then she came back...trying to eat me." Spirit spoke his voice breaking.

Dylan stood there in horror watching as they tore Tsuki's body apart, further breaking the door in the process, the first thing he saw was one of the dead's faces covered in fresh blood. Breaching as its body moved further into the lobby.

It was then Dylan finally began reacting, backing up hearing the loud crash of a door behind him. Forcing him to take a quick glance down that was, only to see pitch black darkness as far as the eye could see. The only way he knew what was down the hall was by the sound of his friends voices.

"Guys! They broke in! They broke in!" Dylan yelled beginning to rush down the hall, towards his friends.

Hearing those words, Spirit's eyes widened. First Hana turned, now the dead had broken into the only safe place they were aware of? Things were just proceeding to get better and better by the minute..

Standing a top the roof of four story was a man wearing a gasmask, his long black coat flapping in the wind. Taking in the sight of the biggest calamity mankind had ever been apart of. This moment was the result of one damned infected.

It was a pity really. The people whose lives had been stripped away from them.

Now it was up to him to do something he had never expected to receive the kind of job he had just twelve hours ago. Find and Rescue. He had seriously fucked up being so late arriving to the city, to the point he had to skirt around the multiple military checkpoints. Nearly getting caught a time or two. Though a well placed bullet handled the situation.

Looking at the screen of his phone, he saw the image of a boy that went to Toukan high. He had a mop of mess black hair that wrapped around his head, Vibrant green eyes looked into the camera presenting a happy smile. And under the image was a single word. A name.
